854 INDEX. Page. LW_ _ P‘*€°· - · . P 1810/MI M;;i;,,'E,t1?i';tg£I:hi€,rg;7{jdiug fm. ____________ _ 151 pestq-0$peqesta,l»iisbe¢l in. 15, 22, 3Q, 97, 205, 208, 360 · a ro )l`12H1()1lS ior office of surveyorgcn- LM Sodw Bay, Z, 1; f h b Pp lerul of 23 233 410 ° °u]‘()]' .·-...»••...—-·-.·-··--··-· y ; a'pPr0I;;1a?‘T_ __? _ _ _ ____ 181, 469 for contingent expenses of . . . . .273, 449 Lawn, for deficiencies for survey of public lands ef Bags to committee on i11augu1‘a·l Gere- m -·--·--·----- ; -··-··- ; ·--- ---- ---- 4%-* monies ______ _ ____ _ ____________ _ ____ 131 for resurvey of public lend; in .2 . . ._ . 401 of artillery, etc., for s01d.iers’ reunion, Lin- Smte oi, divided into two `]ud1c1a,1d1str1otscoln, N°bI.__ ____ _ _____ _ _______ __ ____ ]_3]_ _ eastern and western .:..,2. .. r.- t.. 507 for soldiers' reunion, Sta/ce of Maine . 131 pamsheécomposnng western Judicial district rm, Lveo District of Columbia _ .. . ...- _ _ - . I . --.. - .- - — deficiency appropriation for interest on 322 suits to be brougint in d1str1cts where de- Loan, Linthicum, fendant resides, two or more defendappropriaticn for interwt on .. .. . . 160 ants may be brought where enther 507 f · . 1; f .,..,. _ ... . ..,,.. 466 reside ..,..,., ,... ,,., Localogggidgl (2*108;:1, civil actions pending may, with consent, be r appropriation for pay of . . . . . . . . . . 178, 376 transferred to western dxstrxct ... o07 Local Quarantine Stations, district and circuit courts of, sem1-annually, appropriation for expenses of; proviso 266,442 two sessions ea.ch_, to be held at Ope- Locke, Jesse, kgusas, Alexandria,, Shreveport, and 50 bt ...___ _ ___._.,.,,.._,_,___. 647 onroe ul _.____ __-. ____ ____ ______. 7 Lo1:>;e;Bd?l?oma¢:s B., judicial officers ger western jqdiciiml drisisrict payment to . . . .. . . . . . . 647 authonge to e appomte ; powers Locks, and duties . . . - ,... - - . - 507 ` t' f f T Do art- Louisville Ky. 8PpmI;n1:u:;0g _ _?T’___?T, -265, 441 port of feutrp, privilege of immediate transfor deieieneieg in _ _____ _ _______________ _ 416 pcxatjon of dutigrbleguods 1:0, author- 174 for repairs of .. . . .. . ... . 241 IZ ---· -· - - —---—- - - - - -------- - ---- Locu. is terms of courts 3.1; .. . . . . - 46 in SL/fippggotg, and Dakota,) rgligf of pre- 6SiZ3.i1`IiS]11I16Ixt of ]if8—S2.ViI1g Shui3i0H 313 . 379 empturs injured by ________________ _ ]_] Lauzsmlle and Rmilgmd Cana], relief of settlers whose crops are injured by- 48 tells on, ubohehed . . . . ... 141 Lawns, Rqgky Mountain, expenses of maintaining, how projided 141 deficiency appropriation, for expenses of 421 certain tolgs fof, to Ire applied for uuprove- 192 ‘ ‘ ___________ ___ __ _____ _ men o · proviso .. .. Lode", Tigggisslou on 562 Loapyozzopgegionifor maintenance of. . 481 men _ ____ __ _________ ______________il/ll 8 n/I0 ll?' · 1,01;%; Marti)", An payment _1 0, ae administrator of Lloyd . 579 payment to administrator of .. .-.- 580 L0’v¢d¤·?l, Wdlwm L-, Logan, Charles, payment to . . ... . 579 Lgmymgnt fp jg .. . . ; . .. . 579 Lovelady, gtegrge, 646 ' , paymen _,.___ _ ____,,_,,,. , ,._,,,,..__.
130, , _,_ _ _ ____________ _ _____ _ _____ _ 579 Lower Cledr [Vater lsfiver, Idaho,
Logan, Captain, appropriation for improvement of . . . . . 189 children or time to mmm mms an omc Lower Wrlmgevw Bwqr, Owe-, confirmed 1;.0 ______________ _ _ _ _ , _____ 5]] appropriation for lmprgvemem; of _,._____ _ 189 London, Agaétieeuv, deceased, to 580 for xmérroiwégxggnt of, from Portland, Oreg., 479 paymeu 0 SHIV1V1I1g oxccu r .. . . 0 a . . . . . . . . . . Lon Ander de cd Lubee Channel Mc. pgpment togaugidbw of __.._____,____, 579 Lazpprtvolpgriatidn for improvement of ,...,.._ 180, 472 L D 'd as omus
{gg, ag executor of Long, dg- 3f, ·§uEh0IiZ0(l to 116 audited Rl1d paid- 554
ce sed .. . . . ... . 579 , - ·, Long, Jamie, paymelnt Ito, as edmigistrator of G. W. 79 payment to _ _____ _ _._______ __ _____________ 559 . uc ebb, deeeggg ________ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ 5 Long, Joseph B., Ixudmgtod Mech. _ homestead entry of land, c0n6.rmed .. . 552 a·pprop1Z1ation ,for the mprovement of the Lew, Margaret, deceased? Lum Jliarbor at --182,471 pa. ment to executor 0 ..-... . . . . . 582 0 W Long? William, papment ,1:0 ..-. . - . 379 payment to ______ ____ _____ , __,, ,______ ___ _ 579 Igjnch, John Au, l i Looney, William, payment Lo as executor of Wl1I16m H., dopayment to .. . . . .- 567 Ly N céearsed .. .. . . .. .. 579 Loraine of Oak Orchard _¢m je son Meme, of the steam rzwht Kate Sutton, of maine of petent te, corrected ...- . . - 536 Buffanlo, changed to. ,... . ,,_,__ ___ _ _ 179 Dytle, Cyrus, Lord, Samuel, jr., Receiver, payment to . .. 647 bonds delivered to; payment to . . 532 Lord, Sarah, paJy1nent to . - - . .. . ... 567 NL Loring, George B., L cengegfdieleetiou expenses of . . 457 McAdams, Elizabeth, ddmmi:tratr·i:z: of John ,4. ow y wc angc, deceased. . appropriations for, in consular service 139, 345 payment to , . _ __ ____________ _ ___________ 532 Loudon, Thomas. deceased, McAdams, John A, deceased, payment to the executors of .. . . . . . 582 ! payment 10 a.dmi1xistra.trix of .. . . . 632