Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/99

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72 FORTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 163. 1882. and fifty-five, and third article of treaty of eighteen hundred and sixty. four, twenty thousand dollars; For the support of a. school or schools upon saxd {'€S€I‘\`l!.tl0D, durmg the pleasure of the President, in accordance with thu·d artxcle of treaty of March nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, four thousand dollars; in al], twenty-five thousand dollars. Chippewa, Pi!- cummwm, PILLAGEBS, AND LAKE WINNEBAGOSHISH BANDS. lngem, and Loke wm°°b‘*8°°b*°h For twenty-eighth of forty installments of amuuty, un money, per b°$l§'mt l16a third article of treaty of February twentyaecoml, eighteen hundred

’ and fifty-tive, and third article of treaty of May seventh, eighteeu hundred aml sixty-four, ten thousand six hundred and sixty- SIX dollars and

sixty-six cents; I0 stat., 1168. For twenty-eighth of forty installments of annuity, m goods, per some articles of same treaties, eight thousand dollars; ° For twentyeighth of forty installments, for purposes of utility, per

 same articles of same treaties, four thousand dollars;

For eighth of ten installments, last series, for purposes of education, per same articles of some treaties two thousand five hundred dollars; in all, twenty-tive thousand one hundredand sixty-six dollars and sixty- six cents. Choctaw:. CHOCTAWS. For permamsmt annuity, per second article of treaty of November

18;*:;; ggh sixteenth, eighteen hundred mul five, and thirteenth article of treaty
’   of J mae twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, three thousand

dollars · 1 sm., 21:1. For ocrmanent annuity, for support of light horsemen, per thirteenth U Sm-, GN- article of treaty of October eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, and thirteenth article of treaty of June twexntyaeoond, eighteen hundred and fitiy-live, six hundred dollars; 7 Smt., 212. For permanent annuity, for support of blacksmith, per sixth article 1 Stat., of treaty of October eighteenth, eighteen hundred and twenty, ninth ll s***·· °“· article of treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty- ive, and thirteenth article of treaty of June twentysecoud, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, six hundred dollars; For permanent annuity, for education, per second and thirteenth autides of last two treaties named above, six thousand dollars; For permanent annuity. for iron and steel, per ninth article of treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth article of treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three hundred and twenty dollars; For interest on three hundred and ninety thousand two hundred and fifty-seven dollars and ni¤ety-two cents, nt five per centum per annum, for education, support of the government, and other beucBcinl purposes, under the direction of the general council of the Cboctaws, in conformity with the provisions contained in the ninth and thirteenth articles of treaty of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty- flye, and treaty of June twentysccourl, eighteen hundred mul fifty-five, mncteeo thousand five hundred and twelve dollars and eighty-nine een;;; nu all, thirty thousand aud tbirty~two dollars und eighty-nine oeu · . 14 sm., ms. That the sum of ten thousand dollars is hereby appropriated out of the tlyrec hundred thousand dollars reserved by the third article of the treaty with the Ohoctaws and Chicksaws concluded April eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, for the purpose of educating fxeedmcn in sand tubes, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of · the Interior, three-fourths thereof for the freedmen among the Choc P¤>*i¤¤- taws, and one-fourth for the freedmen among the Chickasaws : PM- vidcd, fhat said sum of ten thousand dollars shall be deducted in like proportxou from any moneys in this not appropriated to be pdd said'