Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/528

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498 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. OH. $.37. 1881, For pay of two teachers, as per same article of same treaty, one tL iu— sand eight hundred dollars- 15 815%.,621- For yhirchase of iron and steel, and the necessary tools for blacksmith shop, per ninth article of same treaty, two hundred and twenty dollars; 15 stat,622. For thirteenth of thirty installments, to be expended under the dirt c- tion of the Secretary of the Interior, for clothing, blankets, and such other articles as he may deem proper and necessary, under eleventh article of same treaty thirty thousand dollars- For annual amount, for the purchase of beef, mutton, wheat, Hour, beans, and potatoes, as per twelfth article of same treaty, thirty thousand dollars- Employés at Ute For pay of employees at the several Ute agencies, five thousand dol- °#€°¤°*°°· lars; in all, seventy-three thousand and twenty dollars. Wimiebagoes. WINNEBAGOES. For interest on eight hundred and four thousand nine hundred and pinpudollars axidtxsevéentieagp centls, ag nge pe;·tcen1g1mdpe1£1ann1ur01;1,_y;er 7 Stsm,545. ou artic e o' ea -y o' ovem er rs eig een un re an ir y- 1862, Res. 69, seven, and joint resolution of July sevemeenth, eighteen hundred and

  • 2 S*¤·*·»6%· sixty-two, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby directed to expend

saidjnterest for the support, education, and civilization of said Indians, forty thousand two hundred and forty-five dollars and forty-nve cents- 1870, ch. 296, For interest on seventy-eight thousand three hundred and iort-y dol? 16 S¤¤·*=·»355· laws and fortyone cents, at ive per centum per annum, to be expended, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, for the erection of houses, improvement of their allotments of land, purchase of stock, agri cultural implements, seeds, and other beneficial objects, three thousand nine hundred and seventeen dollars and two cents ; in all, forty-four thousand one hundred and sixty--two dollars and iortyseven cents. _R.cmova1, sub- REMOVAL, SETTLEMENT, SUBSISTENCE, AND SUPPORT OF ¤¤*°”°°» °*°· INDIANS. F1¤·theads. _Payment to Flatheads removed to Jocko reservation, Montana: For n1nth_of ten installment of nfty thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the President, for the Flathead Indians removed from l31tterhlto¢;¥1Val1ey1t;> tihe Jocko reservation, in the Territory of Monana vc thousand ol ars. AP¤·<=h¤¤· Odllecting and subsisting Apaches and other Indians of Arizona and New Mexico: For this amount, to subsist and properly care for the Apache and other Indians in Arizona and New Mexico who have been gr néaygve cplilgctteld on reservations in New Mexico or Arizona, three un re an n thousand dollars. Arwpshvgs, Gliey- llor subsistence and civilization of the Arapahoes, Cheyennes, Apaches, §';’;jQ;“’ ggfmfsl Kl0W3S,.OllH1£bDChBS, and Wichitas who have been collected upon the dm, and wichp Eeserylations aes aipart for their use and occupation, three hundred and tas. _ y - thousand dollars. _ Vjggsgefgg, Biggs Subsistence and civilization of Arickarees, Gros Ventres, and Maudmm » ‘ dans: For this amount, to_be expended in such goods, provisions, and other articles as the President may, from time to time, determine, in instructing in agricultural and mechanical pursuits, in providing employees, educating children, procuring medicine and medical attendance, care for a11d_ support of the aged, sick, and infirm, for the helpless grphérns of sa?} Indnaps, and_in any otiher respect to promote their 0iV- I , 1 1za ion, com or an improvement ii ty thousand dollars. M£231;;b¤i¤¤¤ m 01Fpr subsistpnde and civilization df the Assinaboines in Montana, in- · ut ing pay o employees twenty thousand dollars. agliaglgggéglcoh, Pilgir ssppof theducationé and lcivilizatiilen of the Blackfoot, Blpods, and _ ‘ M1 1¤<> H mg pay 0 employecs t 'rty-tive th sand dollars. Lgiipéiewas of _Suppdrt oftihippewas of Lake Su’pgrior: For sdpport and civiliza. ‘° “P°“°’· tion of the Ohippewas of Lake Superior, to be expended for agricultural