Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/275

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 334. 1884. 247 For telegraphing and purchase of Indian supplies, being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-three, two hundred and eighty-tive dollars and twelve cents, For amount due the Shawnee Indians for arrears of annuities under arrenrsufannuithe third article of treaty of May tenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, sg? *° Sh°“"”°° 1* being a part of the balance due the said Shawnees for lands ceded to lgsémh ww the United States under the first article of said treaty, nine thousand 10 sms; iu5g_ four hundred and thirty seven dollars and sixty-two cents, caused by the defalcation of Harrison B. Branch, superintendent of Indian affairs, in eighteen hundred and sixty-one and eighteen hundred and sixty-two, For this amount, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the Eastern band or expenses of the delegates representing the Eastern band of Cherokee Ch°’°k°: {“da*’£“» Indians, while in the city of Washington, attending to the business of g,’:,,°:,,_ °` the band or tribe, during the year eighteen hundred and eighty-four, ' including traveling expenses to and from said city, one thousand two hupdred and fifty dollars, to be paid out of any funds belonging to said tri POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, Postgnotlnee De— To supply a deficiency in the appropriations for contingent expenses Contingent exof the Post-Onice Department for the tiscal year eighteen hundred and P¤¤¤¤¤· eightythree, as follows : Stationery, thirty dollars and forty cents; gas, sixty-eight dollars and eighteen cents; painting, seventeen dollars an thirteen cents; miscellaneous items, three hundred and sixty-eight dollars and iihsy-eight cents; publication of post route maps, one hundred and ten dollars, and nity cents; in all, five hundred and ninety-four dollars and seventy-nine cents, To pay Mrs. Mary O. Bradley for use of a portion of the building on Mary C. Bradthe corner of Third and East Capitol streets for a branch post office, in 1°¥» P¤·¥¤¤°¤* *0- the city of Washington, from October first, eighteen hundred and eightyoneilto June thirtieth, eighmen hundred and eighty-four, inclu- . sive, nine undred and ninety dollars, ` For compensation of omcers and employees in the Post Office De- Omeers and empartment, fourteen thousand and flfty-two dollars and nineteen cents; Pl°Y6¤· ¤*¤¤°¤¤¤’¥» for stationery for use of the Post Office Department, one thousand five QZ? 0% ;';°“l‘ff;`:fQ hundred and twenty-one dollars and seventy-eight cents; for rent of mm, mpg st,,, money-order office, two thousand dollars; for post—route maps, four fuel, gas. thousand one hundred and ninety-seven dollars and eighteen centsfor fuel and heating, one thousand four hundred and seven dollars and thirty-two cents; for gas, one thousand five hundred and eighty-three dollars and sixty-six cents; for Oilieial Postal Guide, two thousand 9¤•=i¤·i PMN seven hundred dollars; for hardware, one hundred and seventy-three ¥‘“d°· dollars and eighty-eight cents; for painting, seventeen dollars and forty cents; for furniture, nine dollars; in all, twenty-seven thousand six hundred and sixty-two dollars and forty-one cents; the same being rendered necessary by the embezzlement of the late disbursing officer of the Post-Omce Department, rosrru. snnvrcn, P¤¤1=¤1 •¤rvi<>¤· For rent, light, and fuel, five thousand dollars; for cotton, jute, and Bout. •*·¤-. €¤‘¤• hemp twine, eight thousand dollars; for tree-delivery service, fourteen f*;"f,"'Y.{°;'1Y’&::g thousand six hundred and fifty-three dollars and forty cents; for inland ,:,,?,:t,:,”;`,°'m,,,¤_ mail transportation by railroad routes five hundred thousand dollars; gen, pbnnge for mail messengers, fifteen thousand dollars; for adhesive postage- ¤¢¤¤¤1>¤,¤¤¤P¤»P¤¤*•· stamps, ten thousand dollars; for post route maps, one thousand eight ""·'*°"· hundred and sixty dollars; for compensation of postmasters, one million seven hundred thousand dollars, including one million two hundred and ninety-seven thousand six hundred and sixty-five dollars for additional compensation of postmasters of the fourth class, as provided by the act approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, from 29 $*•*-.602-