Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/14

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Xi\’ LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. l Page. George J. Slmmard. An act to increase the pension of George J. Stnmmrc`!. Iafc u ma]0l‘-g‘€I1GI‘3l of 33 volunteers. June 12, ISM .. .- .- --·--- ;- -- ——-·-· ·---- ···· · ·‘ ‘‘‘‘ f Ellen lll. Flagg. An art granting n. pension to Mfr. EUPH M· NHS; June 127 1884 ·· ··-······· ·· "j]'j Ruben M. I·'lack. An act granting a, pension to Robert M. F120k Jim? 12, 1884 -----· - ---- - ······ SYM Theodore l`. Ilmrkiuv. An act granting a pension to "fhemlnro C. Hauvkms. June 12, 1884 JM Iaaue-Re:-d. An act fm- the rcliefof Isaac Reed. Jmlé 12. U‘¤‘4 ------ · -—-·------··--— -· ···—······· 5534 Charlulle Day. An act for the relief of Charlotte D8)'. JHHG I2, 1*84- -_ ·-···--·---- - · ---·-· · ····· 5*4 Julia A. Run. An act. granting a pension K0 Jnlin A- R<>S¤· JQ11B W, W84 ---·-·- --- ---- ·- ···--·-- Eliza W. Patleraem. A11 act for the relief of Eliza W. PBR0f50B- J ¤¤€ IU, 1884 ---- - --·-- —--· -—-- da Z. M. Pettigrew. An act for the relicfof Z. M. Pvttigrcw. Jl1D? 26, IU84- ------ - ---- _- ----·- · -·--- 535 Mary J. Vaughan. An act for the relief ofMary J. Vaughan. Jmw 20, 1884 ------ · --··· - --------· 535 Albert Jehle. A11 acting granting npensiun I0 Albert Jehlc. J11D0 20, *884 ----------------- -- ---- 535 Tlwmap Patton. An act granting il pension 10 Thomas Pattvll. -711116 20, I884· -------- ·-·- -·-- ---· 536 Martin Kelly. An act: to increase the pension of Martin Kelly. June 20, l884 --·----------·-— ··-· 5% Sally Mallory. An act granting an increase of pension to Sally Mahury ---- - ----- - ···-- · ----- 5-** George Prince. An act granting a pension to George Prince. June 20, IEB4 ---------- ---· ·--- ---- Welliam McClure. An act granting a. peusinn to Williann McClure. Juno 20, 1884:..: .: ..:. ...--- 530 Wellian H. I’arIm·. An ncn to remove thu disabilities of William H. Parker, of V1rg1ma, mcurrcd ‘ under the fourteenth amendment of the Constitution. J una 20, 12-684 ... . . . 5:i7 A. M. Wilson. An act granting apunsion to A. M. Wilsonn. June 24, 1884 . .. . . . . 537 Henry Nnrman. An act to remove certain disabilities of Henry N cwman. June 26, 188:1 ._ . . . . . 537 Robert D. Thorban-n. An act to remove tho disabilities of Robert D. Thorburu, of Virgnms. J unc 537 Qi, 1884 __________,__,____ _ _,_,,____,, , _,,,,..__,_ _ ,,.,... . . .. -... Hiram M. Howard. An act for the rcliofof Hiram M. Howard, of Richland, Kansas. J unc 27, 1884. 537 Mary E. Manny. An act granting a. pension to MuryE. Murray. . June 27. 1884 .. .--- 538 Salaam Ann Walker. An act granting so pension tc Salome Ann Walker. J unc 27, 1894 . -- 538 J. O. Rawlins. An act for the relief of the snraties of the late J. 0. Rawlins. Juno 28, 1884 . . 538 Sarah A. Redmond. An act for the relief of Sarah A. Redmond. Juno 30, 1884 . . . 538 Saint [.ul·c’a Protatant Ljmcopal Church. An act for the relief of Saint Lukels Protestant Episcopal Church, in the District of Columbia. June 30, 1884 .. ---- ... . - 539 Miles B. Farlin. An niet gm¤tin¥ :1. pension to Miles B. Farliu. July 1, 1884 . 539 Judith Lauler. An act for the rc ief of Judith Lanier. July 1, 1884 . . .- .. 539 Mary P. MacBla·i1·. An act granting a. pension to Miss Mary P. MacB1air. July 1, 1884 .. - 539* Louisa V. do Kilpatrick. An act granting a pension to Louisa V. de Kilpatrick, widow of Major- Genera.] Judson Kilpatrick. July 1, 1884 .. . ... .. .. ,. .. -. -- .- -. 539 Isabella J. Rmnsdcll. An act granting s pension to Isabella J. Ramada!]. July I, 1884 540 Atlantic Alcohol Company. An act for the relief of the Atlantic Alcohol Company, of Atlantic, State of Iowa; July 2, 1884 .. - - . . . . . . . . . 540 J. I Pickztt. An actfor tho relief J. T. Pickett. July 2, 1884 . ... - . . . . . 540 Harriett S. Brisbin. An act granting a pension to Harrmtt S. Brisbiue. July 2, 1884 . . 540 Elizabeth H. Lawler. An act granting a. pension to Elizabeth H. Lawler. July 3, 1884 ... 540 Janus King. All act granting a pension to James King. July 3, IBS4 .. . . . ... 541 John WZ Cummins. An Act for tho relief of John W. Cummins. July 3, 1884 . -. .. 541 Barak Dix. An act granting a pension to Sarah Dayton, widow of Erastns G. Dayton. July M1 3, .-.. .. . ... . ... . . . ... . . . . . .. Solomon K. Rugglu. An act granting a pension to Solomon K. Rugglos. July 3, 1884 .. . . 541 Alonzo fu actibr the relief of Alonzo Gesuer. July 3, MM - , --.-¥ 541 Mary E iza ‘ mn. n act grantiu a. pension to lla Eliza Dickson, widow 0 Dr. Thomas Dickson. July 3, 1884 .. ... . ,? . . . . ---- . . 542 Mqa-aha B. Llc0n11a:}. An act granting a pension to Ruth; B. Mccullwh, of Freeport, Pennsylvania. July 3, 1884 .- . . .. ..,... . . . . ---, ,, . .,... --.. ..,... 542 Mathew O. Regan. An act to increase the pension of Mathew 0, Re n. July 3, 1884 ,,,, ,,,. 542 William R. Browne. An act for the relief of William R. Bmwm. J55y 3, 1884 ,, , ,. . . 542 Maria L. Hammer. Lu act for the relief of Maria. L. Hammer. July 3, 1884 ...,,.,... . ,.,,, , ,,.., 543 William J. Sawyer. An not for the relief of William J. Sawyer. July 3, 1884 ,,,,_,,,.,,...,. ,,,, 543 Christopher P. Daridaon. An act for the relief of Christopher P. Davidson. July 3, 1884 .. 543 John Alle:. An act restoring] to the pension-roll the name of John Allee. July 3, 1884. .. 543 Catherine Terry. An act. for t o relief of Catherine Terry. July 3, 1884 ,__,__,_,,, _, __,, __,, ,,,, 544 Jana Baden. An act granting a pension to James Rodau. July 3, 1884 _,,,,.,,,,...,,,,.,,,,, ,,, 544 William Prinfz. An act grnnting • pension to William Printz. July 3, 1:584 ..,. . . 544 Thomas E. Wilson. An act to increase the pension of Thomas E. Wilson. July 3, 1884 .. . 544 Emma A. Pvrch. An act granting a pension to Emma A. Porch. July 3, 1884 .. ,... .. 544 Harris! P. Dame. An act gn¤tin¥ a pension to Harriet P. Dame, July 3, IQ4 ____ _ ___,___,_ ____ 545 Ann McCa~rn¢y. An act for the rc ief of Arm McCm·¤¤y. July 3, 1854 ,___ _ ,,,__,_,_,_, , ___,_ __,_ 545 Sarah E. Price. An act granting s pension to Sm-ah E, Price. July 3, 1834,, _ ,_,_,..,,,__,,, __,_ 545 Margaret Caavidy. An act Ihr the relief of Mrs. Margaret Caggidy, July 3, 1884 ,,,,,, _ ,___ _ __,,, 545 1?cb•c¢·a J. Pierce. An act for the relief of Mm. Rebecca J. Pierce. July 3, 1884 ,,,_ _ _____ _ ____, 545 - Man; Uilery. An act gran in? as pension m Llary Ullvry. July 3, 1884 ,, ,_,,,.,,,_,,_,_,,_,. 545 John Kane. An not fur the ne ief of John Kmm. July 3, 1884 ______ _ _ ____ ____ ____ __ __________ 546 Afary C'. Jove:. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Mary C, Innes, July 4, 1384 , _,,__ _ _________ 546 Jovph B. Scllrrs. An act in increase the pension of Joseph B, sullen, July 4, ]B34 ___,__ _ _______ 545 J¤••·;·b T. f.'¤•¢’du·c1I. An acm granting s pension to .10wph T. Cumwuil. July 4, 1884 .., ,,. 546 William Reinhard!. An act gmntiuga pension to William Rvinhnrclt. July 4, 1884 ... 546 Ifatrick Dream. An act granting apension ru Patrick Drnrwy. July 4, 1884 .. . . .. 547 Predrviek WiH»rIm. An uc: granting :1 penainu to Freolerick Wilhelm, lute :1. sergeant. of Company _ L, Fifth Regiment l‘•mmey‘Xv¤ni:s V·»Iumr•·<-r <`av;;Iry. July 4. !:!r54 . . . . .. 547 I'V¤‘¤k E EVN!. All act ;:l'¤¤l}Il;; it pension hr Frgnk P. Pitkin, July 4, lyk} ___,, , _, _,_, ____ ____ 547