Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/641

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614 FOBTY SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 143. 1883. Powder-depot. For Piccatiny powder depot, Dover, New Jersey, forty thousand dollars. Sandy Hook For the Sandy Hook proving-ground, New J erscy; For clearing, lev- P¥°Vi¤3·€*°¤¤d- eling, grading, and building roads and walks at the proving-ground, ‘ two thousand five hundred dollars. Spriugiield Ai- For the Springfield Arsenal, Springfield, Massachusetts: For repairs ¤°¤¤]· and preservation of grounds, buildings, and machinery not used for manufacturing purposes, fifteen thousand dollars Additional com- For additional compensation to the master armorer at the national P"“”·*l°” *° mw armory, in Springfield, Massachusetts, while performing the duties of m` °""°""' master machinist at said armory, one thousand dollars. Repair-s_ of ar- For repairs of arsenals: For repairs of arsenals, and to meet such ¤°¤¤l¤· unforeseen expenditures at arsenals as accidents or other contingencies during the year may render necessary, forty thousand dollars. Publicbuildings BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS IN AND AROUND WASHINGTON. and grounds m w"'“1"”g°°“‘ For the improvement and care of public grounds, as follows: For improving grounds south of the Executive Mansion, fifteen thousand dollars. For ordinary care of greenhouses and nursery, including construction of one large house for storage and protection of palms and other tropical and subtropical plants, two thousand five hundred dollars. For improving reservation on South Carolina avenue, between Fourth and Sixth streets east, fifteen hundred dollars. For improving reservation on North Carolina avenue, between Second and Third streets east, one thousand dollars. For ordinary care of Lafayette Square, one thousand dollars. For care and improvement of reservation numbered three (Monument Grounds), one thousand dollars. » For continuing improvement of reservation numbered seventeen, and site of old canal, northwest of same, twenty thousand dollars: Provided, That no part thereof shall be expended upon other than property _bel0nging to the United States. · For construction and repair of iron fences, five hundred dollars. For manure, and hauling the same, five thousand dollars. • For painting iron fences, vases, lamps, and lamp—posts, one thousand ive hundred dollars. For purchase and repair of seats, one thousand dollars. ’ For purchase and repair of tools, two thousand dollars. For trees, tree-stakes, lime, awhitewashing, and stock for nursery, three thousand dollars. For removing snow and ice, one thousand dollars. hrlgor ilower-pots, twine, baskets, and lycopodium, one thousand dol- For care, construction, and repair of fountains in the public grounds, one thousand five hundred dollars. For abating nuisance, five hundred dollars. For improving various reservations, fifteen thousand dollars. d Eur improvement and care of Smithsonian Grounds, five thousand o ars. _ Executive Mm- For repairs and fuel at the Executive Mansion as follows: sum. For care and repair of the Executive Mansion, and for refurnishing the Executive Mansion, twentyfive thousand dollars. For fuel for the Executive Mansion and greenhouses, two thousand five hundred dollars. For care and necessary repair of the conservatories of the Executive Mansion, five thousand five hundred dollars. For lighting the Executive Mansion and public grounds: For gas, pay of lamp-lighters, gasiitters, plumbers, plumbing, lamps, lamp-posts, matches, and repairs of all kinds; fuel and lights for omce, stables, watchmen’s lodges, and for the greenhouses at the nursery, fifteen thou·