Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1165

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1138 nOEX. payment to ........ , ..................... - act in relation to ?ertain, extended.*. ..... registration of, f?r proration of Page. Tonka Benare, exemp$ from duty ....................... 521 Tonkawa India?s, appropriation for sup? of, Fort Griffin? Tex? ............................. ?on?e of Ve?e?, act making deductions for the gr? ...... T? of ?ade, etc., exemp? from du?y ....................... 521 Toon, Ro?t ?.. payment to .............................. 776 Topeka, Kaas., appropriation for completion of public building .......................... ?, ?4 ?ndemned cannon ?n?d ? ei? of ...... T?tt, Ja?, ayment ? .............................. 776 o appmpHation for ....................... ?, 474 approp?ation for, for harbor defends; p? v? ............................... ?,475 no? mauuf?, exem? ?m ?ot?ky Bie? Va.. appmp?at?on for ?provemen$ of ........ ?a ??s og du? on ............ du? on .................................

r?y, D. ?., 

m- ufae?m? eto ................. convention with 8pain ?meemlng ........ ?ad?s, at r?r?g de?t? authored to ?ve e?it to ? ................... ?fion of p?vile? e? ? .......... ?ment ? .............................. ? of From, a? f? ? ?, ?o?- mg ................................ f? ?pa?r? etc., of i?mmenta for o? ?mg ............................ 8u?tend?$ of ?auti? ?!m? a? ? on ?mm? ? o?... appmp?a?n f?, of mai? ............... ?d?n ?ppHm ........................ ? .......................... ?y ................................ defi?i? .................. ?, ?, oa ? ?t ? .............. of ?]d ?d Mlver ?n ? ? ?, e?.? ?te for ....................... of ?ver coin, aop?p?ation ?or .......... for? of ?crni?, A?y ................... ? for in?en? eta, of? di?h?o of duty .................. for, for M?ne Co? ................... de?eney ap?p?afion for ? ate., for In? ............. ? Jo? ?., app?t? ? im?e? ? ......... t?er 8oM/e?, to give bond, et? ......................... appropria$ion for s?lark,, eta.; in offinc..228, 541 Page? Treasurer United 8tales--Continued. appropriation to purchase thndcd indebted- ne?8, etc., for sinking-land for re- demption of water-stock bonds ...... 144 to p?chase bonds, etc., of Distric? of Co- lumbia .......................... 470 to reimbn? th% for lo? of silver coin iu transit, eta ......................... 313 to reimbu? ?he, for deficiency of Febru- ary 1?, 1875 ........................ ?61 to reimbur?, for deficiency of December 5, 18;6 ............. ? ............... 588 for ce?ific,tcs of deposit, etc ......... ?, 546 ?easury Building, appropriation for ?paim of. ............ 306, 604 ?u? De?rtm?t, ?pp?pfiation for ]ib? of ............. 315, 612 for contingent expen?z of ............. 231, ?3 for fuel, water, lights, ?d ?a? of buildings under congini of ......... 312, 61? deficiency, thr ....................... for fu?itu?, etc., for buildin? in e? of 312, 612 for pay of cust?ians, janitor, ere ..... 312,612 for sundry ci?l expends of defi?ncy for e?ims ?ow? for ?rvices und? the .......................... for mi?ellan?us ex?n?s of the ...... ? ?th ?gn ?a?ons, no? ? by ?riff ? of ?h ?ty ? ? B?t?, noti? of termination of ?ain ?ieles in, of May 8, 1871 ...................... ?t R?, ?. C., ' appmpHatiSn for impmv? of .......... ?!?, Ro?, payment W .............................. 7? exempt ?m duty ........................ 517 O., ?ymen? to .............................. 7?

?;? H?W ?., 

?, Franklin, ?S to .............................. 7? ?u$ ? ......................... ? .... ?3 ?S to ?in!?r of pay?nt ? .............................. ?fa?d ?t?, ....