Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/818

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788 ADDITIONAL CONVENTION—ITAI»Y. AUGUST 24, 1880. August 9 uud Additional Convention to the Convention of the 31st of March and the 20th August 2*% 1880- of April, 1877 between the Post Office Department of the United States of America and the Post Qfiee Department of the Kingdom of Italy. Additional Oonvention to the Oonnen- Oonoenzione Addizionale alla Gontion of the 31st of March and the nenzione del 31 Marzo e 20 Aprile 20th of April 1877, between the 1877 fra il Dipartimento delle Post Qdiee Department of the Poste degli Stati Uniti d’ America United States of America, and the e il Dipartimento delle Poste del Post Ofice Department of the King- Regno d’ Italia. dom of Italy. _00ntractingpa~r- The Post Office Department of ]]Dipartimento delle Poste degli '°’°“· the United States of America. and Stati Uniti d’ America. e il Dipartithe Post Office Department of the mento delle Poste del Begno d’ Ita- Kiugdom of Italy, being desirous lia desiderando di modiilcare il sisof modifying the system of ex- tema del cambio dei Vaglia qualee change of money orders, estab- stabilito dal1aConvenzione conchiulished by the Convention concluded sa tra essi il 31 Marzo e il 20 Aprile between them on the 31st of March 1877, i sottoscritti debitamente a Preamble. and the 20th of April, 1877, the un- cio autorizzati, si sono messi d’ acdersigned, duly authorized for that cordo sopra la sequente Convenzipurpose, have agreed upon the fol- one Addizionale, modiiicante taluni lowing additionalConvention,modi- Articoli della Convenzione sopra fying certain Articles of the Con- menzionata. vention above mentioned. ABTIGLE 1. AB/1‘100L0 1. Substitution for For Article III of the Conven- All’ Articolo III della Conven- $1; 333 cfg7c;? tion of March 31st and April 20th, zione del 31 Marzo e 20 Aprile 1877 ,,,0,, ,,0 ,,1,,,,,, ,,1,,,, 1877, the following Article shall be sara sostituito l’ Articolo sequonfc, 1s an additional substituted,viz: cioe: ccgvggttpsrg (Stat., “Each Adininistzration shall keep “Ciasouna Amministrazione t61‘{‘9- v°,j,s,;r,,m[,l0n of the commrssmn charged on money- per se la tassa riscossa sui vaglw ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,_ orders, issued by its offices, but shall rilasciati dai propri Uiizi, ma P6- pay to the other Administration ghora all’ altra amministrazione tre three-fourths of one per cent. on the quarti del1’ uno per cento sul totale total amount of such orders, and importo di simili vaglia, e rimborshall also refund to the Administra- sera parimentiall’Amminist1*azione _ tion of origin three-fourths of one di origine tre quarti dell’ uno per V°’d °’d°”· °’°°· per cent. on the amounts of allvoid eento sul]? importo di tutt’ i vagliu orders, and of orders, the repay- perenti e dei vaglia, il rimborso dei ment of which shall have been au- quali sia stato autorizzato." thorized." Anrrrcnn 2. A.ar1oo1.o 2. A Sujbstgtutipp for _ For Article IX of the Convention Al1’ articolo IX della Conven- 8; 6;(‘,Gd° convex? 1D question, the following Article zione dj euj trattasi sara- sosiitllim ,,0,, should be substituted, viz: 1* Articolo sequente, cioér _ Aecmmts. " 1. At the close of each Quarter #1, Alla fine di ogni trimcstfu 1] an account, in duphcate, shall be Dipartimento delle Poste del Regnc Pmpamed and transmtted by the d’ Italia preparera e spedira al D1: Post0i·HceDepartmentof the King- partimento delle Poste degli Statn dom of Italy to the Post Office De- Uniti d' America un conto in dop-