60 FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 4, 5, 8. 1880. otherwise appropriated, for the payment of pensions for the fiscal year ending Juno thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, and for other oses: Army P¤¤¤i0¤¤- Puégr pensions for Army invalids, widows, minors, and dependent relatives, survivors of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, and widows · of the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, thirty-one million four hunmmo. dred and seventy-tive thousand dollars: Provided, That the amoimt expended for each of the above items shall be accounted for separately. Pgugiou aggutg, For pay and allowances for salary, fees for preparing vouchers, rent, fuel, light, and postage on official matter directed to the departments and bureaus at Washington, two hundred and fifty-three thousand dollars. Navy pensions. For Navy pensions to invalids, widows, minors, and dependent rela- Proviso. tives, five hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars: Promded, That the appropriations aforesaid for Navy pensions shall be paid from the Accounts. income of the Navy pension fund, so far as the same may be sufficient Proviso. · for that purpose: And provtdedfarther, That the amount expended for each of the above items shall be accounted for separately. _ Fees of <>xwmiu— For fees of examining-surgeons, as provided by the several acts of
- ”§g¤“¥S°°””· Congress, one hundred and one thousand dollars: Provided, That a fee
RQ';??; mg of one dollar, and no more, shall be paid to the examining-surgeon for each examination of a pensioner, as provided by law, except when the examination is made by a board of surgeons, in which case the fees now allowed by law shall be paid. Approved, January 13, 1880. · Jan. 14, 1880. CHAP. 5.-—-An act to authorize the layin of a tele aphic cable mom the main land -——-——-——·— in Rhode Islam? to Block gland. Be tt enacted In; the Senate and House of Rqaresentatives of the United Appx·oprimsicn._ States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of fifteen thousand _ {1: tglgigclilillc dollars be, and is hereby appropriated for the purpose of laying a tele-
- ,1 R_ L °graphic cable, under the direction of the Chief Signal Officer of the
' Itpmyi from the main land of Rhode Island to Block Island, Rhode an . , Approved, January 14, 1880. Jan. 21, 1880. CHAP. 8.-An act to establish a land-district in the Territory of Dakota, and locat-
- -·-·—— mg the onice at Grand Forks. -
_ _ _ Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Lund dI8V1Q10V m States of America in Congress assembled, That all that portion of the D’*k°*° T°m*°1'·V · Territory of Dakota lying and being north of the twelfth standard parallel and east of the tenth guide meridian shall constitute a new land- _ district, to be know_n as the Grand Forks district. méglsmr md ’°" SEG- 2- TM P1‘0S1de¤§i1S hereby authorized to appoint, rn the manner · provided by law, a register and a receiver for said district, who shall be required to reside in Grand Forks, in the county of Grand Forks, until such time as the President may in his discretion, remove the site of said land-oflice from said Grand Forks; and said register and said receiver shall be subject to the same laws and entitled to the same com- ` pensation as is or may be provided by law in relation to existing land oirices and officers in said Territory. Approved, January 21, 1880.