Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/369

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FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 319. 1885. 341 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqireseatatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United Pqesidentwrnllot States cause lands to be allotted to the confederated bands of Cayuse, ;’0€31‘;“';:f';; 1**;;*: wouu-weuu, one Umomin. Indians, residing upon aio Umatilla Beser- ,,,,,,,,2,; c§;‘},__,_ vation, in the State of Oregon, as follows, of agricultural lands: Walla·Walla, ani To each head of a family, one hundred and sixty acres; to each sin- Umutiils Indians gle person over the age of eighteen years, eighty acres; to each orphan ‘”P0’°K;:·° and child being under eighteen years of age, eighty acres; and to each ,,0 ,,u,,,,,,,,,,:,_ child under eighteen years of age not otherwise provided for, forty acres. Allotments to heads of families and to children under eighteen years srrotinents; how of age belonging to families shall be made upon the selections made by ¤¤¤d¤· the head of the family; allotments to persons over eighteen years of age not classed as heads of families shall be made upon the selection- of such persons; and allotments to orphans shall be made upon selections made by the agent in charge, or other person duly authorized by the Department. In addition to the allotments of agricultural lands to said Indians in severalty as herein provided, there shall be reserved a reasonable amount of pasture and timber lands for their use, to be used by said Indians in common, and there shall also be selected and set apart for an industrial farm and school six hundred and forty acres of agri- Industrial farm cultural lands. Before any allotments are made, a commission of three **2 °°'l°°:· t f disinterested persons to be appointed by the President shall go upon °0m¥,}’,‘;§‘°:f°° ° said reservation and ascertain as near as may be the number of In- pom, dogma, dians who will remain on said reservation, and who shall be entitled to take lands in severalty thereon, and the amount of land required to make the allotments; and thereupon said commission shall determine and set apart so much of said reservation as shall be necessary to supply agricultural lands for allotments in severalty, together with endlcient pasture and timber lands for their use, and six hundred and forty acres for an industrial farm und school, not exceeding one hundred and twentythousandacre•in theaggregateforallpur·poses;andthesame shall be inas compact aformas possible. Said commission shall report Commission to · to the Secretary of the Interior the number and classes of persons en- ¤¤fl¤·f¢*¤$¤¤¤¤*¤’! titled to allotments, as near as they may be able to, the metesand ° I"*°'l°‘· bounds of the tract·by.the1n selected: for said Indians, and designate the particularetract selected thr ~ou=iusu»n·iu·i farm and school; andif the if•¤l¤¤¤¤d¤‘•¤* same shall be approved by the Secretary of the Interior the said tract ':‘} as shall thereahzcr constitute the reservation for said Indians, and within 1,,,,,.;,,,, it dun which the allotments herein provided for shall bemade. The said tract constitute the resshall be surveyed, orsomuch thereofas shall berequrediirallotruents, •¤¤!*i¤¤¤ ¤f wi and as soon as such approved the selections and allot- I"& md PW ments endl be made. The `dent shall cause patents to issue to all ,,,,,_ persons to whom allotments of lands shall be made under the provisions of this act, which shall be of the legal effect, and declare that the United States does and will hold the land thus allotted, for the period United stuten of twenty-five years, in trust for the sole use and beneilt of the Indian *0 NU lm'! i¤ to whom such allotment shall have been made, or in case of his de- f,}"':`,,";",],? @3 cease, of his heirs according to the lawsof the State of Oregon, and y,,,., y that at the expiration of said period the United States will convey the same by patent to said Indian, or his heirs as aforesaid, in fee, discharged of said trust and free of all charge or iucumbrance whatsoever-: Provided, That the law of alienation and descent in force in the Prniso. State of Oregon shall apply thereto after patents have been executed, *1]** dl: mw except as hereinotherwise provided: Prooidedfurtlier, That any Indian Om mp; or Indians residing upon said reservation hereafter provided for them me umuoo of who may desire to remove to or settle upon any other reservation shall patent. be permitted todo so, and shall retain their right to share their equal m£“* proportion of bcnents to be derived from any nd that may arise from xwwu °"°°’ the sale of any of the lands of said Umatilla Reservation, and in addition the equitable value of the right to take lands in severalty on said reservation, to be determined by the Secretary of the Interior and taken