FORTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. Il. Ch. 19, 21, 22. 1880. 35 horizon, and freedom from objectionable vibrations from traiiic or causes, with ability to have sufficient water supply. other The comm1ssion shall consist of one member of the Senate Naval .Commissioners Committee, to be chosen by the President of the Senate, one member of h°W d°¤i8¤*¤'¤*d· ’ the House haval Committee, to be chosen by the Speaker of the House and the Superintendent of the Naval Observatory.’ Sec. 2. That the sum of seventydive 'thousand dollars, or as much Appropriation thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money f?? P¤1‘¤h¤¤¤ of in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to purchase said site; but “‘°°*· &€" . five thousand dollars of said sum is reserved for incidental expenses of D1m1buU°°‘ selecting said site, and for detailed drawings, plans, and estimates for said new observatory. But no money shall be paid for said site until the . Attorney-General shall have given a favorable opinion as to the suhiciency of the title of said selected site. , Title. SEQ. 8. That upon selection of a site for said observatory by said Commission to commission, they shall report their action to the President, who shall ¤°P°¤*· direct the Secretary of the Navyto make the purchase of such site, taking title thereto in the name of the United States. Approved, February 4, 1880. CHAP. 21.-—An act for the erection of a public building at Danville, Virginia. Feb. 11, 1880. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas Danville, Ya, ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to cause to be con- 5“g*‘° b“*1'h¤S- structed, at Danville, Virginia, a building for the accommodation of the P,,S,,;(Q’,Q°{g,°s‘ circuit and district courts of the United States, the postoflice, and inter- In tcrnalhltevenal—revenue officers, at a cost not exceeding seventy thousand dollars, to mw officcrs. _ be expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall APP’°Pm***°¤· procure the site and cause proper plans and estimates to be made so that no expenditure shall be made or authorized for the full completion of said building beyond the sum hereby appropriated, and the building shall be at least forty feet removed from any other building: Provided Prmse. That no money shall be used or applied for the purpose mentioned until a valid title for the site shall be vested in the United States, and until the State of Virginia shall cede to the general government jurisdiction over the property, and exempt the same from taxation. · Approved, February 11, 1880. CHAP. 22,-An act to provide for deficiencies in the appropriations for contingent Feb. 11, 1g8g_ expenses of the Senate and House of Representatives ...------- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of four thousand dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to meet the deficiency in the appropriation for DGH0m,,,, afp _ furniture and repairs of the same for the _House of Representauves for p ro p ri ation or the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty. gglégzivgs Repre- That the following sums be, and the same are herebynappropmated, out D Bu ciohcy aP_ of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to meet cer- Propyjajjous for tain contingent expenses of the Senate, namely: _ Senate. 1880 For miscellaneous items, exclusive gflalbor, for the fiscal year eighteen I*¤¤¤¤» · hundred and eighty twenty thousan dollars. _ For furniture? and repairs of the same, for the fiscal year eighteen I*¤¤¤¤» 1879- hundred and seventymine, twelve dollars. Approved, February 11, 1880. xxx-·-5
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