Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/331

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304 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 433. 1882. Abingdon, Vs.; To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase a site_ for, and P'“'°h“° °*` °l*°v cause to be commenced thereon, the erection of a suitable building, with °t°' iire-proof vaults therein, for the accommodation of the United_States courts, post-oliice, and other government offices, at Abingdon, Virginia, twenty-five thousand dollars. _ M , ,. q ,, Btu, To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase a site for, and Mich.; purchased cause to be commenced -thereon, the erection of a suitable building, ¤i¤¤. ¤f¤· with tire-proof vaults therein, for the accommodation of the United States courts, post—ot1ice, and internal-revenue, land, and other government onices, at the city of Marquette, in the State of Michigan, fifty thousand dollars. _ Detroit; pm- To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to procure a_s1te, and cause ¤l¤¤¤¤°*` ¤**°» •*¤· to be commenced thereon, the construction of a building at Detroit, Michigan, for the use of the United States courts and other government . offices, two hundred and ufty thousand dollars. _ Greensbomugn, To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase a site for, and 190-; 1>¤r¤1¤¤¤¤¤f cause the commencement of the construction thereon, of a suitable "*°» °*°· building, with iirc-proof vaults therein, for the accommodation of the United States courts and other government offices, at Greensborough, North Carolina, twenty five thousand dollars. Galveston, Tex.; To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase a site for and nuwhnw of nite. cause to be commenced the erection thereon of a building, with fire- °*"· proof vaults therein, for the uses of the custom-house and other govern- _ ment onices, in the city of Galveston, Texas, sixty-two thousand five hundred dollars. Hartford. For the custom-house and post-ollicc at Hartford, Connecticut: For approaches, twenty thousand dollars. . Hannibal, Ito.; To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase a site for, and P¤¤°]¤¤° ¤*' ¤*°» cause the commencement of the construction thereon, of a suitable °°°‘building, with iire-proof vaults therein, for the uses of the post·oHiee and other government offices, at the city of Hannibal, Missouri, thirty- seven thousand five hundred dollars. Jackson, Tenn.; To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase a site for, and P¤¤b¤¤• ¤f ¤¤*¤» cause to be commenced thereon, the erection of a building, with tire "°"‘ proof vaults therein, for the uses of the United States courts and other govceruliment offices, in the city of Jackson, Tennessee, twenty-five thousan ollars. Kansas city, For the custom-house and post-office at Kansas City, Missouri: For No- the completion of building, seventy-five thousand dollars. Ly¤¤1n»¤:{,v•.; To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase a site for, and P¤¤‘¢=h¤¤¤ ¤¤·» CBIISB the commencement of the construction thereon, of a suitable build- °°"· _ ing for the United States courts and other government offices, at the ’ tilt! of Lynchburg, Virginia, nfty thousand dollars. Montgomery, For the court-house and postoftice at Montgomery, Alabama: For Ala- completion of building, sixty thousand dollars. · Memphis. For the custom-house, courthouse, and postouice at Memphis Ten- 1188800: For continuation of building, seventy-ive thousand dollars; and the law requireing that the marble used in this building shall be cut and dressed at the site of the building is hereby amended so as to permit the cutting and dressing of the said marble at any point within the lunits of the State of Tennessee, as the Secretary of the Treasury may New uy1mm_ For the_ custom—house and post-ohlce at New Orleans, Louisiana: For repairing the building, including constructing of a passenger elevator, sixty thousand dollars. Nm York City. For the barge-omce building at New York, New York: For completion of building and approaches, twenty thousand dollars. Brooklyn; pm- To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase a site, and to °¥¤• °*` ¤*¤» ·*¤- commence the erection thereon, of a building for the uses of the government in the city of Brooklyn, New York, as provided by law, three hundred thousand dollars.