Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/532

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502 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. D1. Ch. 137, 138. 1881. For trust-fund interest due Kaskaskias, Peorias, Weas, and Pianke shaws, four thousand eight hundred and one dollars; For trust-fund interest due Kaskaskia, Wea, Peoria, and Piankeshaw school-fund, one thousand four hundred and forty-nine dollars; For trust-fund interest due Mcnomonees, nine hundred and fifty dollars · Fdr trust-fnmd interest due Ottawas and Chippewas, two hundred and thirty dollars; in all, ninety-nine thousand two hundred and eight een dollars. Furclme ¤f¤11>- Sec. 3. No purchase of supplies for which appropriations are herein Igs °“£’°" ”'d""‘ made exceeding in the aggregate five hundred dollars in value at any mone time shall be made without giving at least three weeks’ public notice by advertisement, except in cases of exigency, when, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, who shall make official record of the facts constituting the contingency, he may direct that purchases may be made in open market in amount not exceeding three thousand dollars. S*}1>1>1i<>¤» Mid Sec. 4. That so much of the appropriations herein made as may be €£,‘j‘;Pg‘;‘;)§l’;_’;P:,; required to pay for goods and supplies, and for transportation of the for, 0,,, be imm,,d,_ same, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty- ately availahlel two, shall be immediately available; but no such goods or supplies shall be distributed or delivered to any of said Indians prior to July first, ` eighteen hundred and eighty-one; and the Secretary of the Interior, Surplus used for under the direction of the President, may use any surplus that may reaenciency in sub- main in any of the said appropriations herein made for the purchase of “‘"°"°°· subsistence for the several Indian tribes, to an amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars in the aggregate, to supply any subsistence defipmtae, ciency that may occur: Provided, however, That funds appropriated to promo, fulfill treaty obligations shall not be so used: And provided fwrther, That any diversions which shall be made under authority of this section shall be reported in detail, and the reasons therefor, to Congress, at the session of Congress next succeeding such diversion. secretary of In- Sec. 5. That when not required for the purpose for which appropri- $3; t!;_”·{ 6*;;*; ated, the funds herein provided for the pay of specined employees at employees_ P any agency may be used by the Secretary of the Interior for the pay of other employees at such agency, but no deficiency shall be thereby created, and, when necessary, specitied employees may be detailed tor other service when not required for the duty for which they were en- President may gaged; and that the several appropriations herein made for millers, $:1;*: ,:***:0 *1%** blacksmiths, engineers, carpenters, physicians, and other persons, and audi, hifgisgf; for various articles provided for by treaty stipulation for the several tion;-apc;-beacon. lndian tribes, may be diverted to other uses for the benetit of the Said gms. tribes respectively, within the discretion of the President, and with the consent of said tribes, expressed in the usual manner; and that he cause report to be made to Congress, at its next session thereafter, of his action under this provision. Approved, March 3, 1881. Much 3, 1881. CHAP. 138.-An act to authorize the ation of trade-marks and protect H10 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represenmiwuu of the United Registration of Statesof America ire Ocngresa asserabled, That owners of trade—ma1‘kS m,d,,_mMks m1_ used in commerce with foreign nations, or with the Indian tribes, p1‘0· thmzed, vided such owners shall be domiciled in the United States, or located iD any foreign country or tribes which by treaty, convention or law, affords similar privileges to citizens of the United States, may obtain registratmsn of such trade-marks by complying with the following requiremen : — Rmluirgmentsto First. By causing to be recorded in the Patent Office a statement b° ""‘”Pl‘°d ‘”*h· specifying name, domicile, location, and citizenship of the party app}?