Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/266

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238 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 334. 1884. Salaries, pvc-, For payment of amounts found due by the accounting officers of the °f’¥°°*°'“ °f *”*°" Treasury on account of salaries and expenses of collectors of internal u" r°v°°°°‘ revenue, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, thirty-two dollars and sixty-nine cents, Agents, etc.,sal- Salaries and expenses of agents and subordinate officers of internal °“°°°”df°°°· revenue: For salaries and expenses of agents and surveyors, for fees and expenses of gaugers, for salaries of storekeepers, and for miscellaneous expenses, eighty-thousand dollars _ . LIFE sAv1NG SERVICE. Volunteer surf The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized to expend from ¤¤°¤»P¤Y¤¤°¤* *°· the appropriation “Life·Saving Service, eighteen hundred and eighty- three,” for payment of volunteer surfmen of the Point Marblehead and Cleveland Life-Boat Stations, seven men two days each, three men one day each, and seven men eight days each, respectively, for services rendered under the direction of the keepers of the stations named on the occasions of the great floods of the Cuyahoga and Ohio Rivers in the month of February, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, such sum as in his discretion shall be just, not exceeding eight dollars per day to each person for each day’s service nznnrroums. Members, em., For compensation of officers and members of the legislative assembly , ,138*d¤€,;*;h19¤¤¤¤- of Washington Territory, during special session of the legislative as- Tgéimw ';,$f‘;'f sembly from December second to December seventh, eighteen hundred m,,,t,,,,cf, t0_ and eighty-one, inclusive, as per proclamation of Governor William A. Newell, one thousand one hundred and ninety-four dollars. MISCELLANEOUS, umd", of .1,. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to transfer hom the appro- 1>¤>1>ri•ti¤¤s. priation for “ contingent expenses Treasury Department, furniture, and T*°•1'"'¥ D°· so forth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three," a sum not exceeding tive wwwthousand dollars to supply a deficiency in the appropriation for- contingent expenses, Treasury Department, miscellaneous items, eighteen hundred and eighty-four," To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to transfer from the appro- _ priatiorr for “ fuel, light, and water for public buildings, eighteen hundred and eighty~two," a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars to supply a deficiency in the appropriation for “fuel, light, and water for public buildings, eighteen hundred and eighty-three,” Assay-office, Assay-oliice at Boise City, Idaho Territory: For wages of workmen B<>i¤¤ City- and contingent expenses, four hundred dollars, National cur- For payment of amount found due by the accounting officers of the r¤¤¢=y· Treasury on account of expenses national currency, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty -three, one thousand tive hundred and forty-six dollars and fifteen cents, Coast and Geo- For payment of amount found due by the accounting officers of the d¤¤¢= §q¤’Y¤y»W¤¤¤- Treasury on account of Coast and Geode: io Survey western division, ““ d“'*°‘°“· being a deiiciency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-three, twentyseven dollars and ninety-five cents, Repairs or veg- For payment of amount found due by the accounting officers of the win, vw Survey- Treasury on account of repairs of vessels, Coast Survey, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-two, eighty-eight dollars and fiftysix cents, · Observation or For this amount to supply a deiiciency in the appropriation made by wliw ¤f' UN wr- the act of March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, to enable the National Academy of Sciences to make observations of the eclipse of the sun on the sixth day of May, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, twentylour dollars and seventy-six cents,