Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/201

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FORTYEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. l. C11. 331. 1584. 173 For rent of buildings, seven thousand four hundred and twentyhve dollars. For purchase of subsistence of horses for office and mail wagons, including shoeing, and for wagons, harness, and repairs of the same, tive thousand dollars. For purchase of ice, tour thousand dollars. For purchase of [ilehoiders and tile-cases, ten thousand dollars. For purchase of coal, wood, engine oils and grease, engine hose and cotton waste, grates, grate-baskets and iixtures, stoves and fixtures, blowers, coal-hods, pokers, shovels, and tongs, fourteen thousand dollars. For purchase of gas, brackets, candles, candle- sticks, drop-lights and tubing, gas-l>urners,gas-torches, globes, lanterns, matches, match-sales, and wicks, fourteen thousand dollars. For purchase of carpets, oil-cloth, mats, and matting, and repa.irs,and for cleaning and laying of the same, by contract, eight thousand dollars. For purchase of boxes, bells and bell-pulls, boolrrests, chairs, chairuuning, chair-covers, cases, clocks, cloth for covering desks, cushions, desks, leather for covering sofas, locks, lumber, rugs, screens, shelving tor file-rooms, tables, turpcntine, varnish, ventilutors, wardrobe cabinets, water coolers and stands, window- shades and fixtures, iiiiteen thousand dollars. For washing and hennming towels, for the purchase of awnings and fixtures, alcohol, baskets, beltin g, bellows, bowls, brooms, buckets, brushes, canvas, crash, cloth, clmmoisskins, door and window fasteners, dusters, Hour, garden and street hose, lace-leather, lye, nails, oil, plants, picks, pitchers, powders, stencilplates, spittoons, soap, sponge, tacks, traps, thermometers, tools, towels, tumblers, wire and zinc; and for blaoksmithing, repairs of machinery, removal of rubbish, sharpening tools, and other absolutely necessary articles, twelve thousand dollars. INDEPENDENT TREASURY. Independent Orman or Assrsrkur Tnmsuuun u Bhnrmoun.-For assistant murmur _¤e¤¤- treasurer, four thousand five hundred dollars; for cashier, two thousand mr W B¤ll=¤¤<>r¤. five hundred dollars; for three clerks,,at one thousand eight hundred °l°'k“· °“" dollars each; for two clerks, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; for two clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollarseach; one clerk, at one thousand dollars; one messenger, eight hundred and forty dollars; three vault watchman, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all twenty-one thousand six hundred dollars. _ ‘ brmcm or run Asaxsrsnr Tniusumm u Boscrorr.-For assist- A¤¤i¤¢•¤¢ mw ant treasurer, five thousand dollars; for chief clerk, two thousand ilve m£:£°“*°”» hundred dollars; paying-teller, two thousand five hundred dollars; ’ assistant paying-teller, twd thousand two hundred dollars; vault clerk, two thousand dollars · receiving-teller, two thousand dollars; iirst bookkeeper, one thousand eight hundred dollars; second bookkeepcr, one thousand four hundred dollars; specie clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant specie clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; money clerk, one thousand Eve hundred dollars; coupon clerk and redemption clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; receipt clerk and general clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars each · assistant redemption clerk, one thousand one hundred dollars; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one clerk, eight hundred dollars; messenger and chief watchman, one thousand and sixty dollars; two watch- _ men, at eight hundred and ilfty dollars each; in all, thirty-six thousand and sixty dollars. Orman or ASSISTANT TREASURER AT CHIOAGo.-For assistant treasurer, fom- thousand five hundred dollars; for cashier, two thou- mM_ ‘°‘$°· sand five hundred dollars; for paying teller, one thousand eight hun elmd dollars · for bookkeeper and receiving teller, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; two coin, coupon, and currency clerks, at one •