Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/942

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AGREEMEN'l`—SPAlN. MAY 6, 1882. 915 Protocol of a conference between the Secretary of State and the Spanish Mny 6.1882- Minister for prolonging the term of the Spanish-American Claims Com- """—"" mission until January 1, 1883; signed and exchanged at Washington, May 6, 1882. Protocol of a conference between the Protocolo de una con/'erencia entre Contracting Honorable Frederick T. Freling- el Honorable Frederick 11 Fre- Partieshnysen, Secretary of State of the linghuysen, Secretario de Estado United States, and His Excellency de los Estados Unidos, y el Ermo. Erancisco Barca, Envoy Eaztraor- Senor Don Francisco Barca, dinary and Minister Plenipoten- mado Ectraordinario y Ministro tiary of His Majesty the King of Plenipoteneiario de S. 1lL el Rey Spain, held at the Department of de Espana, celebrada en el De- State in Washington on the sixth partamento de Estado en Wasliingday of May, eighteen hundred and ton d seis de 1[ayo de mil ochoeighty two. cientos ochcnta y dos. Mr. Frelinghuysen handed to Mr. entrego al SP¤¤i$*b·Am°*i· Mr. Barca the following paper, en- Senor Barca el siguiente docu- f;:siE;“"““ C""` titled "Article IX.” and said that mento, titulado “Articulo IX." y ` it embodied the results of several dijo que en él sc hallaba comprenpreliminary conferences between dido el resultado de varias converhimself and Mr. Barca relating to saciones prcliminares que habian . the prolongation of the Spanish- mcdiado entre él y el Senor Barca American Claims Commission until respecto do laproroga de la comision the first day of January next. de Arbitrage hispano-americana, hasta el 1° do Euero do 1883. Anrxcnn IX. Anricvno IX. It being impossible for the Com- Siendo imposible que la comision, Prolongation to mission, in consequence of the aconsecuencia del fallecimiento del J•¤'¤¤'¥ JSS3- death of the Arbitrator and of the Arbitxo y del Abcgado por parte Advocate on the part of the United de los Estados Unidos, examine y States, to examine and decide dccida, en un aio, a contar desde within one year from the 12th of el 12 de Mayo de 1881, todas y cada May, 1881, each and every claim una do las reclamaciones que han which has been presented, it is sido presentadas; se conviene cn agreed that the term aforesaid be que el término citado se prorogue extended to the 1st of January, hasta el 1** de Enero de 1883 cou cl 1883, for the sole purpose of per- soloobjetodequela comision pueda mitting the commission to examine examinar y decidir las reclamaand decide the claims actually ciones one actualmente se hallan pending. And it is further agreed pendientes; y, con este {ln, se conto this end viene ademas en que: lst That no evidence in any case 1** No se recibira. prueba alguna p,°,,dm·,_ shall be received after the 15th day en ningun caso, despues del 15 do of June next. J unio proximo. . 2nd That no printed or written 2** Ningun argumento 6 alogato, brief or argument before the Arbi- impreso 6 escrito, dirigido é los Artrators shall be filed on behalf of bitros, sera registmdo por parte de any claimant after the 15th day of rcclamante alguno, despues del 15 July 1882. de Julio de 1882. _ 3rd That no printed or written 3** No podra ser registrado, como