Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/199

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FOBTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 331. 1554. 17] Burman or STATISTICS.—FOP the officer in charge of the Bureau of Officer in charge Statistics, three thousand dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; of :l“;.B“"°‘;"k‘;f four clerks of class tour; five clerks of class three; six clerks of class ,,,3, ° er ‘ two; nine clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; six eopyists; one messenger; one assistant messenger; one laborer; one female laborer, at four hundred and eighty dollars; in all, fifty thousand five hundred dollars. For collecting statistics relating to internal commerce: For the pay- Erpeuses or qument of experts, and other necessary expenditures connected with the '*°'l“3°°"""°'°“‘I collection of information relative to the internal and threign commerce °t°t"m°S‘ of the United States, five thousand dollars. BUREAU or Eneuhvrne AND Pnmcrme.-For Ohiefof Bureau, 1bur cuter umtlu of thousand five hundred dollars; one assistant, two thousand two hun- Eqgmrirrg =¤_¤ d dred and fifty dollars; accountant, two thousand dollars; one stenog- fl“;{;‘§,;s“;{'“*’ _ rupher, one thousand six hundred dollars; one clerk of class three; one n’ °` clerk of class two; four clerks of class one; one clerk, one thousand dollars; additional to one clerk as disbursing clerk, two hundred d0l· lam; three copyists, at nine hundred dollars each; two assistant messengers, and four laborers; in all, twenty-six thousand one hundred and thirty dollars. ` Orrrcm or Lum-Savme SERvICE.—For General Superintendent of G•=¤•=·r¤1S¤p<>¤ji¤· the Life Saving Service, four thousand dollars; assistant general su- g°“‘l°“°Sc°f. L"`°‘ perintendent of the Life Saving Service, two thousand five hundred ,,3;;% ,,1;3;°;,:i dollars; one topographer and liydrogmpher, one thousand eight hun- ’ ’ dred dollars; one civil engineer and draughtsman, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one principal clerk and accountant, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk of class four; three clerks of class thru; two clerks of class two; five clerks of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; five clerks, at nine hundred dollars each · one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, thirty-five thousand one hundred and eighty dollars. Sncnmr Snnvion Drvrsxon.-For one chief, three thousand ive cme: erm s•- hundred dollars; one chief clerk, two thousand dollars; one clerk of 9¤·¢ $¤¤i¤¤ Diviclass four; two clerks of class two; one clerk of class one; one clerk, :;‘;;¤_‘;l°'k‘· "‘° at one thousand dollars; and one attendant, at six hundred and eighty ' dollars; in all, twelve thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars; OFFICE OF SUPEBVISING S`D’RG·EON·GENERAL MLRINE._HOSPITAL Supervinin‘g8¤r- Simvmrz.-For Supervising SllX°gG0ll·G€ll\:l’3l,_ fom: thousand dollars; own-Gwen. •¤- one surgeon, three thousand dollars; one passed assistant surgeon. one Wr;_"'·°l°’*'·""l thousand eight hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; five clerks, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; one - clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; one hospital steward (employed as chemist). one thousand two hundred dollars; six copyists; one messenger, at fifty dollars per month ; one laborer, at forty dollars · per month; and one laborer. at thirty dollars per month ; in all, twenty- wven thousand eight hundred and forty dollars, the same to be paid trout the permanent appropriations for the Marine Hospital Service. U1··1··1cn Svrmtvrsmc lnsrnctron-GENERAL Sriumznoasr INSPEC- Supervising Inrtox Smnvicx.-For Supervising Inspector-General, three thousand five ¤£?•>:,°li· 6;** gr¤L hundred dollars; one chief clerk, not to exceed one thousand eight gnxofhzsf ° °°k°’ hundred dollars; one clerk, not to exceed one thousand six hundred dollars; two clerks, not to exceed one thousand two hundred dollars each: one messenger, not to exceed eight hundred and forty dollars; in all, ten thousand one hundred and thrty dollars; the same to bepaid trom the permanent upproprin tions for the Srea mboat lnspeetion Service. Omucis or C01tsrnUcT1•»N or >'l'A.NDARD Wmoins AND Mins- Stamludweignu mms.-J•‘or oonsirnwtion und verilicution of mmularrl weights and meus· wd m°'·““'°°» °*°- urea, including metric stundnnln, for the custom houses, other offices of the United States, and lor the seveml States, and mural stmidnrels of length in Washington. Uirnrict of Columbia, the lollowing, while actuully employed, namely : One ad_iuatei·,nt tivo dollars per day; veritier Adjuster, u u d and mechanician, at tour •l•»llm·¤ per duy each; laborer. at one dollar °“*°"·