Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/155

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Suss. I. Ch. 227. 1884. 127 grounds ycceutly purchased by tho German Protestant Orphan Asylum ASSO(‘l3[1()}) of tho District of Columbia, now tho German Orphan Asy- lum ;XSSOCl{\Yl()ll of the District of Columbia; Provided, That the asylum shall corxorxbutoau equal sum for this purpose," and continued and umelu available for tho same purpose and subject to tho like condition tor the tisoal your eighteen hundred and eighty-tour by the act approved March third, oighycen hundred and eightythree, bo, and the same is hereby, roapproprnated and made available, without condition, for tho uses of tho institution, in the discretion of tho board of directors {xml hereafter tho Commissioners of tho District of Columbia are rc- Reports of roqunred @0 vnoit and investigate the management of all tho institutions 5=¤iP*¤ ¤¤d°¤I‘°¤d· otphurxty withiu the District which may be appropriated for out of the ‘°Y‘fl"“*b°°‘g· m Y"’ District revenues, in whole or in part, and shall require and itemized $3,,;,.8 yt 001321; ropdrt of receipts and expenditures to be made to thom,t0 be trans- gum. gnittcd with their annual report to Congress, which report shall also mcludo such recommendations as the Commissioners may deem proper concerning tho necessity for such institutions, together with n. plan for their organization and management, and estimates of appropriations necessary for their maintenance. - Fon Scvumzzrs. For sweeping, cleaning, und sprinkling streets and avenues forty Streets, sweepthousand dollars; cleaning alleys, ton thousand dollars: Provided), That i¤B» ¤1¤¤¤i¤z» °*°·» hereafter contracts for cleaning streets and alleys may be made for pc- °£I,rwm riods not exceeding tivo years, and subject to annual appropriations ' therefor by Congress; for current work of repairs of streets, avenues, and u1loys,twenty-tivo thousand dollars; current repairstocountyroads and suburban streets, twenty-iivo thousand dollars; cleaning and repairing lateral sewers and basins, twenty-two thousand dollars; 016311- ing tidal sewers, three thousand dollars; repairs to pumps, three thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and twentyoighb thousand dollars. For the parking commission: For contingent expenses, including p,,,ki,,g Bm laborers, cart-him, trees, tree-boxes, treo-stakes, treo-straps, planting and care of trees, whitcwashing, com of parks, and miscellaneous items, eighteen thousand dollars. For street-lamps: For illuminating material and lighting, extinguish- Lamps_ ing, repairing, and cleaning lamps on avenues, streets, and alleys, and for purchasing and erecting new lamp-posts, and to replace such as are old, damaged, and unfit for uso, ninety-tivo thousand three hundred and eighty dollars: Provided, That no more than twentymwo dollars per an- Pmmo. num for ouch strcctlamp shall be paid for gas, lighting, extinguishing, repairing, and cleaning under any expenditure provided for in this act; and said lamps shall burn not less than two thousand six hundred hours por annum ; and the Commissioners of the District of Columbia arc authorized to substitute other illuminating material for the same or less price, and to uso so much of tho sum hereby appropriated as may bc necessary for that purpose: Provided further, That tho Commissioners Pnmm of the District of Columbia. shall nom be authorized to make any con- Contracts for tract for gas or other illuminating material, in accordance with the pm· gas Hminod, ctc. visions of this paragraph, for any longer period than one year. FOR METROPOLITAN POLICE. For one major und superintendent, two thousand six hundred dol- Police. mrs; ono captain, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one property clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand tivo hundred dollars; one clerk, nina hundred dollars; four surgeons for the police and fire departments, at four hundred and eighty dollars ouch; for udditicmal compensation to privates detailed from time to time for special service in the detection and prevention of crime, cnc thousand four hundred and forty dollars, or so much thereof as may bc