Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/205

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FORTYEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CB. 331. 1884. 177 an three thousand dollars each; assistant melter and reiiner, two thou- S¤p¤ri¤¤i<·¤¤d<=¤f, sand five hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dol- “f“°1¥;'• d°*;f°”» lam; weighing clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; cashier, two ° °r °" ° °"' thousand dollars; bookkeeper, two thousand three hundred and fifty dollars; bar clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; warrant clerk, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; abstract clerk and assayer’s computation clerk, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; assistant weigh clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; register of deposits, one thousand two hundred and Gfty dollars; for sssuyefs first assistant, two thousand two hundred and ilftyy dollars; for assayefs second assistaut, two thousand one hundred and iiftsy dollars; for assayefs third assistant, two thousand dollars; in all, thirtymine thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. For wages of workmen, twenty-five thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, ten thousand dollars. Contingent exmm. ASSAY-OFFICE AT HELENA, MONTANA.—FOI salary of assayer in P°Assay-oillce, charge, two thousand five hundred dollars; and of melter, two thou- H*g°”- , sand two hundred and fifty dollars; chief clerk, one thousand eight ch“.;’:,¥d%fho:_' hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; in al], seven thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. For wages of workmen, twelve thousand dollars. For incidental and contingent expenses, eight thousand dollars. contingent: u- B0!. Asuv-orrmcn AT `Born: Cru, Ixmuo Tznnrmonr.-For assayer, W;¤¤qy-om¤¤, who shall also perform the duties of melter, two thousand dollars; one B°;‘;£**Y· I clerk, one thousand dollars ; in all, three thousand dollars. and dg? '"° °°" For incidental and contingent expenses, including labor, five thou- Contingent oxsand dollars. P°"“°“· Assln-ormcm xr Cunnomm, N cum CA1z0Luu.-For aseayer Assay- oil cc. and melter, one thousand five hundred dollars; and assistant assayer, mX“2°"°· d one thousand two hundred and ility dollars; in all, two thousand seven Mmm'? ° y " °"’ hundred and iitty dollars. _ For incidental and contingent expeusesjncluding labor, twothousand Contingent exdollars. . _ P°”’°“· · ASSAY-OFFICE AT SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI.-—For assayor in charge, Aq¤•y—0!Dcc, St. two thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand dollars; in 1**:*:-s u _ Q r i n all, three thousand Eve hundred dollars. c],,,;;,, ,,,,21 cl,,,k_ For incidental and contingent expenses, including labor, four thou- 0¤¤fi¤g¤¤t <¤- sand eight hundred dollars. - P°“’°°· G0v1¤2.1nu¤m1‘ m TEE ·1*mm11*01z1:Es. Territorial gw_ emmeuts. Tmzmmonr or Amzmu.-For salary of governor, two thousand six Arizmm. hundred dollars; chief justice and two associate judges, at three thou- Salaries. sand dollars each; secretary, one thousand eight hundred dollars; interpreter and translator in the executive office, five hundred dollars; in all, thirteen thousand nine hundred dollars. For legislative expenses, namely: For per diem of members and om- Legislative cxcers of the legislative assembly; mileage of members; printing; rent; P°¤°°°· extra clerk; light, fuel, stationery, and other incidental expenses; hire of porter and messenger for S€Cl‘Bt81'_Y’S odlce; and incidental expenses for secretary’s olllce, including safe for same, twenty-five thousand six hundred and ninety dollars. . For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the gov. Contingent exeruor, five hundred dollars. P°““’· Tmunxwoxr or D.u:0<u.—For salary of governor, two thousand six Dukotn. hundred dollars; chief justice nnd‘lIve associate judges, as three thou- S•1¤ri¤¤· sand dollars each ; and secretary, at one thousand eight huud red dollars, twenty-two thousand four hundred dollars. _ Furl Relative expenses, namely: For per diem of members and om- L¢:i¤i¤*¤*¤ ¤- mm of we legislative assembly; mileage of members; printing; rent P°"'·‘°* xxm-—-12