754 AMENDED CONVENTION-CANADA. MAY AND JUNE, 1880, exchange for the amount thereof on New York. The United States Post Office Department will then send in return an acknowledgment of receipt. Payment of bal- 2, If pending the settlement of an accolmt, 0116 of the two Postal °·“°°“· Administrations shall ascertain that 1t owes the other a balance exceeding Ten Thousand dollars, the indebted Administration shall promptly remit the approximate amount of such balance to the credit of the other. Cvstofexchenge- 3. The expense attending the remittance of bills of exchange shall invariably be borne by the Post Office Department by which the pay- ment is to be made. 4. Payments may also be made in money or by drafts or bills of exchange on points other than Montreal and New York, by mutual agreement between the two Departments. ARTICLE 15. Paid of6m- ]Th]e plaid] qrders shgllbremagn in the rioislsession of the Administration w ic s a ave pai them ut eac o e two Administrations agrees to place, temporarily, at the disposal of the other, any paid order, the return of which shall have been requested. Aarxonn 16. M<>di;i<==·¢i<>¤¤ Bf The two Postal Administrations may, by mutual agreement, make .;:‘,;’:" lg? ";’g’_8; modiucations if found expedient, in matters of detail connected with mm, the execution of the provisions of the present Convention, in order to provide for greater security against fraud, or for the better working of the international system. ' Anrionn 17. _ Right *¤¤¤¤P¤¤d Each of the two Administrations is empowered under extraordinary ggfgif °‘d°" “" circumstances, which may be of a nature to warrant the measure, to suspend temporarily the money order service between the two countries, provided however that notice of such suspension be given to the other Admmistration immediately, and 1f deemed necessary by means of the Telegraph. Anzrxonn 18. Convention to The present Convention shall take eifect on the first day of July §’gg8_°“°°*’ JM? L 111.88013 and sjhalll remalin force: Lénigl cgie year after one of the two OOHZ Duration. ac ng p ess a ve no i e the other of its intention to terminate 1t. Dnring such final year the Convention shall continue to be fully and entxrely executed, without. prejudice to the adjustment and paymentof the accounts after the expiration of the term in question. Done m duplicate, and signed at Washington on the fourth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty, and at Ottawa, Canada, on the twenty-ninth day of May in the year of Signatures. our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty. D. M. KEY JOHN O’CONNOR Po.svm.a.ste·r General of the Postmaster General United States. of Oanada. lsgfitgié tggagtsgfgozelbmummt [sgnitgg 51,,6 Post ogy? Dogazftment I hereby approve of the foregoing Convention, and in testimfmy gléixof I have caused the seal of the United States to be herciG0 Hf B. B. HAYES. [ e . s°°`s°iia?§,]U°i°°° By thevlaresmienfg: M- . vAm·s, Se t State. Wasumerou, June 5, 1880. M ml of
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