Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/933

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INDEX. . QQ3 Weeminuche Ute Indiana, E white, L_ B_ P°g°‘ appropriations for installment, etc., t0.. .127, 497 ayment to . . .. - . . 635 denciegcy appropriation for support oi, White, Stephen,` --- ·-`-` 0 013 0 . - . .. . , ,,., 422 g, cm, to admiuisuato f _____ _ ____ ____ 558 Wglbggté Mary M., 646 Wllilzrlmlliam, I 0

  • 1 11 ·° --·-·- —--- - ----·-·-------- 1wme¤ttvThmas0.L'd.d°it t

Wdvkeo Jew 1{-Mvcwvd, y of .. .. . .S. cse "payment to heirs of .. . . - ----- ---- 636 White, William H, elle Ferro 4* Ov-. _ _ Wpayment to . . . . . . coe deficiency approp1•1ation for rent due... 247 hite, Zachary, deceased, Wvllv, J- Madison, payment to administrator of . 559 payment to . . . . .. . . . . 645 White Earth Reservation, Wglhl?Hf;}1J.,0 635 Wpptprpzpriatipiipc for support of Indians on..129, 499 .. .-.. -.-..,.. QUOT, T ,, ' Welt: Abraham deemed ‘ ‘ { ‘ Wpetnpjon apaina J.; Wn.-N of . . seo »di55$t?2”}3$.,°’ "“"‘°"°“‘°‘“ °‘" ‘‘‘‘ 18* 1°°’ "” es ames . deceased, _ appropriation for im rovement of .187, 478 paymeipt po '1‘l;_omas H. Christmas, admins1s- 6 White River, Mich., P ra or 0 . . . . . . . .. . . 5 4 appropriation for improvement of ... .138, 471 Wm Meriden. Gm- wma one- Ute Indiana c . . . f Colorado First gzzgggis gg;]; _ °If;03;;gh°’*‘°d t" 373 provisions of agreomhnt oi, for sale of res- Wcst Pom, Van v ·-·-·· -·-· t b grv:;t1(pn,·¢E]‘t;c . .,3. I . . ..1 . 199 Wrggvpgnyijgggipggzms to r¤¤i·1¤ ¤t ---- 143 0 ° Orclriltnil yelxfilstglmurixirlgiiz 1W41E1g13s; . , , , d 1 - .. . . << ¤·PPI`0P1'1¤·1710¤f°1’°XP°nS°$1’fB°*·Yd°f Vwt _ , appropiiiatignmigr removal and settlement LU Wm Vh_;?;i;°- - ·---· ---- ----·--· ·----- 153»·$20 WM mof, on lands of Uintah Reservation.. 200 T post-routesiestablished in 107, 210, 371 ,t;.m,,{l,,g‘\,Z”fQ';,‘;‘§'f“Q,°,§1,g,,,,,S,,5,,,X of ____ 5,,5 jurisdiction over site for public buildin? at W?,;,,,;,,,,.,,, J,,,,,,,,;, B_ ’ Charleston, to be ceded to the Un ted Wm5m; 5,, ______ _____ _ _________________ 565 ptates; right of taxation to be re- %i{,,,,,,,,., p,,,ck,,6,,’ ¢¤S<·>d · ---- --- - -—-- -- --·-· · ---· ·-·- 73 payment to . ... . . .- ---... 585 Western Judicial District of Virginia, Whiqleld, W F., time for holding circuit and district courts Wpayment to .. . ... 636 of the United States for the ... . 324 h-illoclc, Thomas J., Western Judicial District of Louisiana, Wpayment to . . 619 establishment of, authorized . . 507 ltney, Alfonzer, Westmoreland, Wilbur, payment to ... -.- 618 paymnt to -·-- -- ··----------------—----· 561 wmaeear, zvaunmer, deceased, W°th°"bw¤ G’“"d”*""» payment to Simon W11itteeur, adminisima- P9·y1116¤lP to --·· -- -·---· ---· · ·--- - --·- ---· 60 for of . . 559 Whale Rock, Narmwmelf Buy, _ Whuwcra, M. 0. and E. D., appropriation {or erection of llght-h0l1B0 437 ,,,,,5,,],,,,,,, to ____ _ _____ _ ______________ _ ____ 635 and og- ell on . . ...- . . Wm5m [,,,;,,,,,8 Whaley, Elizabeth, widow of Joseph, deceased, appropriations for support, etc., of. .. 129, 500 payment to . ... . .. 624 tor, upon reservations .. . . .128, 4s!? Whaley, Joseph, deceased, d00c16B0N, for --·---·-------·- -- ------ 4** payment to W1d0W of . . ... 624 Wm,]-,,,-d g,,,.;,,,,-, Nap,-agamegg BW, Whartrziglgtgk, 429 apprepxpation for light-house and fog·be11 199 pay .. . ... -- . --~·- a ..,. . ... . . . . ..

  • Wh.arton R. G. Wicomico River Md.

payment to .i.. ..-. ··-- -·-- - ·--· · 561 appropriation for improvement of . . - .185, 474 Wheeler, Edward B., Widner, William, deceased, payme1}t ipeé . h --·-·-- ---- 648 payment tp James K. Gibson, administra- 636 Wheeler oe ecease for o . . . . . . ' payment t6 LT. R., administrator of 636 Wqdgwp, l Wheeler, J. M., of diplomatic and consular omcers, appropayment to administrator of .- ..·- 618 priation forallowances to . . . 545 Wheeler, Nathan. 648 pensions, appropriation for .. . 60, 550 payment to . . . . . . .-·- Wiggins, Sarah, 563 Wheeler, R. D., payment to . . payment to .. . . .. 585 Wight, G, M,, Whitaker, John H, payment to .. . . . . . -... 424 payment to .. .. .. 568 Wileoa, Marion J., White, Alexander, 636 payme:1112 .. . .. . . 561 payment to ... ... - -·.·- - --··-···· Wilfong 4 0 Wllite, Amapda, 563 paymepthto ,,.. . ,.. .. . . . . 584 payment o .. -. .. Wilhoit o n _ _ _ mae, Aancggitsneaaaa ejssmm param-, Wgzyrzisptgoiiiggh edmimstrwlx Of ---· 635 deoe 1 · · pe,ymm_a ,.’ .. .. 622 1y;·nym·=¤i’¤ 20 ---- ------ - ------- ---· 568 White, Bengamin W, r Wi nson,t .1; neo,i --- ...- 635 %;py11pant tpr .. . ... 63.> Wppmyyggl I0 ·--- - ----··-·-· - · · , I 'I _ _ pZ§3¤§Zl°a éxmm of .. . 625 u 1><>1iti¤¤·* <1i¤=··1>¤i¤·>¤ ¤>¤¤<>*·<1 ----- —-·- 567