Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/104

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76 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 179, 180. 1884. dition mentioned in this section shall operate as a forteiture of all the rights and privileges of said railway company under t111s act. _ t0}'{]°"g"§;;· 3**% Sec. 11. All mortgages executed by said railway company conveymg 1,,,,;,:: ° DEP,,;; any portion of its railroad, with its franchises, that may be constructed mem. in said Indian Territory, shall be recorded in the Department oi the Interior, and the record thereof shall be evidence and notice of their excntion, and shall convey all rights and property of said company as therein expressed. Sec. 12. Congress may, at any time, amend, add to, alter or repeal this act. Approved, July 4, 1884. July 4, 1894, CHAP. 180.—An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses ———;-— of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulamons with various Indian tribes, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-five, and fo1‘ 0th€l.' pUl'pOS6B. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United lndian app ro- States of America in O0ng·res.v assembled, That the following sums bc, and P¤%¤°¤ for 5’°*¤‘ they are hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not ‘;§gQ”g J"" 30* otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of paying the current and cou- ' tingent expenses of the Indian Department, and ihlfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, namely: Indian agents at For pay of sixty agents of Indian ailhirs at the following-named ¤8<*¤¤*•>¤· agencies, at the rates respectively indicated, namely: At the Warm Springs agency, at one thousand dollars; At the Klamath agency, at one thousand one hundred dollars; At the Grand Ronde agency, at one thousand dollars; At the Siletz agency, at one thousand two hundred dollars; At the Umatilla agency, at one thousand two hundred dollars; At the Neal; Bay agency, at one thousand dollars; At the Quinaielt agency, at one thousand dollars; At the Yakama agency, at two thousand dollars; At the Colville agency, at one thousand five hundred dollars; At the Nisqually and S’Kokomish agency, at one thousand two hundred dollars; At the Tnlalip agency, at one thousand dollars; At the Round Valley agency, at one thousand five hundred dollars; At the Tulc River agency, at one thousand dollars · At the Mission agency, at one thousand three h|1.Dd’1'8d dollars; At the Nevada agency, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; d At the Western Shoshone agency, at one thousand eight hundred ollars; · At the Nez Perces agency, at one thousand six hundred dollars; At the Lemhi agency, at one thousand one hundred dollars; At the Fort Hall agency, at one thousand five hundred dollars; At the Flathead agency, at one thousand tivo hundred dollars; At the Blackfeet agency, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; At the Crow agency, at two thousand dollars; At the Fort Peck agency, at two thousand dollars; At the Fort Belknap agency, at one thousand dollars; At the Yankton agency at one thousand six hundred dollars; At the Crow Creek and Lower Brnle agency, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; At the Standing Rook agency, at one thousand seven hundred dollars; At the Cheyenne River agency, at one thousand tivo hundred dollars; At the Fort Bert hold agency, at one thousand ilve hundred dollars; At the Sissetou agency, at one thousand ilve hundred dollars;

 the Dcvil’s Lake agency, at one thousand two hundred dollars;

At the Pine Ridge agency, at two thousand two hundred dollars; At the Rosebud agency, at two thousand two hundred dollars;