Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1093

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1066 XDrX. l?age. DispateA-boat, appropriation for construction of, by con- tract, etc .......................... 477 ?stilled Spirits, duty on ................................. ?ppre[,riation for, for U.S. securities .... 31?, 611 deficiency ........................... 46 D?t?ct Atto?eys, U. 8., appropriation for, for payments, ere ..... ?, ?31 ibr compensation of ..................... ?4,563 deficiency for t?es of .................... 269. ?5 ?st?ct of Col?mbia, appropriations for the expenses of the gov- e?ment of ........................ 1?, 462 for repair, c?% ?d m?in?nan? of b?dg? ........................... 1?, 464 for Aqueduct ........................ 136, 4? for charities, etc., in .................. 136, 4? for sup? of indiarig insane of .. 1?, '?, 46t for Reform ?eh?l .................... 1?, for Columbia H?pital ................ 1?7, 4? for Women's Christian A?ociation .... 137, 4? for 8a?t Ann's Infant ?yl? ........ 1?, 4? for Indu?fi=l Home 8ch?l ............ 1?, 4? for Chil?en's Hospital ................ 137, 4? for ?an Protestant O?han Asylum 1?, 4? for ?r? ete ........................ 139. for ex?n? of Parking ?omm?sion .. 1:?, 4? for l?m?, Hghting, etc ................ 139, 4? ibr suppo? of Metm?litan Poli? .... 140, 4? for zup? of ? ?p?tment ....... 140, 467 for ?le?ph and telephone ?rvi? .... 140, 467 ?lice court, main?nance of .......... 141,467 r public ?h? ..................... 141, 4? ? of??? of nine mem? .................... for jud?ents against the ......... : .... 143 for ?te?t and sinking-fund .......... 1?, 4? for w?ter zt?k bon? ?te?, ete .... 144.470 for Wa?r ?mont ................ 143, 470 for mi?el?neo? ex?n?s ............ 14?, 469 for heal? debarment ................. 143, 4? for c? ?nd ex?n? of ?o? b?l?g. for m?im of eou?ho? ............... for f?it?e, etc., for new ?u?hou?.. g? of ?g ?in ?om H. D. C?- well ? ? of W?ing?n ?cep? by ................................. legal holiday in, ?11ing on Surfday, etc... 1 ?ppmp?tion for r?n?ct?n of Jeffer- in ?h?l buil?ng ................ ? M? 3, 1?I, ?utho?ng ?le of ?- ?n pm?y in, amend? .......... alley, ? ? ?, autho? m ? el? thofiz? ? e?en? ?ck into ....... 114 ? m?ing pmvi?io? for p?rva;ion of o?eL et?, in public grounds ....... e?e?, sup?me co? of, ?dition?, ?=- tho?zed ........................... act chznging ?lley-wsys in W?hington... 151 ?t on a?amges of ee?n t? pm?fi?d ......................... 161 hou?breaking in, ?nalty for ............ ? 162 ?upply of Potom? water for the, incm? of ................................. wa? m? .............................. ?ditional sala? to superintendent of meters ............................ ?n land in ?e, quit ela? ?, ? he? of J?ph Pea?n, d?ea?d ........ 218 gene?l law, amended ...... Tor detYaying ext?n?s of ?uit8 the ................................ ?nt? ?r new ?h?l buildin? in, tend? ............................ Page. D?strict of Cohtmbia?-Continued. printing anm?al reports of Health Officer of, authorized...' ..................... 378, 643 Circle intersection of Masm?cbusctts anti Connecticut Avenues named "Du Pont Circle" ...................... 4 purchases of articles, etc., market, price to be paid; bids, etc., rejected, when.. 470 property, etc., of, when unfit for service te be sold at auction .................. 470 appropriations for the, and revenues ot] to be deposited in U.?. Treasury ...... 470 not to be exceeded by requisition or ex- penditure .......................... 470 accounts of disbursements for the, made monthly to accounting officers of the � Treasury; proviso .................. 470 provisions lbr levyin?aszessments on real estate, etc., in the .................. 508 appointment of assessors, etc.; duties of..- 5?9 realestatein the, assessment; valuationsetc. 569 board of equalization; duties ............. 570 useeaser of, authorized to administer oaths, ere ........................... -' ..... 570 increase of police force in the, authorized.. 412 abolition of detective force of the ......... 412 extension of Capitol. Igorth O street and South Washington Railway in the, authorized ......................... 4,?2 Commissioners authorized to locate, con- struct, and maintain a free public highway in the ..................... 408 act for suppression of gaming in the ....... 411 larceny from the person in the, punishment for ............................... appropriations for care and protection of the court-house .................... 5�2 suspension of C?ommission?m' acecunts not to a? s?larim due employ6s ...... ?86 appropriation for seventy-five transient paupers ............................ 618 religious societies in the, Sets of tion of, amended .................... 5'29 deficiency for miscellaneous expenses for suppo? of goverumen? of the ....... '272 deficiency appropriations for miscellaneous items .............................. deficiency appropriations for poliee court, etc., of the ......................... Distr? Co?, U?ited 8tat?s, appropriation for expenses of ............ 336, 630 northern district of New York, fmrms of holding ............................ 3'2 ' ? Mardu?, 17Mted ? appropriation for eompeusafion of ....... 254, 631 Divi-di?i, exempt from duty'. ....................... D/zoa, C. P., payment to .............................. 678 Ditch, Ellismz, payment to .............................. 7?0 Diem, J. B., D?payment to .............................. 7'23 n, William H., payment to .............................. Dob?, L?dd W-, payment to administrator of .............. 678 Dobso#; Benjamin ?, nslon to ................................ 658 payment to .............................. 669 Do&on, Lev/B., payment to .............................. 760 Dod?m, Wittiara, DeCaymeat to .............................. 678 o?a, C., refund of tax to ......................... 727