Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/666

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636 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 106, 113, 114. 188], Claimants. Thomas C. Lind, administrator of William White, Warren County, three hundred and seven dollars and seventy-two cents. Margaret P. Welcker and Lizzie W. Turner, formerly Welcker, heirsat-law of James M. Welcker, deceased, Knox County, two thousand seven hundred and forty-Eve dollars and ten cents. Pleasant J. Workman, Weakley County, one hundred and thirty-five dollars. James K. Gibson, administrator of William Widner, deceased, Knox ‘ County, two hundred and eighty-four dollars and seventy-six cents. Thomas Waters, Wilson County, one hundred and twenty-five dollars. J. R. Wheeler, administrator of Joel Wheeler, deceased, Sequatohie County, five hundred and thirty-eight dollars and fifty cents. John R. Waller, administrator of Pierce Waller, deceased, Davidson County, ive hundred and ninety-seven dollars and fifty cents. Alexander White, Knox County, two hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents. W. F. Whitfield, Madison County, two hundred and twenty-eight dollars. David Webb, Blount County, seventy-five dollars. Henry Windler, Shelby County, one hundred and thirty-tlve dollars. Andrew J. Wilson, Blount County, twenty-nine dollars and eighty- nine cents. Ellen Wagstaii, formerly Ellen Ussery, Giles County, one hundred and thirty-five dollars. Samuel M. Williams, administrator of Robert Williams, Loudon County, two hundred and eighty-eight dollars and seventy-nve cent . Samuel M. Williams, in his own right, Loudon County, four hundred and twenty-three dollars and seventy cents. Edward Gannaway, administrator of Samuel J. Wadley, deceased, Davidson County, one hundred and fifty dollars. Approved, March 1, 1881. March 2, 1881. CHAP. 118.—An act for the relief of Philemon B. Hawkins _ Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Phile mon B. States ¢jAmer1Zea£n Congress assembled, That the Treasurer of 15110 Uiliwd H‘“""‘““· "’h"£ States be, and he is hereby, authorized to pay to Philemon B. Hawkins the sum of seven thousand one hundred and ninety dollars and sixty- three cents for stone furnished for the court-house and post-onice building in the city of Raleigh, North Carolina. Approved, March 2, 1881. _ March 2, 1881. CHAP. 114.-An act for the relief of3hPaIssed Assistant Engineer Absalom Kirby, of www e ’avy. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Ab”1:":0K“`bY» States of America in Congress assembled, That the act of March Thlfq; paymimeighteen hundred and seventy-three, restoring Passed Assistant E¤g1· neer Absalom Kirby to the active—list of the Navy, be so construed as to allow him the pay of his present grade from the eleventh of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, the date from which he takes rank; and a sum sufficient to pay him the amount found to be due is hereby apprggmated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise HPP1`0· pria . Approved, March 2, 188L