Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/907

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INDEX. 877 Pa Furman, J An ga mama cmpmm P"'" pension to - · 601 wh ’ · ·*‘·'·•··· · ····· ·-·· - •·-·· 611 may Send tele mms for pubhe, ste .. R1 P1;::?'],] to 648 to renckler geports to éuporiutondent Census · ·-·--· - -·--. . ... . . r Parsley, James M., sr., deceased, . I? f.???]}?? gig? 75 payment to R. L. A., executor of .. 562 to provige postal railway cars, etc.; peua y ... .. . . . . .. . . .. 376 Q• Railroad Lands, Quantroll, Thomas C., restored, right of settlers on, to purchase-. 315 payment to .. . . . . - 251 Railroads, Quapaw Indzans, _ Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fé, may purappropnat10u for educa.t10u, etc., of .. 124, 494 chase certain lands in Fort Dodge Qaarantmc, _ military reservation, Kansas .. .. 311 temporary, when may be cstabhshed . 47 Memphis and N icksburg, granted ri¤·]1t of vessels or hulks at disposal of commission- way through cemetery lands-. near _ ers of .. . . .. . ... 50 Vicksbur r, Miss . .. - . - ----- -- -- 314 v101ation 0i,_by vessels from ports where Springfield audLNew London, grzmted right _ contagious dlscasc exists .. . . 5 of Way iwross WMGGP $h0}>S P011d, Natmna.1 Board of Health to enforce State Mass ... .. . .. 61 and municipal ; when may make .. - 5 Western, ofMim1esota. rightofway through stations, local, appropriation for; proviso.266,442 ‘ Fort Ripley military reservation re- Qaartemzan, Jacob, served .. . . .. . . . . .. . 69 payment to . . . 56z Wyoming, Montana, and Pacific, granted Quartcrnmster-Gmwml, Away, right of way through Fort Russell appropriation for salaries, etc., in ohice and Fort Laramie military reservaof . .. . ... 23,227,402 tion. . . ... s .. - .. 141 procedure for examination and settlement land grants, payment to, for Army transof claims under act of July 4, 1864 . . 586 portation . . 348 Quartermaatefs Department, Army, appropriation for deiieicncies in . .. 419 appropriations for ... 32, 111, 112, 347 in Missouri and Arkansas, additional rights deficiencies in .. . . . . . .. . . . 419, 4:31 to homesteadcrs in limits of . 46 Quarlara, Army, Railway Mail Service, appropriation for hire, etc., of 33, 112, 348 Superintendent of, allowed actual official Queen, James C., traveling expenses . . 177, 178, 874 payment to . . . . ., 633 failure by railroad companies to furnish Qui l-leh-utc Indians, _ cars for; penalty . .. . -. . .. 178, 375 appropriations for support, etc., of ... 129, 500 appropriations for deficiencies in .. ... . 249 Q·a13—nal—clt Indians, Railway Mall Transportation, appropriation for subsistence, etc., of . . . 129, 500 appropriation for . ... . . .. 178, 375 Quimby, John R,, Railway Poatabllar Service, payment to . . . . . . ... . . . . 582 appropriation for . . .. . . .. .. 178, 375 Quincy, I ZZ., Railway Post·O_y'ice Clerks, port of entry, privilege of immediate trans- appropriation for pay of .. . .. 178, 376 portation of dutiable goods to, au- for deiicmncies in . ... . . 423· thorized . .. . ... . ... . 174 Rainey, G. F., Qwlncy Bay, Ill.; payment to . . 55 appropriation for improvement of .. .. . 478 Rainier, George, Quincy, Payson and Southeastern Railroad payment to .. 582 Company, Ralston, Isaac T., _ may construct bridge across Wabash River, payment to ... . . -.- . . 619 near Merom, Ind.; terms and condi- Eamoy, J M., tions. . . . . . . ... 42 payment to .. - .. . .- .. . . .. 62*2 Quéninc, Ramsey, G. WZ, _ hee from customs duty . . . 48 payment to .. . . . ... .. 648 Ramsey, John L., R. paymentto . . - . .-.1.. 582 Rachael, Louis B., Ramsey, John L., executor of Isaac J Wlntc, payment to .,.. .. ... . .. - 564 deccarwda ,_ Racing, www payment to . . . . . . Y 620 appropriation for improvement of harbor Ramsey, John L., . at . . . .-..-. 183,472 pa.ym·11t to .-_ . . z-... . 634 zzaaam Mace, widow of J. G., named, Rama, Mrs- OM. 582 payment to ______ _ _____ _ ____ __ __ _ _ 621 payment to · .-··- - ----· · ·--·- · - -- Bagsdale, James H., R¢m60!/, Samuel, 648 payment to ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ 582 payment to . - . Z-. ...- · .---~ - - - · ·--· · -·--· Runway zum, M .L, Rawwey, Wilwmm-, 63, a,pp;·oprin.1;.ion for improvement of . . . . 184, 473 P2·Ym0¤t to ··· - ---··· · · ·· ······•· ‘ ‘'‘‘ ‘ " Railroad Accounts, RMWOWS E"??'? N Jzv f 480 appropriation for salaries, etc., in office of apm‘0pr1M910H for 1mPI`0V**m0¤t 0 ··-- · · Auditor of .. . . . 29, 233, 409 Randall, Allen D., 552 _Ra·5l,·0ad Bridges, h0mestcad’0utry of hud 6011Hl'1I10d ..-- .- .- across Wabash River, near Merom, Ind., re- Randle, William T, 634 smmous .. . . . _ . 42 pzwmm f? ------ · ·--· - ······· · ······· Detroit River, investigations as to practi- Randolph, Wwllwm M., 570 cabilityof .. . --. Q1 paymentto .. . ... Lake Saint Croix, Wis .. . ... . . . . 168 EGM!/, IM My 619 Saint Mary’s River, Ga . ..-. - ·--·-- · 313 i, P**·Ym°“t t° ···· · ····‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘'‘`'' "