Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1004

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(}0NVENTION—BELGIUM—EXTRADITION. J UNE 13, 1882. 977 Anrrcnn IX. Anrronn IX. Extradition shall not be granted, Uextradition n’aura pas lieu, Exemption by in pursuance of the provisions of conforméinent aux dispositions de ’9¤°°¤ °*` 1**P¤° °f this convention, if legal proceed- la présente convention, si la pres- °"“°‘ ings or the enforcement of the pen- cription de Faction on de la peine alty for the act committed by the est acquise en favenr de Pindividu person claimed, has become barred réclumé, dkipres les lois du pays by limitation, according to the auquel la demande est adressée. laws of the country to which the requisition is addressed. Anrrcms X. Ancrronn X. All articles found in the posses- Tous objets trouvés en la pos- Evidence, at sion of the accused party and ob- session de Pindividu réclamé et crimoinpossession tained through the commission of provcnant du fait incriminé ou of <>rimi¤=¤·1· the act with which he is charged, pouvant servir de preuve au fait or that may be used as evidence of pour lequel Pextradition est dethe crime for which his extradition mandée, seront saisis si Pautorité is demanded, shall be seized if the compétente en a ainsi ordonné, competent authority shall so order, pour etre livrés avec sa personne. and shall be surrendered with his person. Therights of third parties to the Sont cependant réservés les Rights of third articles sofound shall nevertheless droits des tiers sur les objcts sus- P*¤'*¤°¤· be respected. _ mentionnés. Ancncnm XI.Anrxcnn X1. The present convention shall La présente convention sera exe- Commencement take effect thirty days after the ex- cutoire 30 jours apres Péchange des md d¤¤*ti°¤· change of ratiiications. ratiiicatious. After it shall have taken eifect, A partir de sa mise a execution, the convention of March 19, 1874 la convention du 19 Mars 1874 shall cease to be in force and shall ccssera d’etre en vigueur et sera be superseded by the present con- remplacée par la présente convenvention which shall continue to tion, laquelle continuera a sortir have binding force for six months ses eifets pendant six mois apres after a desire for its termination qu’elle aura été dénoncéc par Pun shall have been expressed in due des deux Gouvernements. form by one of the two governments to the other. It shall be ratified and its ratiii- Elle sera ratifiée et les ratiiica- Batiiicstion. cation shall be exchanged at Wash- tions en seront éehangées a Washington as soon as possible. ington aussitot que possible. In witness whereof, the respect- En foi de quoi, les plénipotenive plenipotentiaries have signed tiaires respectifs ont signé les artithe above articles, both in the cles ci-dessus dans les langues English and French languages, and Anglaise et hrancaise, et y ont they have thereunto amxed their apposé leurs sceaux. i Done in duplicate, at the city of Ainsi fait par duplicata, a Washgéaghington, this 13th day of June, ington, ce 13 de Juin 1882. » Fnnirn T. Fnnmnonnrsrm. sun. Simms"., Tnum ma: Bormnmn on Mnnsnnonox. sun., And whereas, the said convention has been duly ratified on both Pr¤¤r¤bI¤· parts, and the ratiilcations of the two Governments were exchanged m the city of Washington on the 18th day of November, one thousand eight hundred and eightytwo: xxu---62