Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/569

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FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 79, 82, 86, 87. 1880. 539 CHAP. 79.- An act for the relief of Cyrus B. Ingham, of the Territory of Dakota, May 3, 1880. Harvey Bryant and G111lfordA. Wood, of Kansas, and Richard Parker, of Minnesota, —···—····———- James H. Pinkerton, of Colorado, and Ed. G. Wright, of Kansas. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the right to homestead pre- Right to homegmption and timber culture entry, upon public lands, subject thereto, is S“€d ’°“*°§°d ¥°" hereby restored to Cyrus B. Ingham of the Territory of Dakota, Harvey Mmxmsng` Bryant and Guilford A. W0od of Kansas, and Richard Parker of Mi1111e— Harvey Bryant; Som, James H. Pinkerton of Colorado and Ed. G. Wright of Kansas, as Gu i 1f<> rd A- mlly as though they had not heretoizore made any one or all of such W,‘€*?‘§ dl, I _ entries, and had abandoned the same or for any cause they have been JQQQZ: H”§?;f unable to perfect their title thereto: Provided, That this act shall not be kertou and' so construed as to enable any of said parties to procure title to land, Ed· W¤‘i1;hteither as a homestead preemption or timber culture claim in excess of P"°'”"°· what is fixed and provided by law. Approved, May 3, 1880. CHAP. 82.-An act to confirm the title of Charles Olivier Duclozel to certain lands May 5, 1880. in the State of Louisiana. *;········—······ Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America m Congress assembled, That a certain tract of land, of Charles Olivier ten arpents front by forty arpents in depth, on the west side of Bayou D€19§F;f°]·b I d Teche, being section seventy-nine, in township ten south, of range six (,0,,:,,;,0df) u`" S east, in the State of Louisiana, as per plat of the United States COI1801i— dated land—ofE¤oe, district of Louisiana, be, and the same is hereby, con iirmed to and in Charles Olivier Duolozel, his heirs or assigns. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior of the United States is _ PM<>¤’¤ #0 be hereby authorized, directed, and required to issue a patent for the lands ‘”“"d· aforesaid, herein described, to said Charles Olivier Duclozelz Provided, Promo. That this act and the said patent shall be considered and construed only as a quit—01aim on the part of the United States of such title only as the United States have a legal and equitable right to convey, and shall not aiieot the rights or interests of any other claimants, or affect or preclude any judicial investigation. Approved, May 5, 1880. CHAP. 86.--An act granting a pension to Mrs. Mary Allison. May 12, 1880- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States ofAmeMca in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Interior MPS- Mm`! MW b6, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension- s°‘1§;mmu_ roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of Mrs. Mary Allison, widow of Robert Allison, a soldier of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve. Approved, May 12, 1880. CHAP. 87.-An act for the relief of Solomon Morris. May 12, 1880- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqwcsentatives of the United . _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- _S°'°";’2 M""'“· UW be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Solomon p"Q,;g’I$E,p,°f,m(,u_ Morris, of Company A, Thirty-eighth Illinois Infantry Volunteers, the pay and allowances of a second lieutenant of infantry from the thirtieth day of July, eighteen hundred and sixtyfchree, to the seventh day of February, anno Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-fave, deducting the Day he received as sergeant of infantry, out of any money in the Treas— ury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, May 12, 1880. V