Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/173

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146 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CK. 266, 267. 1882. ips fr¤¤ wwige- scribe; and to secure that object the said company or corporation shall . *****1;*];*11 md I submit to the Secretary of Wm, for his exammatnon and approval, a umt°b“pPm'§:{ design and drawmgs of the bridge and a map of the locatwn, giving for b Secretary or the space of one m11e above and one Iil]]6 below the proposed iocatxou Vg? the topography of the banks of the r1ver,t.he shore-[mes at high and low water, the direction and strength of the currents at all stages, and the soundmgs, accurately showing the bed of the stream, the location of any other bridge or bridges, and shall furnish such officrmformatnon as may be required for a full and satisfactory understauding of the sublelet; and until ttjhvca plsan and lf3E10D sighs lapdge are agproged by · eSecretary0 ar e ri s no n orc0mmnce;an should any change be made ingtixe plan of said bridge during the progress of construction such change shall be subject to the approval of the Secreta of War. . A Penalty for ob- Sec. That whenever the Secretary of War shall have good reason '*""F‘i°P *° *°° to believe that the bridge hereby authorized to be constructed is an ob- °‘“$‘°°“‘ struction to the free navigation cgbsuézh wlaters, by trgasotn) 0';d1Eic:Iity inpassiu thedmw-openingofsai ri go, y ,s am a , oro er water-crffh, it shall be the duty of the said Secretary, on satisihctory proof thereof, to require the company or persons owmng sand budge to cause such aids to the passage of said draw-opening to be constructed, placed, and maintained, at their own costs and expense, in the form of booms, dikes., piers, or other suitable and proper structures for the guiding of said rafts, steamboats, and other water-craft safely through said opening as shall be specified in his order in that behalf; and on failure of the company or persons aforesaid to make and establish such additional structures within a reasonable time, the said Secretary shall proeageidstc mambo samgf to be built orlrnlade gtlthe exe? of the Unit tutes, er the matter wit out e ay to e ¤t0rney— General of the United States, whose duty it shall be to institu¤e,Uiu the name of the United States, proeeedingsin thedistrietururt of the nited States in which said bridge, or any part thereof, is located, for the re· " eovery of the cost thereof; and all moneys accruing from such p1‘0006d· ings shall ue covered into the Treasury of the United States.

 rights Sec. 7. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby

°f I 8***** expressly reserved, and the right to require any changes in said structune or its entire removal, at the expense of the owners thereof; whenever _ Songress shaléddecide than the public interest requires it, 18 also ex- Approved, Ju1y3, 1882. - · July 3, 15. CHAR 26’Lf·A¤ at to Infhcrise dw Inland and Southwestern Railway Cam. —-————-——— ::21: to construct a bridge over the Hnunmpp River at New Boston, State of I11i· Bo it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Representatives o the United S?:";§lI:]:*;‘:::g States of America in Congress assembled, fhat it shall be laifvful for the Railway Company peek Island and Southwestern Railway Company, a corporation organwwumsgbmg, med under the general incorp0ration laws of the State of 111iuois,its _ Ever successors and assigns, to constmpt, under and subject to the conditions · mn °m °"' am] limitations hereinafter provided, a bridge across the Mississippi ’ River at or near the my of New Boston, and my on and over said bridge a railway track or tracks, for the more perfect connection of its road to ‘ be constructed, and such other roads as may now be or hereafter mav be constructed to said river from its east and west banks, and to build and lay on and oyer said bridge ways for wagons and vehicles of all kinds, and for the transit of passengers on foot, and also of live stock Rates of toll. for such reasonable rates of toll as may be approved hom time to time by the Secretary of War, and to keep up and maintain said bridge for Prvviu the purposes aforesaid. Provided, That Congress may at any time pre-