54 FORTYSIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Bus. 15,16,17, 18, 19. 1879. S t t f th fi al re orts of the Centennial Commission upon Centennial Egzhi- £l¤'°°:°2g*gP°¥g)°; bitiog of] eighbeen hundred and seventy-six as transmitted by the United °“t°"“i”1 C°m` States Centeimial Commission said plates being now m the hands of the mm10H` Centennial Board of Finance, the sum of eight thousand suc hundred dollars is hereby appropriated out of any moneys pir the Traagmydxépt otherwise appropriated and the said plates_ w1t e copyr g y assigned, shall be delivered to the Public Printer. Approved, June 27, 1879. June 27, 1879. [No. 16.] Joint resolution authorizingjshe completion of the foundation of the —-1-——— Washington Monument. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of five United W Mh in S *0*1 States of America in Congress assembled, That the Joint commission for ` M°“““‘°“*· the construction of the Washington Monument, created by the act of 1876, ch.250, August second, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, be,_and is hereby, . 19 Sm-» W3- authorized to expend, for the completion of theioundation of the mon- ,·o,?o?;£o{)o?t1°u °f ument now in progress, so much of the appropriation made by the said ` act as may be necessary for that purpose, not exceeding sixty-four thousand dollars above the sum now authorized. Approved, June 27, 1879. Juno 28, 1879. [No. 17.] Joint resolution relative to certain accepted drafts and other papers in the -———-——-—-—·— . Department of State. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United D¤1¤¤r*~¤¤¤¤¤ of States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State be, S"“”°· and he hereby is, directed to deliver to the person justly entitled to the Surrender of wr- possession thereof three several drafts for the sum of Eve thousand dol-
- 1** d’“f“· lars each, dated New York, August second, eighteen hundred and fifty-
nine, and drawn by Santiago Vidaurrie, governor of Nuevo Leon and Cohuahuila, by Ignatius Gulindo, Agent, on J. M. Mata, Mexican mmister, Washington, District of Columbia, and accepted by said J. M. Mata, and made payable at the Bank of the Republic, New York, and all other papers relating to said drafts, the same having been deposited in the Department of State by error. Approved, June 28, 1879. . June 28, 1879. [No. 18.] Joint resolution donating granite blocks to Mower Post Grand Army of the -———·—····— Republic of New Orleans Louisiana. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Mower Post G. of America in Congress assembled That the Secretary of War be and he A- M New is hereby authorized and directed to donate to Mower Post Grand Army Od°‘“‘?· of the Republic at New Orleans certain blocks of ite now] in at SMD Y S Granite blocks . . . . . for mooumooo Fort Livingston Louisiana, and which are of no use to the government, for the purpose of completing a monument to the union dead at the Chalmette National Cemetery near New Orleans. Approved, June 28, 1879. Juno 28, 1879. [No. 19.] Joint resolution authorizing a survey of the Mississippi River near Lake ··—;·-—"' Concordia, Louisiana and Cowpen Bend, M1ss1ssipp1. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Lixamiuoftlidqu States cj: America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of Wsir be · $$1 ggiviliger go and he IIS hereby authorized and directed to order a survey and recom· L o k o Cooooroio, mendations thereon of the Mississippi River near Lake Concordia, Louisetc. iana, and of Cowpen Benoll, Mississippi, looking to the protection of the harbors of Natchez and idaha by restraming the river from cutting