Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/877

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INDEX. 847 . Page. Lgtoreat-—C0nt111ued. . I tom t' 1 ‘ ‘ - · Hg"' on 3.65 loan of District of Columbia do- nh {MOM Emmmm C9utmu8d`· · , _ _ ; na. reports of Cents11n1a,] Commmsmn on tion-muya;>propuation for payment: of. 322 to be printed ’ 50 0uI11d12,n trusts funds, appropriation for . .132, 501 International Fishery . I l _ - _" >-·--I °“ d°P°S}“. of "“]i“°d mm: AUHDG ¤·PPF<>· ? appropriation for expenses of 4 . 301 1>¤#~’¤¤>¤ f<>r ---- · ----- - --------- 394 1 1¤¢+»·M¢4<m¤»¢ Mmmm 0<>mm¢88i<>¤» Interwr Depaytment, . appointment of ; appropriation for expenses appropriations for salaries, etc., 11;.2;;,28,230, 406 3 vf; to make report .. . . 455 for repairs of building of ,_______ ___2B, 211, 449 ¥ Inlcrnatioaal`Monetary Conference, for rout of buildings under . ,__,, 28,231, 407 f vzpproprlatlou for expenses of .. .._, ,. . , 26 for fumame and miscellaneous items. . .2:s1, 407 § I”t°"”“‘i°”“l P4·i4<>·» Ovmmwvm for postage-sfampsfor ma.t.1:er of, odqrossod g I ;};pr<;pria?i011 for the . . . . .4 ---- 455 to posta, union countries . ...,. 231 407 i ” "·”· uma Sa"'iW`H C°”9"°88· for Biennial Register, compilation of ____ ’ 407 €=tD[>I`0p1‘i3»f·i0H fo1‘Sal&ri6s mud expenses of.266, 415 for purchase of Inggollyg portrait of mm I Intemational Sheep and Wool Show, Philadel- Thomas Ewiug, first Secretary of the. 449 I l!h”;a» _ for Support; of Indian Service uudgr t]16_u4, 435 t Commissioner Agllclllblll`0 to make report for Iibhographiug, mapping, and gugmv- j 01} ·--- -·-- ---·· _ ---· - -—---·----— 70 ing ____ _ ___, _ _____ _ ____ _ ________ 278,455 1 appropriation for complctwll Of ¤X¢¤¤1i¤¤·· dciiciaucies for ___, , ______________ _ _ ___']], 114 I HOD of woo', $(1, at ··---· - --—·--·-- 384 for dciicicncics in public land service 246, [ I”t6"`P!`”•‘?"8> _ _ l 254, 421 , Indian, appropriation for pay of .. 116, 486 for dahcieucws in Indian service .. .254, 256, 421 { 5F60m] a4PP’°P¤“1°¤_f°¥ PW Pf ·—·· · 487 for dahciaucies in clerical force of Pension ] tf) “°HS“l¤=mS· “PPI`°PU**m°“ for $*4*4]**4**0** 0500 ____________ _ _____ _ ____ _ ______ 420 I of. .. ._ .·.»-------···- »·- ··—·-· 1}*9, MMM! 1¤m·~» . . ‘ “’}§‘;ZZEC°“ t° C1“““ ‘`°‘‘`‘‘°` ‘’‘‘`’ B14 $23 apfP1‘0pr1a,tx(ms for salaries 111 of5e3e of, .23, 220, 395 ; Turkey ‘‘‘‘'``'`“'`````` * '-'``"'`1;%; 339 01* salaries and expenses of collectors of.220 395 ; · .' `````' '7 `````` "` ° for miscellaneous expenses of collecting.. 2;;,27, to Colgailigon to ncgotmm treaty Wu'?33 1.; 4 220 395 . ····‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ ` "' for <*i¤¤· pew Md mmvs fm ¤¤M¤·>-,2, $34 ”'L'f3$f§‘f€§d4.€Z“Qi‘i’2Z44ng in naval service .. 3 I , · Q * . . for detecting and bringing to trial persons ‘ mggggogggggig for 60 .,50 ¤¤1e·»¤¤g ws Qf ~ ----— 22*% -*90 ¤ fI)1‘d0H0i6]1Ci€S in .. .. . · 150, 350 for salaries, expenses, and fees fox gaugcrs, . · _ . · I Imestmgating A gems, §%6HbS’ Surv€y0rS’ and Storgkceéjflggo 393 i S0\1Dh6I'D.C13»iIIlS Commission,aqtpr<>pria,ti011 fOl` (§0I]]pil3;tiOD of ]€L\VS 8d1d manual Of, to ’ [1g3S Of; .t.0.S; bo bound , .. . . . 35 I Iowa ``'°`` deficiency appropriation for salaries and cx- Ogmoutes established in ______ 22 95 207 357 P·=>¤¤·=¤ of ¢<>¤<><>*¤<¤¤ of ----· ·—-— *¤· 4*% ? 5mm stm com mmf, to be h41d5o ’ for Smmmv di‘°’S» Gm ··-· ············ 241v 410 * the Limos and places for holdirw disfor miscellaneous items . .-. . 254 ] trict courts in _____ _ _____ _ ____ ____ [55 for detcqtjug Y101am0D of laws °f ‘‘‘‘`‘ 244* 416 E causes may be removed {Tom State courts for salaries ot agents, cbc., of... . 416,-ig? j to _ ______ I ____ __ _____ _ 155 for redemption of stamps . .. 4 1 · · 7 h b.- by. _____ ____ 1;* fw ·¤¤v<=¤S¤¤ <>f ¤<>¤¤¤¤¤g— ---- 428 t goggiglegbzogpvgsiitl xirfrhgru division or. 154; miscellaneous provisions relating to dist111— 4 clerk Of district, C;’m.t to be clerk of __ _ _ 155 ers, distillery, distilled spirits, ctc. ..145-149 | time to lake or bmou iu, Oomhmed fm. puh_ special tax on dealers in loaf-t0bu»000 --.--- 291 | HG usc to offyofCouuai1B1u&s. . 171 provisions, concerning inzmufact11res and _ mk, to Cam. Lake 4,,, Oouvgygd fg city Or manufactories of tobacco . .. 108 { Council Blugs ______ _ ,____ 3g;; for Lrzzpectiou of manufactured tobacco, 167 approprizmon im. Sala{.i0?’ ctc_, in Om(;;0éé4 410 relating-to -entpottatioo-of .m:mx1factsure>d 4 S‘E`Y0y(;E,€€§€T_?_ _ ,42] . . . - ---- · · ‘ m vos cc m - tobacco ,67 168 [ for do cum 1 t I I _ t I _ mae Vinegar factories, law as to IOC3i3i0H of 0€1'· E Burhngggléog?;;;hY>o{u(;§stri;:t of. . . . . . - 508 win, m<>di¤<><1 ----- ---- - ----—·- 20 i fgwq, mum, _ Dl#vrnational.Bureuu, Postal, _ _ ; appyopyjmioyys {ot interest, ctc., bo. . r 120, 490 Berne, Switzerland, appropriation for ex- g Iowa Indian Trust lands, _ pcuses of the ... . ... 377 i appyopykmou for interest ou nowprxying V International Bureau, Weights and Mcasure8,_ I stocks of -·-··· ·--- 1·;2» 401 a»ppr0pria,i;i0us as contributions for 11184111- I Iredale, Ada, _ _ _ _ tenzmce of . . . . 265, 455 I American yogystor to be xssucd 10 Brntlsh 170 for dgiigigngigs jp _,,, . . .. -. . ...» 417 E d ship, {LS b2I‘k AUYU9 Johnson ···‘‘‘‘‘ Int · t—' Z 0 mt , Wht nd Measures Irclan _ _ , . 4"§§IS'{"0§,‘1?II§tiO,‘{"¥'$?BQQGDQZ O? ’ 444 * 4ppr€~p¤e~·»¤4¤=·~¤=*g¤T*“*§§,°§€“PP"°“‘°°’ :,0;; Iméwiaiional Exhibition, Arts, Manufactures, ! U I61I0f of1MB1S mg P -····· ·· · · to be held in New York, 1883 . 77 ITT8h; JP88}’h¤ , t 3,006 t resent b N ___ _ 603 International Exposition, h f I t fC ; IT£:1QL!;1l?i;?0z;lglV€H, 0 P P 3·ppr0pria.t;i0u for purc 3860 p a. GSO 0D- _ _: _ . . U 269 temnial Commissioxfs regort 011{;-S·&- 53 I REQPPTOPTWUOH for <><>¤¤¤¤*¤44 uw msu of f , ‘t d t b » - ry . . · or ?£vcgg? Lzgfgsurgxg E ii} .?? 37.. 49 adziitaioxzel postal convoniuorj 788 for deficiencies in . ..·--- - ·-·— 239 I ° ‘‘‘'’‘'``` __ ______ _ ____, 792 reports 011, at Sydney and Melbourne .. 49 forms, o c . . ...--- ----