Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/224

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196 FOBTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 332. 1884. New 01‘I¤¤¤¤ For custom-house at New Orleans, Louisiana: For plumbing, and for completion of repairs, twenty-five thousand dollars. Naw HMM- For court-house and post-office at New Haven, Connecticut: For extension and repairs of building, ilfty thousand dollars. Paducah- For court-house and post-orliee at Paducah, Kentucky: For iron ienee and gates, two thousand dollars. Peoria- For post-office and court-house at Peoria, Illinois: For continuation of building, fifty thousand dollars. 22 Stat-.170, And the act approved July fifteenth, eighteen hundred and eighty- P°“¤m‘°°P°‘°· two, authorizing the construction of a building at Poughkeepsie, New York, is so amended as to require an open space of not less than thirty- _ hve feet in lieu of nity feet on the west and north sides of said building. Q“‘“°Y· For post-office and court-house at Quincy, Illinois: For continuation of building, forty thousand dollars. 8°“’·°*·°”· For post-office at Scranton, Pennsylvania: For completion of build- _ ing thirty-seven thousand ilve hundred dollars. 8****** ·’°°°Ph· Flor post-office at Saint Joseph, Missouri: For continuation of building, forty thousand dollars. SF’°·°“*°· F or post-office and court-house at Syraeuse,lNew York: For continuation of building, seventy five thousand dollars; stone used in the construction of said building to be procured from quarries in the State of New York. - T°!°d°- For custom-house and court-house at Toledo, Ohio: For continuation , of building, fifty thousand dollars. T<>1>¤k¤- For court-house and p0st·office at Topeka, Kansas: For approaches, _ fencing, and grading, ten thousand dollars. U¤¤¤· For court-house and postroiliee at Utica, New York: For outstanding bills for completion of building, seven hundred and nineteen dol- _ _ lars and seventeen cents. wm"“"'P‘¥“· For court-house and postponice at Wnliamsporti Pennsylvania: For _ continuation of building, twenty-ive thousand dollars. Dvg°°’"”¢*°°· For Treasury building at Washington, District of Columbia : Annual ‘repairs to Treasury building, ilfteen thousand dollars. Rqisirssndpras- For repairs and preservation of public buildings: Repairs and pres-

 °*` P°"l‘° ervation of custom-houses, conrthonscs, postomces, and other public

g°‘ buildings, under control of Treasury Department, one hundred and forty _ · thousand dollars. M“*"°h°*P*W¤· d Igor repairs and preservation of marine hospitals, twenty thousand o ars. , “P°¤**°¤**•¤’!» To erect the unilnishcd portion of the United States penitentiary at 3*:1 L°°$°’ M°“' Deer Lodge, Montana Territory, and to complete the same in accordance with the original plans, ilftcen thousand dollars: Provided, That the work shall be carried on under the direction and general supervision of the governor of the Territory of Montana. United States For the repair- of the United States mint building at Denver, Cologsuggr l>¤iid¤¤s. rado, fifteen thousand dollars. erlyelarlaulic pas- mcFo;·l hydiralulic passelriger elevavtpr gz; at spxorpher of B52511- °. °'£'*. *'· n an stree nownas in s ‘ in thousand ve W*¤5°*’°”°**°*¤•> hundred dollars. ub g’ _ Insppcnnorpub- To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to employ a suitable per-

    • 9, "°*m¤;K¤» f¤¤‘· son to inspect all public buildings and examine into their requirements

ggixféclgggcjnfj for furniture and other furnishings, including mel, lights, and other penance.currehlggcsgeuses, three thousand dollars; and for necessary expenses, not ex ing three thousand dollars; in all, six thousand dollars: Prmw. Provided, That a report in detail of all such inspection shall be made to the Secretary of the Treasury who shall annually transmit the same to Congress. culligh t-houses. LIGI!'l'·HOU8E8, BELCOIIB, nm 1*00-sm»1uLs. Eri•L•¤dLight- That the Erie Land Light-House, discontinued by Light-House Board. Elms; be, and the same is hereby, rc-established on the site where it stood