Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1134

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107 Page. ?rth American Indians, appropriation for continuing ethnological researches among the ............. 332, 6'28 3[orth Carolina, 2v0POSt-routes established in ............ 2"2, 361,578 rtk Carolina Cherokeo Indians, appropriation for payment for services, etc., in suit against the Eastern Band... 267 forpayment, etc.,in suitspending against the ................................ ?6 .�orthern Cheyenne Indians, appropriation for installments, etc, to .... 75, 439 for payment for damages from raider the.87,445 ?ortl?ern district of Te?s, United States district court-, Graham, Tex., to have jurisdiction over territory an- nexed and made part of the ......... 400 ,Yorth Landing River, Va. and 3 r. C., � appropriation for improvement of ........ 199 ?�ortlm?ster? Jffisso?ri and $outhwester? Iowa 1oa? of tsnts to, authorized .............. 713 3forthem and 3forthwestewn Lakes, appropriation for expenses of survey of..319, 617 ?'ortkern Pacific Railroad Company, purchase of lands of (?row Indian Reserva- tion for the ........................ 1�7 2?ortk River Bar, 3f. appropriation for improvement of ........ 129 2?or?h?vestern fland Shoalmac Indians, appropriation for installments, etc., to .... 79, 443 Norfkr?p, 8. B., rpymcnt to ...... nvalk, Co?t., ......... : .............. 771 appropriation for improvement of harbor at ................................. 3fota? United $tat?s, � ppropri?tion for redemption of worn and mutilated .......................... 312 appropriation for improvement of ........ 301 ?!!e$, dames V., payment to .............................. 782 F., a?i?Jstr?to?, payment to .............................. ?un?lsy, Zaws?n lmymen$ to .............................. 771 lmyment to .............................. 670 .�utm?js? exemp? from du?y ........................ 515 3-u is, dut? on .................................. 504 Brazil, etc., exempt from duty ............ 520 ?tt, Julia ?t., exet?trix of Haller? payment to .............................. .Vutter, Jo!? B., payment to .............................. 696 exempt from duty ........................ 515 Oak Orel?ard tfarbor, ? Y., appropriation for improvement of ........ 19;2 Oakland, Cal., appropriation for improvement of harbor at 196 Oaks, N'illiam L., deceased, payment to administrator of .............. 771 Oakum, ?.xempt from duty ........................ 520 Oak,rood C?neterl , Hfl? Parle, condemned cannon, etc., granted to ....... 68 Oates, tFilliam C., poyment to .............................. 339 Page. Oats, dnt? on ................................. 503 Obar, Clark, payment to .............................. 687 Obelisk, Egyptian, resolution of thanks to the Khedive of Egypt for presentation of .......... 377 Obey's River, Tenn., appropriation for improvement of ........ 202 Obscene .drticles, importation of, prohibited ................ .189 penalty for aiding and abetting ........ 490 Ocean Telegraph, Samuel L. M. Barlow and others granted right to lay and maintain .......... 371 Robert Garret and others authorized? etc., to lay and maintain ................ 174 duty on ................................. 494 ff Connm', 31. P., de?e?sed, appropriation for payment to widow, etc., of ................................. 338 for printing eulogies? etc., on .......... 379 Od?#/gez Ri?er, ?a., appropriation for improvemea? of ........ 200 Oreace River, Ga., appropriation for improvement of ........ 200 Oe?nto, Wis., appropriation for improvement of harbor at 196 O' Da?iel, A lexa#der, odpaymeat to .............................. 771 ell, Josel?h , d?ceas?l, payment to administratrix of ............. 794 O' Fal lon, P. J. , payment to .............................. 771 O.?en?s. District of (Yol#mbia, friable by police court for trespass upon the public grounds ................. 127 O?e?rs, certain, prohibited from visiting passenger apartments, etc., under passenger act 1882 ............................... 189 extra pay to certain, of House of Repre- sentatives, etc ..................... 377 of Army, retired, authorized to hold civil office in the Ten, tories ............. 567 appropriation for plates for .............. 249, 557 deficiency for photolithographing, etc., for the ............................ 585 O.O?ial Postal G?ide, appropriation for publication of the ..... ?53, 562 O?zial Register, o;?ppropriation for the .................... 6'?/ tt, Felix G., payment to .............................. 794 Offntt, Jesse H., payment to .............................. 794 Ogdz?sbu?gh, ?.Y., approl?iation for improvemeat of harbor at ................................. 1? Ogdensburff and Lake Champlain Railroad Com. pany, etc., authorized to construct a bridge across Lake Champlain ................... 422 Ohio, ' post-routes established iu ............ ?2?, ?6:?, ?) terms of circuit and distrlet cou?ts for northern district of ................ 176 deficiency appropriation for p?yment to State of .. ? ........................ '280 ? Virgini? military. laml dis?riet, land titles in ................................. ?48 appropriatio? to refund expenses, ere., of the State of ........................ ?7 appropriation fo?lighting and buoyage of.?09, 607