Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/367

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Un. 314, 315. 1885. 339 public building under and by virtue of an act of Congress approved May twenty-nfth, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, entitled “An act to 188-2, vol. 22, en. provide for the erection of a public building at Detroit, Michigan ;” and 18% P- 96- the moneys received from such sale shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States. Sec. 3. That in the event of the purchase and use of an entire new site, then, after the erectionof the building provided for in the iirst section of this act, or at such a time as the exigencies and needs of the public business may render such action prudent and desirable, the Secre- - tary of the Treasury is authorized and directed to sell, at public auction, for cash, and after thirty days’ advertisement of the time, place, and terms of sale, the property or site now owned and occupied by the United States as a post-omce, custom-house, and for other offices of the United States; and the moneys received from such sale shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States: Provided, That the Secretary Promo. of the Treasury may, in his discretion, delay the sale of the property Sale of property referred to in the second section of this act, and ofer the same for sale d°]*|{°d :$*hs°‘*¤· jointly with the property referred to in this section of this act, and in , :’,?T,._,w,,.y_ ` like manner and terms : Provided further, That the Secretary of the Treasury, in any and every case of an attempted sale, shall be authorized and empowered to reject any bid which in his opinion shall be less Bid to be rothan the value of the property or part thereof offered for sale under the ·l:°*°dd°” Pmw provisions of this act, and reotfer the same for sale in the manner above °° m ° ‘ provided until the said property shall bring a fair price. Sm:. 4. That an act entitled “An act to provide for the erection of a public building at Detroit, Michigan," approved May twentydlfth, · mgg, vg], gg, up eighteen hundred and eighty-two, being chapter one hundred and 187,p.96,repea1ed. eighty- seven of volume twenty-two of the Statutes of the United States, is hereby repealed: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be Prccicc. · construed as in any manncralfecting the appropriation so far made for .. . the purgse contemplated in that act but that the same shall be avail- able to applied in e8ecting the objects sought under the provisions of this act. · Approved, March 2nd, 1885. OHL?. 315,-An act providin for the emotion of a building tccontain the records, Hitch 3, 1886. library, and museum of the Medical Department, United States Army. ··—·j—· Be€¢enactedby theS•nalem•dHoau ofBepreu·ntatioae of the United States of Amerieaén Oongreac aomnbled That a brick and metal ire- V[¤¤hi¤$*¤¤» proof building, to be used for the safe-heeping of the records, library, 1),,;*,;,,,,,0,1 °fbuM_ and museum of the Surgeon-General’s Office of the United States Army, - fm ,,0,,,,,,, m,, is hereby authorized to be constructed upon the Government reserva- olds, library, md tion in the city of Washington, in the vicinity of the National Museum ¤¤¤••¤¤¤ of *b• and the Smithsonian Institution, on a site to be selected by a commis- ggdgfl I?,:}}}:',, sion composed of the Secretary of War, the Architect of the Capitol, g,,,,, Q_,.,,,, and the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and in accordance Site. with plans and specifications submitted by the Surgeon-General of the Plano; cost. Army and approved by said commission, the cost of the building, when completed, not toexceed the sum of two hundred thousand dollars; the building to be erected and the money expended under the direction and superintendence of the Secretary of War. - 8% 2. Th:} the sum of two hlpndred thousaml dpllars is hereby appro- APPNPUIEW pria , out any moneys in the Treasuryno o proprip for the commencement and completion of said building. ap Approved, March 2, 1885.