Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/920

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890 · INDEX. Pago. ) P•B•· Smith, Edward .L, Smsthaoniogn [mtitutwn, payment to ... . .. . . . . ... . 635 appropéxatxo? foxgwgcsorvaiuon · _ - downed e c. o ar o es pres:-m Smith E’wd°A" “dmm“‘Mhr0fJah”’17 States at the Cemtenxxial Exhibition S”{§’hY“‘§z‘;fn§° ·········‘ ·· ·‘···· ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ 6 of me ,... . ... 276,452 3 ’m(mt t32g' 617 for continuing ethuological researches SWE"? Gmgc '` "'° "" ' `"' among North American Ihdéaus 275, 443 - " ’ · for`trausportation of reports 2.11 maps to S,;;;;T0Gz§62,,;£ p3£a(;%d; `'``````°`````````°` 650 foreign countricsl . . . . . 269, 447 pavmcut to administrator of . . 617 f°1`P“5’“"?“t ‘?°» for fmlght °“ °b“°"“’t°’Y Smith Gwrgc F publicatxons . . ..-. B4 payment to admjujsgramr of ________,___,, 621 1`€3·PP01¤*§ i§$§ft° fill V¤>°9»¤°1°¤ m b°9»¤`d °f 299 Smith, George R., mg . ················· ·· ······ payment to 560 bronze statue ID memory of Prof. Jose I1 Smww Mgt 1*»·=<*···**·**~·*¤* of T'·~M·*· M §'ii¥E'.aS°},?°?*f‘T?‘{’..Y‘I.l’?.f’Tf’???f¥ 154

°;1?$;°:> 617 dohciency a,]; ;30p;ia.1:0i3 g completigg re-

. ········ ‘ ‘··•‘ · *‘•‘‘ ·· ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ rt o 1:. asso s ctic expe ‘ ion sm»¢n,11m~y H., P° S";;=;;mg;g ;g ------ - ----- ----- -- --—- 281 Sm, J5?.?. ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ Z; '> * aymeut to .. . . . pzmymantto .. . . . . 584 P Smith Jawb J" Syotxzggtgggr conversion of $4 pension to .. . . 548 Smpp un ````'`'°' ° Smith, Jcmuas E., adminbstrator of George, l;'ggmIg’0f ughbhouse vcsmlsto have PORN payment to .. . .. 617 Powers Om in cases of 263 Smith, John, deceased, Sm M ’ " ` . ''' payment to administrator of . . 617 Aylzwécan cemetery an appmpriation for Smith, John, administrator- of John Williams, immovgment of ____________ ______ 14Q deceased Sm · PhTl' , deceased payment to ..’ .. . . . . .. 619 p`lf;,jcut@t:}pMmy A_"wjd0w of ______ _____ 583 Smith, John H,, and Co., *9,,,;],;,, Indians, tax T0f¤¤d€d to -·------···--- - ···-· - · ---· 545 appropriations for installments, etc., to .. 127, 497 Smuh, JOM M-, smmy, John 11, p¤»y¤¤<=¤t *¤<> -··- - · - - ---- -‘ --------- - ------- 624 payment to . . - .,. 533 Smith, John JC, and O0., , Snead, E. K., deceased, mx refunded to .-.- . . 545 credit upon bond ... . . .. .. 589 Smith, Joaqoh, Sueider, Anna, paymem . . . . .. 634 pgyxgcnt to .. . . . . 617 Smith, J0nc owls - payment te; .. . , .. ,, ,.,,.. 634 psémout to .. 615 Smith, Martina, Snell, Thomas, payment to .. .- .. .- ..,,,, 619 release from judgment against .- . - 649 Smith, Mary, Snelling, Wilhlam, payment to .. --,- -- _ ___,, 634— payment to Dissoy Snelling, adminjstmtrix Smith, Mary E., of -.. .. . ... 565 payment to . . . . . ...,, -,-, ,_,, 583 Show, Henry, and I. P. Zimmerman, Smith, Moses, payment to . . . - .. 535 payment to .-.. --.. . ...,, 583 Snow, Levi, . smut 0. B., amz.10mhp.,amz ,1.,;,,. M Gaines, ypayqwrgv to - ----- - ----- - ---------·------- 559 executors of mm .1. Smith, ~$<>l¢* —U¢l¢1>?¢, _ _ _ payment to ______ _____ _________________ 621 observation of, deiimency appropriation for ,gmw, 0;;,0 B fnxpeuses of .. .- 420 paymm to .- . . .. 621 Wwe. FGM; . SMW 0,;],0 _] ccrta.111 pubhg documents 110 be furmshcd payment to executors of . . ...,,,,_ 6g] l’b° N*m°¤¤·1 ---- --- · --;-·· ---- — ---- 322 S,,m;, pmy p George g M¢£1e11a.n uppéamtcd to HH payment to .. . . . . . 583 , " “Y m°·“°€°* ° ---·-----·-·~ smtm, Philip (of South Carolina), S°fg}‘;"’;f)t'§’:fs”f:,H°"‘* H · 594 payment to .. .-., ,_,,_,______ 555 Some", Ram. '‘'’'‘ ‘ ‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Smg'*n;mi€0(°f OM"} · K Milwuukocwis. loan of flagé, etc., to 594 81,5% Rohm;‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘···· 583 Coutrzlflity, N6i)I.,10&D of artillery, etc., I"*Y’“°“‘* “° ·-·· ·~·· · ---·· — ···-·-- 583 Lincoln iié13f `1Z>£` "LLJLQ ```` 593 Smith, Samuel, tg " 0 a ery' H ’ ctc" .- paymmt to '`'‘‘’‘‘‘‘ ‘ ··‘··· ···· ‘ ····· 565 Muscatin; · - --1;;; ---- · 635 Smith, Samuel, t ’ * an ° °g°= B Sr Bmv P“5"“““* °° ···-----—--- · ---- -- ··--·- 618 c»mm1&;éé`J££11$`i:3;ij1}§éAfi6Ai{3f5{.}{S' 596 Smith, Thomas, deceased, B·g;c to ____ ______ ’ ____ _________ ’ 596 P*}Y‘“°“* *0 “dm*¤i**’°’*W°F of · ~---- -- ---·-- 617 Northeast Missouri, loan of tents, em., mu 597 S"'-*»h, W- H-, Decatur, Ill., loan of a.r1zil1ory, ctc., to ..., 598 &£‘;gm;%$;L-M ·--- - —--· · —-----··---·----- 2 State if Mai11c,loan of artillery, tents, atc., 1 · r 0 .. . . . . . . . . . . , 6'5 &'m'z"“]%“t0t° ··--—-·- · -·--· · --·—- - ~-~-·---- 568 Wlgvhiti, K3·1éS·i]0¤;1 of gsgts ind a.r’?1lery. 5;)):7 , · ·, mt sm ors 0 um us ’o oem til- P"·Ym°““*° ·—-------——-—-·-- --— ---· — ·---- leryj ... 595