Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/842

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812»· mnnx. Page. _ ?¤8¤- Broad Creek to Laurel, Del., Brownmg, Charles, 615 appropriation for improvement of . 190 payment to . ... . . . . . . . . Broadkiln. Rwer, Del., Browmng, Elya , 619 np re rietien fer improvement of ------·- 190, 473 payment te .--- - --------- - .--- . .-... Brocg, Hllllam J., 2 Brawnmg, ggn, 569 paymentto - . . . ...- .. 57 Bpaymeg T ,,--.-,, Broclcwell, Archibald, ron nan e, ex., _ _ _ _ _ payment to .. . ...,. .. ... . 626 port of entry, privilege of immediate trans- Brogden, Mary, portation of dutiable goods to, antt ____ ____ __________ __ ______ ____ 561 11h0f1Z0!] --.. .-.. - .. 174 Brgahbzlcdoh: deceased, district and circuit court United States, Payufent tj exccumr of ______ __ ______ ____ 622 pesfern gistrict of Texas, time for 326 Bronson, Calvln, c mlg a -.--- -. --.·--.·..»...-.-- reiimd of tobacco tax. .. . .. . .. 642 Broylea, Ezehw M, 1;,.,,,,;,,,,,- _],,;,,,. M_,. l _ payment to . . 625 ])0]lbl09»l d1sab1ht1c removed . 557 Broyles, Isaac, Brooke. William, deceased, _ payment te -- ---- ,-_ -------- - ----- _ - j ------ 666 payment to administrator of .. . 025 Brrwe, MWF1PM, adllllm-’ll‘l`aW*` of Wlulam B- Brooker, Henry, 565 paymB€:F€;*'7'°» 644 1; to __,___ _ ____ _ _____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ____ , _,,_ , ,,,, _ _ ____,___,____, Bgbzhlgzjllih Y., Brace, W. F., administrator of Margaret Allen, appropriation for maintenance, etc., of the 335 TM. 625 neveiheepitelet ----·- .. ..·... _ peymen 6 ---- ---- ---- ------ ‘ Brooks, A. R., , Brian, Peter, ‘ petyment tv .--- - ----- . ... 423 payment to .. .: .. .. . . . ... 243 Brooks, Emanuel, Brumuln., Constanlmo, deceased, payment to .. . . . . . . . . . 571 payment of funeral expenses, and payment Brooks, Newell P., B tip heirs oi] authorized . . 550 m t t . . . . 560 ranswrlc 'a. B}:4¥e»·,6b1>»orye W, port of entry: privilege of immediate transcompensation in full for services .. 639 plprtataop of dutiable goods to, au— 174 orizee .. . B7i,0;P;‘I;,g;8£°AT0?L_ _IT_’ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > _ _ _ _ ____ 646 gppropigtign for improvement of harbor of 181, 470 Brown, Alexander H., Blgzgnv £‘;"·{“0"""l 645 paymentto .. .. .- 569 m ------ —·-— ---·-·-· ---- --—· ~·-- Brown, czaaem, B"¥“”'· E- Rn · steam yacht of Rochester, name of, changed payment to .. . .. . . . . 626 S I d 179 Brown, Da,,,,,,, Bryant éparpginier an . . . . I B,£,?,E,Ir`3£;[E0 I i l I .``` - - i - .-.` i· I U l l .` · · t622 B homesfegd alxédpre-emptiou nght lrestoged- 539 Bpaymentrtc H""- ________"'"-"'-`--. 648 ryalpi, _ _,p;gggy,¢m-o_f atggw amryglyitgg . . .. .. .. .. 625 reyment te -~---· - ----------- Y —---- - -··-- 625 B,.,,,,,,,,, F,.,,,,],, , Bryant, McDonald, impextaticn of certain cattle by . .- 527 BP*3'Li;1°;)1;;9 —--- ---- ·—-- · ----- 566 Br0um’ Isaacl dwca`?°d' Tggyrégnt to __-j_ ________ _ _ _ ____ _ ____ _ 615 payment To Adeline, widow of .. . 622 3,,,,,,,,, Rob".,'" Brown, James H., 8 nicht to ’ .|365 payment to .. .. . . .. . . 561 3,58,% Hamm, ··‘···· · ····· ·· ········ · ···· ’ B"‘”·°"» J“'”°’ M-» 1,,,,5,,;,,,,,,,, to __’ ________ _ _______ _ _______ 572 Payment to` `'``’` ' `°' ‘ `' 626 Bryson Samuel Brown, Jolm, of Ohio, ‘ a Diem, to ’ 560 payment to . .. .. .. .. .. . . 572 ,,,};,8,5;,, ,,,,,,,,6;), ······ ···· · ··········· Brown, John, of Virginia, 3) ,,;,,,1,;,0 " 626 pa'ym°m° t° ···· ·· ········ ······ ·· ··-— 569 Bgbby N.b;,,fa8`},Q,QQ,[,Q,i ’```````° "` " " ```` Bwwm John G" payment to executors of estate of . . 621 BP"*¥“‘_‘$“,j*‘j, ---· - --—-— ---· - ···-··- 647 Baa, Archibald " ` rown o n . ’ entry ipf land, Grand Island, Nsbr., een. B,};‘Z>,;';‘,f,;*,_;f’ bi, ···-·—·--· · · - - -·-· · ··-- · ---· 560 mm ‘‘‘‘ " ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ " ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ····· 552 payment te, as l...1ma..a.;.tmtm· of Davao _... 572 Brown. Jeln It. mama.., suny M.,wa1e... of Rae-: 0., Bfpozylmlepgttp . . . . .. 572 B pelnsion tp] .. . . . . . .. . . 652 > l uc anan eomas Pa'ym°-nt 1:9 ·‘‘· ·• ········-· -· -- ·-------- - 543 paymei;t to ____ , ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ________ _ _ _ 626 Brown, Marten, Buchanan, Thomas W1, and Robert H. Huglwy, 1·¤y¤·e¤t te ·—-- - ----· - -------.-.. 644 payment to ____ __ ______ __ ____________ 566 B""’w"» Tllmlm J-; Buckingham, Benjamin H., Bpaymcut to ‘°'’‘'‘'‘’°‘‘'’ ‘ " ‘•• · ···· 572 [)6I‘II1lSS10]1 give;) [0, {4; gmc3p'; ppgggnfh _ _ _ , 603 ro"": V“z°"°`”*'¢ Buddy, Francis M., P¤·5’m°¤* te · ---- ------ - ------ » me p..,,.,, ,0 ____ _ _____ _ _____ __ ________ tm B"`°“"’°"> D“”t°”» Bufalo Bayou, Tex., payment to `'`'`'’'‘‘‘'* " •• 561 8»ppI‘OpI'i(a,ti(>u {br imprgvgmging of ____ _ 480 Broumell, Edward 1, Bufago, N_ y, `` payment to'" ‘'`'‘' '' ‘ ‘'‘‘‘'‘ · ‘ · • 65]- P01T of entry, privnggg of iynnmqligtg trans. B"°“’Y‘]i°ld> J“lf‘”"°"» portation of dutiable goods to, au· Paimmt W --·-·--·-· ---- ---- · ···------ -. 572 thorized , ___,__ _ ,__________ _ _ _____. [74