Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/967

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940 CONVENTION-INTERNATION AL. AUGUST 22, 1864. Augugt gg, 1g54_ Convention between the United States. Baden, Switzerland, Belgium, Den- ———————— mark, Spain, France, Hesse, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Prussia, Wnrtemberg, Sweden, Greece, Great Britain, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Turkey, Bavaria, Austria, Russia, Persia, Roumania, Salvador, Jllontenegro, Servia, Bolivia, Chili, Argentine Republic and Peru; with additional articles: For the amelioration of the wounded in armies in the jield; concluded August 22, 1864; acceded to by the President March 1, 1882; accession concurred in by the Senate March 16, 1882; proclaimed as to the original convention, but with reserve as to the additional articles, July 26, 1882. [The Presideut’s ratification of the act of accession, as transmitted to Berne and exchanged for the ratiiieations of the other signatory and adhesory powers, embraces the French text of the convention of August 2*2, 1864, and the additional articles of October 20, 1868. The French text is therefore, for all international purposes, the standard one.] Br rim Pnnsrnmvr or run Umrnn Burns or Amnaios. A 1>R0cLA.MA1*10N. ‘ Preamble. Whereas.on the 22d day of August, 1864, a Convention was concluded at Geneva, in Switzerland, between the Grand Duchy of Baden and the Swiss Confederation, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Empire, the Grand Duchy of Hesse, the Kingdom of Italy, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Kingdom of Portugal, the Kingdom of Prussia and the Kingdom of Wiirtemberg, for the amelioration of the wounded in armies in the field, the tenor of which Convention is hereinafter subjoincd: _ contrsetingpsr- The Swiss Confederation; His La Confederation suisse; Sou

  • '°°· Royal llighness the Grand Duke Altesse Royale le Grand-Duc de

of Baden; His Majesty the King · Bade; SaMajestéleRoi des Belges; of the Belgians; His Majesty the Sa. Majesté le Roi de Danemark; King of Denmark; Her Majesty the Saliiajesté la Reine d’Espagne; Sa Queen of Spain; His Majesty the Majesté l’Emperenr des Francais; Emperor of the French; His Royal Son Altesse Royale le Grand-Duc Highnessthe Grand Dukeof Hesse; de Hesse; SaMajestéle Roid’Italie; » His Majesty the King of Italy; Sallllajesté le Roi des Pays·Bas; Sa His Majesty the King of theNether· Majesté le Boi de Portugal et des lands; His Majesty the King of Algarves; Sa Majesté le Roi do _ Portugal and of theA1garves; His Prusse; Sa Majesté le Boi de Wur· Majesty the King of Prussia; His temberg,-—éga.lement animés du Majesty the King of Wiirtemberg, désir d’adoucir autant qu’il depend being equally animated with the d’eux,1es maux inséparables de la desire to soften, as much as depends guerre; de supprimer les rigueurs on them, the evils of warfare, to inutiles et d’améliorer le sort des suppress its useless hardships and militaires blessés sur les champs improve the fate of wounded sol- de bataille, ont résolu de conclure diers on the field of battle, have une convention a cet etfet et ont resolved to conclude a convention nommé pour leurs Plénipotento that effect, and have named for tiaires, savoir: their plenipotentiaries, viz: _Plenipotentia The Swiss Confederation: Gui}- LaConfédération suisse: le Siemnes. laume Henri Dufour, Grand Otheer Guillanme·Henri Dufonr, Grandof the Imperial Order ot" the Legion Otheier de Pordre Imperial de la of Honor, General in Chief of the Legion d’Honneur,Général en chef