11)89 Page. Joplin, .Io?iah, deceased? payment to executor of .................. 793 Jordan, 'dward L . payment to .............................. 754 Jordan, Green D., payment to .............................. Joedat?, J. T., d?, payment to estate of .... ? ................ 793 Jordan, M. F. payment to ............................... 7?4 J?d?n, N'illiam, payment to .............................. 695 J?ph's Ba?d of .Vez P?cg Indians, ?ppmpdation for sup?rt, etc., of ........ 83, 447 J?li?, John, j?ment to .............................. ?empt ?m duty ........................ 519 Hou? of Repre?ntatives, distdbntion of, to public libraries .................. ?nate ................................... 3ffi ?}prop?ation for making index to ...... J?, Na? J., dec?se?, j?a?ment to ?tate of ..................... 767 j?nt ? .............................. approp?tion for ?ts ? offi? of .... :2?, apgmpda?on for 9?yment of Unit? di?dct, on s?ial ?ice .......... 3? for salad? of Unit? States circuit .... for ?lad? of, Cou? of Cla? ........ J?ts, C?rt of Claim,, ?ppropdati? for payment of final ........ 8 deficiency, ? pay .................... ?, 587
p?t?n? ?d mi?menz ofce? offi-
? ? She, in G?rgi? ............. 47 in M?mpoi, ?und? of, d?n? .... ? Iow?, ?bli? ................... ?o?h? ?zw Y?k, terns ? holdh?g eo? H?dm? ?onnty made a pa? of eastern divi?on of W?m Tenne?e ...... 4? J?i?l ?s? of tkz
ppm?a?ons for ?e ...................
J?l ?, ' exemp? ?m duty ........................ '519 J?r?s, appmp?ation for f?s of ................ ?, 631 J?, ?ir? M., ?yment to .............................. 781 J? of t? P?, ?te?on of Hmim of the j?iction or, in W?hin?n? I?o? and Montana .. 4? duty ?, and m?uf?u? of ............ on, bu? .............................. Kagley, Kapayment to .............................. 767 h?, B., sad Co?npa?p. payment to .............................. 784 Kalb, ?nsl J. pasment to .............................. 667
- Ka.?, Jo? J., '
lmyment to ............. ? ................ 7i'?6 XXlI Kansas, Page. post-routes established in ............. 18, 356, 37:5 claims of State of, for suppressing Indian hostilities, investigation, etc., of, thorized ........................... 111 sale of certain Kickapoo Indian lands in, authorized ........................ 177 Miami Indian lands, sale of, authorized ... 63 deficiency, thr payment to State of ........ 280 Fort Laxned military reservation in, lands of, restored to public domain, etc... 217 appropriation to pay State of, 1'5 per cent. of direct tax, etc ................... 261 for surver, etc., of Olde and Misscurls In- dian 'lands in ...................... 328 Kansas City, 3Io., port of delivery established at ............ 215 privileges of immediate transportation of dutiable goods extended to ......... appropriation thr to.repletion of public building at ........................ 304 Kansas Indians, appropriation for interest to .............. 74, 438 tbr support, etc., of the ................ 83. 44? Kaolins, duty on .................................. 494 Kaskaskia Indians, appropriation for interest on non-paying stocks held in trust for the ......... ?7, 4?0 deficiency, for relief of .................. 266 " Kaw," or Kansas Indian Scrip, appropriation, etc, for payment of ..... ;. 266 Kay, 3?aaey, payment to .............................. 659 Keartts, Richard ?4., payment to .......................... :... 69-5 Keellag, William T., payment to .............................. 767 Kze?e$, Jaelcso?, payment to .............................. 767 ?s ?ife-?avi? $tatio?s, compensation of, rated ................... 57 appropriation for salaries of ............. 307,605 K?el?rs of Livid-Homes, appropriations for salaries and expenses of ............................. :..308,6?6 payment to ........................... : .. 795 Kdpayment to .............................. 767 th, J. B., almisistrator of John payment to .............................. 6?4 Keith, William, payment to heirs of ............. : ........ 694 Kdthsburg ?Bridge authorized to construct, etc., bridge over Mississippi River .................... ?0 Kd!?r, Oeorge N., deceased, payment to widow of ..................... 789 Z?!l?r, J. W. C., deceased, KeP/ayment to sdministrator of .............. 767 ley, Simeon, K?payment to administrator of .............. lley, Thomas 2, Ke?ayment to .............................. Icy, 1?Tlliam, Kep/aymen t to .............................. 7e4 log, lYtlbnr 1?;, payment to .............................. Kdt#, James, ?ayment to .... ' .......................... t#, M. J., relief of .................................. Ke?, exempt from duty ........................ Kettner, Gcor.qe, payment to administrators of .............. '(?4