478 FOB.TY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 136. 1881, Sandusky River- Improving Sandusky River, Ohio seven thousand five hundred dollars_ Wabash River. Improving Wabash River, Indiana, fifty thou and dollars, one-half gf _ which is to be used on the river above Vincennes. Wl¤*<> River- Ilmprioxiing Wvlpte Ijgivi, Indiana,hfrom Vgapzgh River to Portersvillo, an to a s on est or twenty thousand dollars. niinois River. d I-Improving Illinois River, Illinois, two hundred and tlfty thousand 0 ars. Mississippinivor. Lhimprogipgl Mississippi River at and above Alexandria, Missouri, six ousan dollars. Improving Mississippi River at or near Cape Girardeau and Minton’s Point, Missouri, ten thousand dollars. Improving Mississippi River from Des Moines Rapids to mouth of Illinois River, Illinois and Missouri, onehundred and seventy-five thousand dollars; and the sums of money heretofore appropriated for the imprtévement of tlée Mississippi between the Illinois and Missouri Rivers, an unexpende are hereb rea ropriated and shall be a lied to th improvement of the harborhnd lclississippi River at Alton.pp B Improving Mississippi River between mouths of the Illinois and Ohio Rrlwéers, Illinois and Missouri, six hundred thousand dollars. emovin g bar in Mississippi River opposite Dubuque, Iowa, uve thousand dollars. _ Completion of work of removing sand-bar in Mississippi River opposite Guttenberg, Iowa, nvethousand dollars. _ _ d Ipiproving Mississippi River at Hannibal, Missouri, twenty thousand 0 ars. Improving Mississippi River at Natchez and Vidalia, Mississippi and Louisiana, fifty thousand dollars. Improving Mississippi River above Falls of Saint Anthony, Minnesota, ten thousand dollars. ` Improving Mississippi River from Saint Paul to Des Moines Rapids, Mrupplsqpa, Iowa, Missouri, Illinois, and Wisconsin, two hundred thousan dollars. Quincy Bay. Improving Quincy Bay, Illinois, ten thousand dollars. Gauging waters Annual expense of gauging the waters of the Mississippi River and . gf M1¤¤1¤¤lPP¤R1V· its tributaries: Continuing observations of the rise_and fall of the river ,8,1 Rm, 40 and 1ts chief tributaries, as required by joint resolution of February sm: 16, 5983 twenty-first, eighteen hundred and seventyone five thousand dollars. Piligpcgl Mississip- _ Irpprilcivgng Upipep Mississippi Biger; Operating snag-boat and build- · mo ig - raug s eamer twenty- ve thousand dollars. _ Rookrslananap- Improving Rock Island Rapids Mississippi River Iowa and Illinois: ids. Completing improvement, eight thousand dollars. ’ _ Des Moines Rap- Improving Des Moines Rapids Iowa and Illinois twenty-tive thousand 1d35S Moines RW- dollars. And hereafter, for the purpose of operzating and keeping in ms Caml_ ‘ repair the Des Moines Rapids Ganal,_and Saint Mary’s Falls Canal, and Saint M,,,ry»S Saint Clair Flats Canal, and the Louisville and Portland Canal, the S00- Falls Canal, retary of War is authorized to draw his requisition on the Secretary of Cgi? Ohm FMS the Treasury from time to time, which requisition shall be paid out of P L,,u,svmB and any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. crt and C l. _ osags dolgligoving the Osage River, Kansas and Missouri, twenty thousand Cuivre River. Improving Cuivre River, Missouri, from mouth to Chain of Rocks, and removing snags and obstructions, five thousand dollars. Gasconade River. Improving Gasconadeltiver, Missouri, ten thousand dollars. . M1ss0un River, 1mI;nproving Missouri River at Atchison, Kansas, inventy thousand d01- Im roving MissoR' f - ’ ‘ · - thouslgud dollars. uri rver rom Kansas City to its mouth, thirty five laldsmproving Missouri River at Brownville, Nebraska, ten thousand dv}- dolllgpsroving Missouri River at Cedar City, Missouri, fifteen thousand
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