CON VENTION-—FRA.NOE. Dncmmsmz 29, 1879. 7 39 " D N0. l." N0 5 ~¤] 2
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1 ° Ehnam ‘ P0stOti1ce1Jepartmont i tg I Q r ending gu 0the X `E I °$ United States *5 </1 ____,,,;,_;___ 3 g é 0f . e. c ! é` > America. I y E - ¤ ,_ Q { 5 2 188-. ° vv s’” a Q To me F 5 gg United States. —————-——————~ ( International money-order SOI VIOG. A t __ (I ) From os cney-or ers P tal M of d F ,, · issued b Post-Oiiices in mm and A1¤°“"‘· France and Alggria, and eemned by the Exchange PostOffice of New York for payment in the United States, Month Lit i the advices of which have been dispatched during the " f —·;——————, above-nained month : 1 18S_` with an Account (II) of such I orders, x the amounts of which have been restored by the Post Ofnce Departmenih of the United States i to the K Post Office Department of France, g during the same period.