518 FORTY-SIXTH oononnss. Sess. IH. RES- 12-14, 17, 18. 1881_ culture and the fisheries, to be capable of being distributed in parts, and the whole to form an annual volume or bulletin not exceeding Eve hundred pages. The edition of said annual work shall consist of live thousand copies, of which two thousand five hundred shall be for the use of the House of Representatives, one thousand for the use of the Senate, and one thousand five hundred for the use of the Commissioner of Fish and Fisheries. Approved, February 14, 1881. lp6b_ 14, 18S]" [No. 13.] Joint resolution granting c<X1dem::]d)ucann0n to the Morton Monument;.] Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Oliver P. Mor- of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, and he
- 011. <>¤e_d*>m¤<>d is hereby, authorized and directed to give the Morton Monumental Asso-
- j“}‘°“ or “m“° ciation of the United States four condemned and unserviceable bronze
' cannon and thirty-six cannon balls, for casting a statue of Oliver P. Morton, late a Senator from Indiana, to be erected at the city of Indianapolis, Indiana. Approved, February 14, 1881. Feb, 18, 1881, [No. 14.] Joint resolution authorizing and requestingcthe President to extend to the —————————-- Governmistéand peopletof Fsance and ghtehfamilyig S ngral Laubgayeltte au invitatipln to 0111 VOHIHIBD HD 8 0 ‘ lll. 6 li 'I1 6 0 S6I‘V8iI1OB O 6 ceritennial anniversary of thepsdgemder of Lord Cornzvgllis at Yorktown, Virginia. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Centennial anti- of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and is hereby, H°¤*·iYL°f;¤éT¤¤· authorized and requested to extend to the Government and people of w‘Q,Q’S YQ;}; France and the iamily of General La Fayette a cordial invitation to unite town, i,,,,i,,m.,,. with the Government and people of the United States, on the nineteenth to Government and day of October, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, in a iit and appro- P°$T’}° F;,**§°°» priate observance of the centennial anniversary of the surrender of Lord QQ,] ,i‘;"Fg_y‘Lm‘?”' Cornwallis at Yorktown. And for the purpose of carrying out the pro- Appi0p,i,,,4,m_ visions of this resolution the sum of twenty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated the same or so much thereof as may be necessary to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of State. Approved, February 18, 1881. Feb- 23, 1881- [No. 17.] Joint resolution providing for the printing and distribution of the Report of """··—··;·· the Commissioner of Education for the year eighteen hundred and eighty. Resolved the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States C R<>P9f*¤_ of ih? of America in Congress assembled, That of the Report of the Commis- E3Tg;?:fP°;rinQ_ SIODBP of Education for eighteen hundred and eighty there be Dimmu mg and jismbu. four thousand copies for the use of the Senate eight thou and one 11UU* tion of. dred and eighty-one copies for the use of the Flouse of Representatives, and twelve thousand eight hundred and nineteen copies for distribution by the Commissioner. Approved, February 23, 1881.
- —Feb. 23, 1881. [N0. 18.] Joint resolution for printing report of the Life-Saving Service.
Report of the RGBOW9d the Senate and House of Rqwegemamlveg of the United States i.ia-s.,.,vi,1g $.,1...- of xflmorwa in Congress assembled, That there be printed six tho¤S2}¤d me, printing or copies of the report of the operations of the United States Life-Savmg