Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/895

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INDEX 865 ‘ Page.

2) _81 I Newland, Mmmm A., Pm'

· ]\’glg0n_ Robert _--U -"Uun"-""-u--i- B puymenttc "' ’ """‘······ ·--- ···· 646 I)2,y]'I]8Il[ tf), _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ 633 { Nclv Londqn'7 ·C0nn*7 Nelson, Haber, 11., ‘‘‘•··· *· · ···-· l appropmamon for improvement of harbor payment to .. . .,__ , _,___ _ ___________ 581 i 3 ····· - ·---· · --·· -- ·-----· - -... 184,473 Nelson, William, l N°'”'”“"'¤ RWM", payment to .. - ,.,, ____ _____ _ _____ wg , P°·}’m€¤*¤ to ---·-- . . . . . . ,_ ,__. 559 Nelson, W. F., deceased, New Mexico, payment to Emma, G., oxecutrix, and Aaron 11086-1‘0¤t¢S established in . 16, 100, 208 363 _ H. Nelson, executor of _____, 551 appropriation for Salaries and expenses of ’ Nc8W, OM, » g¤~‘¤r¤m<>¤¢ of ~.--.. .- . 27, 225, 401 Vpzymcnr to .. . ..,.,,,,,..____ 53] l for salaries in office of Suyvcyopgcneml r cx itt William D. { of. . .. . . ...233 410 ll3§’!1l1€¤t to . . . . . . . . .,.. 645 { for eoqtiugeut expenses of ____ _ _ _____ 274; 450 Netherlands, _ { for mcideutal expenses of Indian service convention wnh tho, consular ____ __ ______ 662,..673 E lll . . . . .. ., . . . . .. 130, 500 for extradition of criminals .. . 769—775 { f?? Survey Of l’I`iV**l#9 mud claims lil ----- 451 Ncitcrjipld, Herman, of l;ouby’s Soomg, § f2·i71011S, Supplies, and annuities to be issued vpcinsum m ...,_...________ _ ______ _ 550 _ fo Apaclnelnglutns a-tAbiq1ria»;¤»gcncy.B1, 500 Acttw, defwierioy zrpprc pr12ttion for surveying pubschooner-yucht, name of, changed to Noko- f AK? bald; ·-·----·---------· - - - ·~.. 247, 498 mis ,.._,____ _ ________ _ _____ _ _ __ ____ 312 I or pac o udions .. . ..,.. ,_ ._.____ 430 Ncuber, F. J., E for golleziting, subsistence, and care of payment to administrator on estate of- 250 Q Pac ° ***0 °th°I` I¤dl¤¤¤ i¤ - — ---- 498 Nmwe River, N C., g for expenses of government of. . . 240 Vagproprgtionn for improvement of ... 185, 475 { New Orleans, La., J. eu m ity ct f appropriations for salaries etc. in oiice of Vapgropriat ion for expenses of execution of . 140, 345 { assistant treasurer at . . .’. . . 1... 23, 223, 397 z eva a * in mint at -.. . »»... . 23, 27 224, 399 appropriation for salaries, etc., in odioe of l deficiency . .,... _ ..,.. ..-..1. 240 surveyor-general of .. 23,234, 410 { for custom-house and post-officeat . 259, 435 fo1‘ 00Hll1`|g€llD cxpcuzes of .. . . 274, 4:30 ] for improvement of harbor at .. ,- , , 182, 470 fOr incidental expenses of Indian service 1 port of entry, privilege of immediate transin . . .. . 130, 500 portstrion of dutiable goods to, authordfclicieucy, for survey of public lands g ized. . . ,. . .. .. . . .- . . .. .. 174 in . ... .. . 247 ; public marine school established at port publicllnndel ggonted to, in lieu of sectionsof . ...,. . . . . 505 am ‘ in · proviso. . . . ... 287 Y N -4;, R_ [_ volunteers, deticiency app opriation for [ gag-goof Bngygw, privilege of immodjm;6 trans- P*=lYm‘*¤l’ ->f_ ---- _ ·--— - ----· · ----·-- 430 * portationofdutiablegoods to, authorpost-routes ·€St·3,b1]S]_l€-[1 lll .. . . 100, 365 l ized ____ _ __________ _ _ ____, _ _ _ _ ____ 174 N‘;*;b”"”» Qzvvd J-, 581 appropriation for improvement of harbor 1 ymen o _,.. . _ . . . { of ____________ _ ___________ _ ____ _ ____ 434) · Newborn Ellerton . - payment to ...l .-..-- - ----· - ----- 565 l New Bw"`! I?" f rim mvement of 185 470 New Berne, N G., i appropna 1011 0 p , port of entry, privilege of immediate trams- New R0Ch*{"**>_ N- _Y··_ 69 portgtiou of dutigblg goods {50, 3,11- '_ 8ppI`0pI'18vlEl0!1i0I‘ llDpI’0V6I11ODli ofll&I"b01‘0f- 4 V b thorizod ____ _ ,.,.. . . ... . . . . 174 Newsom, J. P., 567 L ew crry, Edward payment to .. . . . . . _ -,. payment to -..I . . . ... 619 New South Wales, _ Newburyporf, Mass., I appropriation for expenses of United States appropriation for improvement of harbor e at cxpositirm m ..-. - ---·---- 49 at .,_.,..._...,.., . ... 184, 469 I Newspaper Stamps, Newby, W B., l appropriation for manufacture oi} for postajlm 376 payment to __.___ _ _____ _ ___. __ ,. 617 | service · ··-- - --.---------- New Castle, Del., g Newspaper Wrappers, , &Dp1‘¢>]¥ia,ti011 for improvement of ice-ham 151 nppropriotionsfor menufactureof, forpostadlm 376 01-3,1; ___, _ __,__ __ _____,_,,,... --...SBIV106 -.-------- · ---- - -·-- -·-· ··-· 1 f ‘ f' .h b 1;___, ,_., --.. ..,. 470 New apers Nmcgigécg 01.;% M °r 5 1 gggprritaou m, for semen . kk gg, ogg payment to ... .. . 582 or OUBG ------ · ----- · —--· · -·---- » ¤ ¤ Newcomer, Henry, Newion, Hcmtu, Npagrxent to ____ , _ _ _ ,_,,_,__,__. ,,., .. 621 Npmymertltob .--- · ·----- · ·--·· - --·-· · ----· 565 ew ampshire ow on 0 m . p0st·r0utes egtablished in ..,... . .. 363 pémyllléllt to -_- -· ------·-· - ·--· · ········· 562 ° United States circuit and district courts Newtown Qféqk, JV- Z-, f 190 held at Exeter removed to Concord . . 330 q opproprmtron for mprcvcment 0 Y .. . . New Haven, Conn., L New York, _ PON? of entry, pri vilego of immediate trans- 5 right of way, etc., on lands of Ulllgéd States M pnrtatiou of dutiable goods to, an- 1 4 t at'P1at§sb1m·§i(;:é> release t;>é.é6-é08 364 thm-Zed ____ _ _____ _____ _ __________ 7 pos -rou es es -2. I ·---- ·-;·_ » » n appmpriatiou for breakwater at -. 184, 469 refund of money to State of, for rmsing vol- 417 for improvement of harbor at . . .. .. 180, 469 \1¤*€€YS ----·-~-· ;· -·--·· · ····‘ ·‘ ‘ :" New Jersey, monument at Schuvlerville, commemorative 512 post-romeo established in ... . . . . .100, 363 Qfb&l?l»10 of Sm`3t°g“’ ···· · *‘'‘ 1:1:1--55