Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1159

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1132 INDEX. ?tanto,, ?Willim,?, payment to .............................. 660 Star ?Routes, appropriation for transportation of mails by; provi? ........................ contracts t?r service by; conditions, pen?l- ties ............................... ?farch, duty on .................................. ?3 ?tarks, G?'g? B., p?yment to .............................. ?ta? , James, payment to .............................. 3rate As?lum f? In?ne, ?. Y., sppmpfiation for cs? snd suppo? of ?ne criminals, etc., ?t ............. appropfiztions ?r: ?laries, e?., in the ................... ?, c?sular ?d diplomatic ?cs ?der the ............................... 1?, 4? proof?uding l?ws, s?ione?, ere .... ? , ?[?g ?nd ?istributing ?ws ? Fo?y?venth ? ........... ?, Statutes at Large ................... ?, 5? litho?phing, eta .................... ?, printing cons?ar ?d other eomme?isl re?rts ........................... 1?, 4? ?ommimion ? ln?s?o?l E?bition of Fish and Fished? .............. F?ch snd Am?ie? ?s sion ............................... e?g6 ?z?i? an? eons?-gener? a? Tehe?n, Pe? ................... ex?n?s of expels to ?ma? ?ion for ?b? of cal units ........................... ex? of Monet?y Common ...... lib? ................................ offici? p?rage st?mps for .............. to supply deficiencie? e? .............. ?v, ?m?on and ?n? of e?s of s?sl co?i?on ? Peru, forei? intercoupe ..................... ?n? ?own ? Jsp?e? ?demnity ?nd, etc.; p?so ...................... ?pp?? in ?id ? .................. ?,6? ? 8?y of ? ?dnnati of erected in memo? of Gene?l W?h- ?gton, ?e of ?uty ............... ?7 ?pprop?tion for fumishing?in?s for.. appmp?stion ?r work on the ........... 318,615 ibr ?i?, ?t? e?, for ? wing ? ................................. 318 ?ppropriz?ion of unex?nded ?e., ?r ............................ 615 ap?o?ionment of ?oms of, W St?, and ? ?mentz, m?l?fively thorD?ed to examine, eto ........... designation of superintendent for the, au- thoriz? ........................... ?3 a?pmp?ation for ?}a? of clerk and othe? in office of the .............. ? appmp?a?for impm?ement of ch?el ?tw?n Eliza?th? and ......... 197 Page. Stationer!l, appropriation for, for Senate ............ ,,?2'?, 533 -- Tot House of Representatives ...... 223, 539 app?priation for, for the postal ser?ce. 454 tbr State Depa?ment ................. ?5, 5:? for Treasury Depa?ment ............... deficiency? for, for the Inte?or Depa?- ment .............................. ?tatis?s, appropriation for procuring, in relation to mines and mining or. her than gold and silver ........................ .- 3? for c&lecting foreign ?d domestic cultu?l ........................... 90, 410 for collecting inte?al and ibreign menial ........................... ?, for collection of criminal ............... appropr?fion for ?ies, etc., ? office of _ Bu?au of ........................ ?, ?tat?tes, B?'ise? a? ?nual? apg?pd?tion for supplying judie? offi? with certMn ....................... pm?ion of ? of March 3, l?t, ?u?hor- izin g supply of, to cert sin judge, o?., ?pealed ........................... 3? app?pri?ion for improvement of ........ p?ent to ?min?tor or ...... ? ...... ?m V?els, ' ?t for the relation of fo?i? p?va?..- 8?m?t I?s? ?i?, _ deficiency, for elMms, ete., for ............ 3t?m? Jac?o?, ?tro?, . ? for ?ef of ? o?e? of ......... ?mv?i? for ea?a? of ?nger in, "?r?k 1?" .............. c?age of ?a? miol? ? e?go of ?mhibi? ......................... ?uty on; defini?on of the ? .......... for e?ibi?ion, e?., exemp$ ?om ?u?y .... 5? ?99?pd?tion {or the ?m?u m ......... ibr ?l?rles, e?., iu offi? of ............ ?4, ?e?n? b?l-? ?!? for..- 4? =ppm?n br ?ns?e?on of, for .?h? of, au? .................. ?t Ho?t?, ap?p?t?n for ??onof?ilsby ?u? of inui? to ?ve?i? 1? of, $ho? ........................... 3? doficiency appmp?stion for ? of ?- 3?mskip, ?pp?p?on for cons?ion of, for P? c?e c?t surveys ................. 611 $?l, duty on, and manufactures ot ....... 4?, 4?, nos ?i?11y ennmem? ............... ?o ?luetion of, for d?m?, ?e ........ nppmpriatmn for ?n?e? of, by e?- trot, etc .......................... 3?1 Pht?, duty on en?v? ........................ dut? on ................................. duty on .................................