Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/735

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AMENDED CONVENTION-GREAT BRITAIN. Dno., 1879. 705 pound sterling of Great Britain shall be considered as equivalent to 4 dollars 87 cents of the money of the United States. ARTICLE 14. The Postal Administration in each country shall be authorized to Additional nnos adopt any additional rules, (if not repugnant to the foregoing,) for the Md ¤¤f°g¤¤¤‘d¤ greater security against fraud, or, for the better working of the system ""Y M "d°l’t°d· enerally. g All such additional rules, however, must be promptly communicated to the Post Cilice of the other country. Antricnn 15. This present Convention shall be substituted for, and shall take eifect, Commencement in lieu of all previous Conventions or arrangements relative to tho ex- APF;} 1» l€$0»t;° change of money orders between the two countries, on the 1st day of OQ April 1880, and shall continue m force until twelve months after either twglvg m(,,,¤hS¤ ,.0. of the contracting parties shall have notiiied to the other its intention t ce. to terminate it. Done in duplicate and signed in Washington on the 18th day of December in the year of our Lord, 1879, and in Loudon on the 2nd day of December in the year of our Lord, 1879. [S 1 Hb I mm D. M' Ga 0 · 0 ’0S - 00 Signatures_ Postmaster ematz of the Umm States. €3l&‘i“§§f&.?f “‘° JOHN MANNERS, [Seal ¤fat1§;g1%¤1;?Qgg Postmaster General of the United Kingdom. uglmo Kjngaom.] I hereby approve the foregoing amended Convention, and in testimigny thereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereto a d. XG B.. B. HAYES. UL?,?';} gfaigs, By the President: WM. M. Evimrs, Secretary of State. Dnoemnnn 191*11, 1879. xxr-45