Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/100

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72 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 17 7 , 178. 1884. G¤¤1i¤S ; Whw Bled as herein provided for, said company shall commence grading said °° ""'“”"’“°°· located line within six mouths thereafter or such location shall be void as to any occupant thereoil _ Right or e m. Sec. 7. The officers, servants and employees of smd company, necesl**°>‘*'*=** Ul f€Si*l•¤ suny to the construction, operation and management of said road and "" ““'d“· °*°· telegraph and telephone lines shall be allowed to reside, while so en guged upon said right of way, but subject to the provisions of the Indian iuteeourse laws and such rules and regulations as may be established by the Secretary of the Interior, in accordance with said innercourse laws. What courts ee SEO. 8. That the United States circuit and district courtsfor the north- P¤‘·f¤__ ¢9¤·=¤¤‘P<¤¤¢ ern district of Texas, the western district of Arkansas, the district of ·*“““““‘“°“* °“‘· Kansas, and such other court as may be authorized by Congress shall have, without reference to the amount in controversy, con-current jurisdiction over all controversies arising between said Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway Company, and the nations and tribes through whose territory said railway shall be constructed. Said courts shall have like jurisdiction, without reference to the amount in controversy, over all comroversies arising between the inhabitants of said nations or tribes and said railway company; and the civil jurisdiction of said courts is hereby extended within the limits of said Indian Territory, without distinetion nslio citizenship oflfhe parties, so Ear as maybe necessary to carry out the revisions 0 this act. 1.mms iorfeited, Sec. 9. Thai; said railwadycompany shall build at least one hundred $¥¤_·· fw *"¢¤i¤f¤ *0 miles of its railway in said Territory within three years after the pas- ’“‘m '°“‘I· . sage of this act, or this grant shall be forfeited as to than portion not built, that said railroad company shall construct and maintain contin- Br i d g e s and ually all road and highway crossings, and necessary bridges, over said ¤>¤d _¤¤*i highww railway wherever said roads and highways do now or may hereafter cross ""°"'"g“· said railways right of way, or may be by the proper authorities laid out across the same. Conditionsofam Sec. 10. That the said Gulf, Colorado and Santa. Fe Railway Com- °°P*?¤°° °f 8*'¤¤*>S pany shall accept this right of way upon express condition, binding P"'"""' upon itself, its successors and assigns, that they will neither aid, advise, · nor assist in any effort looking toward the changing or extinguishing _ the present tenure of the Indians in their lands, and will not attempt to secure from the Indian nations any further grant of land, or its oc- . cupancy, than is hercinbefore provided: Provided: That} any violation __ of the condition mentioned in this section shall operate as a forfeiture of all the rights and privileges of said railway company under this acl:. Mongagmm, S120in0N 11. All mortgages executed by said Railway Company conto be moo in veying any portion of its railroad, with its franchises, that may be cong;{‘(;’1}’*“‘°"* °f 1* stmcted in said Indian Territory, shall be recorded in the Department ‘ of the Interior, and the record thereof shall be evidence and notice of their exeelution and shszlld convey all rights and property of said company as therexn express . IHS2c. 12. Congress may, at any time amend, add to alter or repeal t 's act. Approved. July 4, 1884. CHAP. 17 —An act to amend an acts r~0v0dJ fifteen , el nu July 4’ 188* eigmy-tw?)-, entitled ‘*An act to incresele the wnutg supplyndf tg:. ton and for other purposes." Be it enaejed by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Act w increase States of America in Congress assembled, That section three of an act

l*}° H?;
“;, QQ,P¤l;}]{ approved July Hfceenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled

$,,8,;,,; ,,m,¤ded_ •*An act to increase the water supply of the city of Washington, and 22 Sum 16B_ for other purposes” be, and the same is hereby. amended as follows: ' Add to said section the following words: “A»d provided further, Tlmt