554 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 184, 185, 191-193 1880. appropriated for the payment of the Army, such sum as may be due him . and unpaid, for SGTVICG as chaplain 111 the Army from the twentieth of July, eighteen hundred and sixty-one the date of his actual commencement of duty as such. _ _ Approved, June 9, 1880. June 9, 1880- CHAP. 185.-An act to remove th? charge ff desertion from the military record of ·-··"‘;‘”‘*_— €I`1‘y 0 Gy. Be it enewted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Jerry Foley- _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, C,g;’§”b1° 8** andhe is hereby, authorized ard directed to remove the charge ofne- Pay and b,,,m_ sertion now standing upon the records of the War Department against nes. the name of Jerry Foley late of Company “G ", Ninth Regiment of Maine Volrmteers, and grant to him an honorable discharge with the same pay, bounties and benents he would have been entitled to if the char e of d erti hd tb tcrd gasthisname g es on a no eenen e a in . Approved, June 9, 1880. June 10, 1880- cue?. 191.-an act for me relief or Thomas Lucas. ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ',f\hQ¤¤¤¤ LH¤__¤~¤· States of America in 0'ongress assembled, That the Commissioners of the Muf;ff";‘;1‘é C2? District of Columbia-, or their successors in office, be, and they are hereby, pany. ‘ directed and empowered to examine and audit for settlement the claim Payment out of of Thomas Lucas assi nee of Peter Murra and Com an . owinc out _ » _ 8 Y P Y, SF s '§?¤3£*»¥ iilglih of of a contract, 1H writing, with the Board of Health of the District of bi: ° ° ° “m' Columbia, to abate certain nuisances in the city of Washington by lateral sewers from the premises upon which the nuisances existed to certain main sewers in said city, said contract being dated June second, anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy-four; and said _ , y l a1 omas ucas e amoun oun ue up_ E§{3t*;“§i2.1L$E?a 25 §£°*f.S3i%“¥§*°S 1** ‘}.m"“* ii **‘“ °”*° t i" '3°a’”“ *33 gpcltiriamlit, out of any moneys belonging to the general fund of said is c . Approved, June 10, 1880. J“¤° I0: 1880- CHAP. 192.-An act for the relief of L. C. Cantwell. L C C t H Be it ena0ted·by_th.e Senate and House of Representatives of the United myI;wn’;“tgl'° · States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- A,,,,,.0,,,,,,,,,(,,,_ ury be, and hereby 1s, directed to pay to L. C. Cantwell, postmaster at Richmond, Bay County, M1ssour1,out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of three hundred and twenty-seven dollars and forty-six cents, being the amount of moneybrder and postage funds in his possession belonging to the United States, and totally destroyed by a cyclone on the first day of June, eighteen hundred and aeinentyzmghthwithogg azlijy faiéliéwhatcver of said Cantwell, and sinoo y pan y 1m o e United States. Approved, June 10, 1880. ~ June 10, 1880* CHAP. 193.-An act granting an increase cfpension to Harrietta M. Davis. H _ tt M D Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United , °·m° °» · 0· States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretar of the Inte- VIS. . _ y harem of WP mor be, and 116-18 hereby, authorized and directed, subject to the pro- ,,i.m_ visions and limitations of the pension laws, to increase the pension of Harrietta M. Davis, widow of the late Rear-Admiral Charles H. Davis,
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