Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/930

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ggg INDEX. pag, · ’ Page. Van Meier, Anna and Rebecca, Vicksburgh, Miss.—Cont1nued. _ pavmgnt to ________ _ ________________ _ ____ _ 614 right of way for wg;gnu-y(;3,(] and r3,;]r()3(l Van `Wickle, Jacob C., l through cemeterylaudsiicar, grunted. 314 payment to . . . . . . . ---~·-- -- - - ··-- 564 mama: _ _ . Varuell, Josiah, appropriation for expenses of United States 9 payment to ,,_. . ,___ , ,,,,,, ,__ _ .____, _,,, 568 l at exposition in ,,__,_ _ __,_,,.,___,,. 4 Vaughan, Grandieem F., Vwunt de Sort Band, payjngul; to ______ _ _______________ _ ____ ___ 563 Chlppgyvg, :[¤d]gug’ uu(¤XI)gD(`[gq bg,]3,]](;g tg n Vaughn, Martha, _ _ credit of, how to be applied ,... . 1.33 payment to ,,,_,_ , ___,, , . , , ____ , ____, , _ _ _ 584 Vidalgq, Lg,,, Vaughn, Peter B., protection of harbor of ______ _ _____,__,__ __ 54 payment to .. . . . . . . . . 635 Vidaurric, Sautiag0,_ _ _ Vaughn, Thomas H., drafts of, on Mexican minister may be dopayment to .,.. - - - - _... ,. ,,__ , _ . . ,,_. 6% lived tr) proper person _ _____ _ ________ 54 Vaughn, Thomas H., Vigilant, Whaling Bark, _ pfmsiou to ____ _ _____ _ _____ _ __________,,,,, 547 approppation for relief of officers and crew 150 Vauwlfvvmv. ‘ ‘ o . . .. - . additional appropriation for, for storage of Vigncttes, _ _ _ 00lIl Bind bullion .. . . .,.. 242 and portraits, gm stock, fumggbgd by Sec]-0. Vaults, Safes, and Locks, tary of Treasury . . . . 59 appropriation for, for public buildings 265, 441 Villinea, William H., _ for deficiency in . . . . 416 payment to .. . . .. . . . . 584 Vega, Vinegar Factories, _ name of yacht Stephen D. Barnes changed law as to location of certain, modxiied . 20 to __,___ _ _ _,_,________ _ _ __ ____ . ...,, 311 Vincennes, Iud., Ventilating Apparatus, sale of United States realestatein and near, deficiency appropriation for, for public build- authorized . . ... 505 ings .._, , , .._. . .,... .--- .. 416 title to certain land in, vested in city of, for Vermcatiem, of Returns, public park .. . . . . . . 505 of national banks, how made . . 352 Violations of Iutercoursc Acts, Vermillion, Ohio, appropriation for expenses of detecting, appropriation for improvement of harbor { etc .. .. ... 277, 453 at . . . .. 182, 471 Violet, W H., Vermillion River, La., 1 payment to .. . . . . . . . . 614 appropriation for improvement of . . . .190, 476 i Virginia, Vermillion, William, administrator of William established in . 19, 40, 106,210, 370 Scott, deceased, jurisdiction over site for public building at . payment to . - . . .. 624 Danville,to be vestedi11United States Vermont, by State of .. . . . . . . (SF post-routes established in .. . .. 19, 371 terms of district and circuit courts at Danconsent of Congress to agreement for bound- ville for western district ot, changed- 394 ary line etweeu New York and . 72 Virginia Military Land District in Ohio, Vernon, Lucinda A., titles to certain lands in, confirmed ... 142 payment to .. . . . . . . - . 561 act of February, 1871, construed and de· Vernon, Samuel, fined .. . . . . . . .. 142 payment to .. . - . . . ... 561 certain surveys of, legalized .. 143 Vessels, · officers and soldiers of Continental Estabact concerning merchant, coming hom for- lishment, heirs of, allowed three years eign ports where contagious disease to perfect titles, ctc .. . . 143 exists .. .. . . . . 5 Virginia, l70rkl0wn District, when not subject to enrollment, etc 44 port of entry, limits of, deiined ... 143 subject to seizure and forl`eituro for breach Visitors, Board of, of revenue laws exempt from pro- appropriation for expenses of, to Naval visions of R. S., Title 34 ; conditions Academy . . . . . . .-..88, 337 of exemption .. . . . . . 322 to Military Academy . . .- ... ..153, 320 American and foreign, subject to harbor, Volunteers, pilot, and other charges Secretary . deiicicncy appropriations for . . 430 Treasury to examine and report to Volusia Bar'. Fla., Congress . ... . . . 442 appropriation for improvement of ... 192, 476 Secretary of Treasury authorized to grant Vowels, Richard P., deceased, permission for change of names of .. . 377 payment to administrator of . . 585 Veteran Union Association, Leadville, Colo., donation of land in Lake W. County to, for hospital purposes.- . . 328 Wabash River, Ind., Vice-Comuls, see also Consular Ojtcers, bridge across, near Merom, Ind.; restricto certify sanitary history of vessels from tions .. . .._,. . .__,. ,,__ ____ 42 port where contagious disease exists; { appropriation for improvement of 187, 478 fees .. . . . . . . .. . 5 to falls of West Fork .. . . . ... .. . 187 sanitary reports by . . . . 6 Waccentaw River, S, C., regulations to be furnished to .. . .. 6 appropriation for improvement of _,__ __ _ _]9], 475 appropriation for salaries of. .- . . . . . 135, 340 Waco, Tex., Vice-President, terms of circuit court to be held at 10 appropriation for compensation of .. . .215, 390 Waddington Harbor, M Y., Vi: hsburg, Miss., appropriation for improvement of ..., 19l, 470 appropriation for improvement oth arbor at. 1 81, 470 Wadlcy, Samuel (L. deceased, tor road from National Cemetery near, to payment to Edward Gannaway, administracity of .. .. .. .. 269. 447 for of. . V . . . . . . . 636