CON V ENTION—GERMAN EMPIRE. Oomonmn. 9, 1879. 693 [ Form. ] as B.!! Stcm f New gozk office. List, No. ——. ""`_"" Posr Ormcs, Nnw Yuma, N. Y., -—·, 188-. Sm: _ I have received. your List, No.—· of the-- 188-, on -·— the -—, 188-, with the international orders, belonging to it. The examination, which has token pluoe,hns proved the correctness of the totals, viz:* Amounts paid in --·— dollars —-— cents. In return, I tmnsxnit to you, herewith, (in duplicate), n.List, No. ——, with the international orders belonging to it. Tho toml amount of the List being -—-· Murks --— Pfeunigs. Be pleased to examine, complete, ond return to mo, the original copy of this List, with your u.oknowledg·munt of its receipt, endorsed thereon. I mn, respectfully, your obedient servant, Poatmmutcr Now York, Y. To the Dmwroiz or Posrs, · Oologms, Gomumy.
- In asso any dllferenncs are found, such diifmonoes to be ntwtod below.