886 INDEX. Page. _ 1°'·K°· Sczvmtary of Statc—Coutinued. Secretary of the Tr:asury—;Cont1nued. to convene the first meeting of the United to make rules, etc. for admission, free of States International Commission 79 duty, of artrcies contributed for relief may deliver to proper persons certain of colored emigrants ..,___ _ , _:. 66 drafts ______ _ ____ _ ______ _ _____ _ _____ 54 to purchase site for p0st—office at B3·1E11I101`0, to report expenditures at Sydney and Mel- Md .. . , . ... , - 66 boumc exhibitions ____ _ ____________ 49 to make rules, etc., for admission, duty Secretary of the Treasury, free, of sheep and wool importedfor appropriation for salaries, etc., in office of exhibition at International Exhibiths ____,__,__,,,_. , ,_,,, 23, 26, 216, 391 tion, Philadelphia, 1880 .------- 70 to construct public building at Pittsburgh, authorized to use unexpended balance to Pa, ____, _ _ ___, , . , __,,,.. , ,. 142 . credit L'A.nso Vieux do Serb builds of to construct public building at Montgom— Chippewas of Lake Superior ..,. 133 gry, A13, __ _ ______ _ ____ _ ______ ____ _ 142 authorized to apply surplus money 111 15110 to erect public building at Danville, Va.. . 65 'llreasury to the purchase or redempto employ revenue marine steamers for re- tron of United States bonds . 457 lief of officers and crews of whaling to transport silver coin free of charge, apbarques Mount Wallaston and Vigi- propriation for; proviso 447 lant, appropriation for- .. 150 to make xamination of records of captured to pay judgments of Court of Claims and abandoned property for use and against District of Columbia; pro- protection of the government ... 442 viso .. . . . .. 286 to carry into eifect act making Chattanooga, to construct public building at Charleston, Tenn., a port of delivery . .. .. - 373 W. Va . ,.,, . . .,.. . ... . . . . ., 73 to appoint a surveyor of customs for 373 to purchase site and construct public build- to establish an assay office at Saint Louis, ing at Paducah, Ky . .--. . . 73 M0 . . . . 312 . to prepare certificates of stock for United to permit owners to change name of vessels States International Commisssion, under rules and regulations to be preete .. . . 80 scribed by the . . .. .. 377 to extend public building at Cleveland, to purchase site for and erect public build- Ohio- .. . . .. . . .-.. 81 ing at Jackson, Miss.; proviso .. 379 to change the name of the steamboat Min- to report to Congress amount paid under nie R. Child to Saint Nicholas , . 108 “Pay of two and threeye ars’ volunto purchase site and construct marine hos- teers," and bounty to volunteers and pital at Memphis, Tenn .. . . ..,. 109 their widows and legal heirs . .. . 419 to exchange certain registered for coupon to change name of yacht Stephen D. Barnes bonds of the District of Columbia; to Vega .. .. . . . 311 proviso .- -:-. .. ..-.. .. .-.- 166 may appoint inspectors of customs at commay sell at not less than par bonds of the pensation less than three dollars per District of Columbia in redemption day .. . . 429 of the funded indebtedne 0 the design for statue for George Washington to District of Columbia; proviso .. 166 be submitted to, for approval. .. 313 to adjust and compromise claim of the Secretary of War, United States in the devise of Joseph appropriations for salaries, etc., in office . L. Lewis .. 171 of . . . . .--. .. 23,27,2%,402 to increase compensation of night inspect- may release right of way, etc., on lands ors of customs . .- . . .. 173 Plattsburg, N. Y .. . . 44 to designate common carriers and routes may lay out street on, etc .. 45 for, etc., immediate transportation shall have Army Regulations, etc, coditied, of dutiable goods to ports of destina- etc .. . . . . 34 ' tion . .. ---- . . . . 173 shall prescribe regulations for building to appoint clerk to complete records of the bridge across Wabash River, Ind 42 Southern Claims Commission .. . 253 to convene board of Army engineers to conto make detailed report to Congress of ex- sider bridge or tunnel of Detroit penditures of contingent and miscel- River for railroad purposes .-- . 51 aneous appropriations . . . . . 226 authority to lease Moline water-power re~ to make statements of receipts and of ex- pealed. . . _ , .,..____ 51 penditures of appropriations under R. appropriation for contingent expenses of S. 3687 .. .. . . . . 226 Army under orders of . . . 112 _ to make repiisition on Postmaster-General to make requisition on Postmaster-General for o cial postage—stamps for use of for official postage-stamps for use of T1'G8·S¤l'y Department .. 237, 413 War Department .. . . . 237 , 413 to settle, by compromise, judgments in to employ additional clerks in offices of charges commission cases- . . 242 Adjutant-General and Surgeon—Gen— deficiency appropriation for preparing eral . ..,_____,__,_________ _ _____ 68 statement of appropriations and ex- to approve right of way granted across Fort pend1t1u·es by the . 243 I Russell and Fort Laramie military to erect light-house and fog-bell at Wick- reservation to Wyoming, Montana tord Harbor, Narragansett Bay . 199 and Pacific Railroad Company. . 141 to appoint deputy collector of customs at to draw warrant on Treasury for expenses Seaford, Del .. . . _ . . ., . -. . 62 of Portland and Louisville Canal- ..141, 478 to prescribe rules, etc., for admission, duty may assi n any officer of Army as professor free, of articles imported for exhibi- cflaw at Military Academy 153 tron at1¢[illers’1nter·nationa1 Exlribi- to erect monument at Yorktown, Va., in tion, Cincinnati, Ohio . . 62 commemoration of surrender of Earl to appoint deputy collector at Lake Cornwallis to General George Wash- Churles, La 66 iugton .. . . . . 163
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