Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/186

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15:5 FOBTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. L Ons. 234, 235. 1884. such deficiency of the revenues of said Department is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to supply the said deficiencies in the revenue of the Post Otlica Department for the year ending J unc thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eight Jive. 20 8***-$**2- Sec. 3. yThat section twentyminc of the act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine (United States Statutes at Large, page three llugxdrcd und sixty-two), bc, and it is hereby, amended so as to read as o ows: 19 Stst,335. “The provisions of the fifth and sixth section of the act entitled ‘Au act establishing postroutos, and for other PHIPOSGS, approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, for the transmission of 0H2l- 0 mc i gl man- cial mail-matter, be, and they are hereby, extended to all ohicers of tho matter- United States Government, not including members of Congress, the an- Lomsm mh on vclopcs of such matter in all cases to bear appropriate indorsements umm.; bushfus containing the proper designation of tho officc from which or officcr may iw ¤<j¤t frm from whom the same is transmitted, with a statement of the penalty

E ‘*l};ié;’;“§;;£: for their misuse. And the provisions of said fifth and sixth sections

Govammum. m1_ arc hereby likewise extended and made applicable to all official mailvdopu g 0 ’b.,M· matter of the Smithsonian Institution: Provided, That any Department statenrcnt of p¤¤· or officer authorized to uso the penalty envelopes may iucloso them “*3’g;°: 1 ik with return address to any person or persons from or through whom mmm. Q'} Sm§h_ official intormatiou is desired, the same to be used only to cover such ggniup Iumtugiun, official information, and indorsements relating thereto: Provided further, Prvriw; v¤¤=¤1ty That any letter or packet to be registered by either of the Executive

0P°; 0;; Og; Departments, or Bureaus thereof, og by the Agricultural Department,

from whom ism be or by the Public Printer, may be registered without tho payment of any received omcm registry foo; and any partpaid letter or packet addressed to either of m¤i1—r¤3¤ft•>r- said Departments or Bureaus may be delivered boo- but where there

5;’j’;:‘;{ r“‘;1“;“ is good reason to believe the omission to prepay the full postage thereon

be mgismmd fm? was intentional, such letter or packet shall be returned to tho sender: Pronho. Provided further, That this act shall not extend or apply to pension agents or other ofdccrs who receive a fixed allowance as compensation R. S. 3915101. for their services, including expenses of postages. And section thirty- Rapemm. uiuc hundred and Eileen of tho Revised Statutes of tho United States, so mr as tho same relates to stamps and stamped envelopes for odlcial purposes, is hereby repealed! Approved, July 5th, 1884. CHAP. 235.-A.n act maki a propristmmh for {rnd1in2t1mm' other of

 umm, md rm um armalfang mm; for um mm yw mal: Jm ygzzb,

eighteen hundred and eighty-Evo and for othar purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and Howe of Rqrrcacntativea of the United App,-Op,-im°¤,_ States of America in Congress assmnblcd, That out of any money in the Trca.sury not otherwise appropriated, tho following sums are hereby appropriated for the iisca.1 year ending J uno thirtieth eighteen hundred and eighty-tivo, tho same to ba expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, as hereinafter provided, for tho ibllowing purposes, namely: F,,,tm,,,ti,,,, For tho protection preservation, and repair of fortitications and other ma other works of works of defense one hundred and seventy-tivo thousand dollars. d°§;$R,S;§3d¤° mov. For the purchase of such submarine movable torpedoes, propelled awe torpedoes. and controlled by power operated from shore stations, as may be recom- M ‘, mended by the Board of Engineers of tho Army of tho United States ‘mB"h_l_iwd“- and approved by tho Secretary of War, fifty thousand dollars; for the 8 n y, ,,, , ,- g D 8 improvements and test of motors for movable torpedoes, twenty-ilvc minus. thousand dollars; for purchase of submarine mines for harbor defense,

J:>t?°*l° °*P'="· five Cll0U8l}H(1 dollgars; for continuation of torpedo experiments and for

Inhumn of pmcucal xnstrucuou of qngmocr troops m the detmls of the sorvucc, 3,,8;,,,,,, cm-P., twenty thousand dollars, m all one hundred thousand dollars.