Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/306

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278 ronrrnronrn conemzss. Sess. r. Rss. 47, ls. ies4. W.E;Morgau. hundred and thirty five dollars; to W. E Morgan, Eve hundred and gg)- b- Bguéb five dollars; to Geo S. Bell, one hundred and eighty dollars; to Thomas m,,k§"”°°` B. Shoemaker, forty-five dollars; to §Villiaé11lCr1Hin, nnéelhunvdred do]. 'W'll'· G m . lars · to E. W. W. Griffin nine hun re dollars · to . . ish nine

 Ggihg- hundred dollars; to Franl; Wilson, nine hundred dollars; to J F Thom Iiggggdéhmn son, one hundred and seventy one dollars; to Charles D. Merwin, thirty

J_F_Th0mp,,,,,,_ dollars; in all, five thousand one hundred and four dollars, out of any Charles D. Mer- money appropriated for the District of Columbia not otherwise specifi- Wig- t cally set apart for special purposes. aymmt °' Approved, July 7, 1884. July 7, 1884. [48.] Joint resolution authorizing the immediate payment of the omcers and em- ——-—-——·—— ployees of the Senate and of the House for the month of July. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States Compenggtigutg of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Senate and employees of Sen the Clerk of the House of Representatives be, and they are hereby, 2:; ‘;’£18E[;‘;’°» authorized and directed to pay to the officers and employees of the 4,,,;,,1). availablgi Senate and the House borne upon the annual roll their respective compensaiuons including the Capitol Police for the month of July_ eighteen hundred and eighty four as soon as practicable after the adjournment of . this session of Congress. Approved, July 7, 1884.